Monday, 10 December 2012
by adminstube

Civil Society Training









Civil society in Indonesia has not been completely realized! With more than 200 million of population spread out over thousand islands, various livelihood, education, economic, tradition and culture, Indonesia has many potential constrains. Access inequality brings many development gaps among its areas, moreover, the economic improvement is merely enjoyed by  those who have access. That’s why strengthening civil society is very important. Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta wants to learn it much in a Civil Society training with Let’s Make Synergy and Wake Up for Nation as the theme. 


Discussion with ICM (Indonesia Corruption Monitoring) coordinator, Tri Wahyu KH, S.H held on 20th and 28th of November 2012, is the start point of the training series. It opens the participants’ insight about what actually the understanding of civil society is. The civil society training is continued on 7th - 9th of December 2012 in Wisma Sargede Yogyakarta with the participants from different areas and fields of study. This training asks the participants to think about what civil society is and what problems people are facing about. Visiting some social organizations such as Satunama Foundation and Ombudsman Republik Indonesia (ORI) and having group discussion with the representative of Lembaga Ombudsman Swasta (LOS) give comprehension to the participants about civil society and what institution they can complain to if they have dissatisfying public service problems


Satunama Foundation located on Sendangadi, Mlati, Sleman, is a community based education foundation which assists people, especially in East Indonesia. Ombudsman Republik Indonesia Delegation of D. I. Yogyakarta and Central Java (firstly named Komisi Ombudsman Nasional) is a state institution in Indonesia with authority to control the implementation of public services, held by either government operator or private corporation includes Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD), and Badan Hukum Milik Negara (BHMN), which have duty to run certain public services using part or whole fund from APBN (state’s fund) or APBD (region’s fund) as the sources. Lembaga Ombudsman Swasta (LOS) DIY, deputed by Dwi Priyono, S.H. as the member of LOS DIY Cooperation and Society Reinforcement sector, said that LOS works to realize labor implementations which are fair, corruption and nepotism free, authority abuse free.


Process how to make regulation controled by society was explained by Sri Handayani RW, S.H., M.H., lecturer of Law Faculty of Janabadra University Yogyakarta. Participants are asking many questions about steps to design a regulation, how society’s effect to control and give some suggestions to the process, and how the implementation of public hearing between council and civil society.



Some models of civil society reinforcement in many fields are delivered by Dr. Murti Lestari (economic aspect), Dr. Wimmie (Information Technology aspect), Susilo Nugroho or Den Baguse Ngarso (art and culture aspect) and Suparlan from WALHI (environmental aspect).



The final conclusion of civil society in many aspects of reinforcement model is to make skillfull and competent society with inner motivation to be a quantitatively growing society that can be called as high-grade society. ***

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Monday, 3 December 2012
by adminstube

Local Exposure





     Local exposure is one of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta’s programs. This program gives college students, especially Stube-HEMAT activists as the priority, a chance to go back to their home or local town and to make an observation and mapping of their regions. This mapping is not only about potency that need to be improved but also problems. Further, this activity is held to prepare students to have job orientation and to open job network when they finish their study then come back home.







          On 3rd of December 2012, the participants presented their proposal. The participants are:




Sofia Atalia (19) from Tarakan, East Borneo. She is a student of Law Faculty, Janabadra University. Sofia made a mapping and research about The Development of Garam Gunung ( Mountain Salt) in Long Midang Village, Krayan, Nunukan Regency, East Borneo. She hopes that the existence of that mountain salt can be more considered and becomes one icon of that region. Latter, it will strengthen the local economy.






Elisabeth Hoar Balibo (29) from Kefamanu, Nusa Tenggara Timur. She is a student majoring Environment Conservation Engineering of Institute of Environmental Engineering ‘YLH’ Yogyakarta. For this program Lisa deliveres a topic of Reclamation of Ex-Manganese Mine Land by Giving Dried-Up Lime and Bokashi Straw in Oetalus Village, South Bikomi, Timor Tengah Utara Regency. The result of this research will become suggestions and methods for repairing damaged-land condition because of manganese mine. 



Balbina Bie (23) from Ende, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara. She is a student majoring of Environment Conservation Engineering of Institute of Environmental Engineering ‘YLH’ Yogyakarta. Ribie, her nick name, as she ‘s often called presents about The Environmental Support Capability of Tourism Area in Lake Kelimutu National Park, Moni Village, Kelimutu, Ende Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The enchantment of Lake Kelimutu has been an attracting power for Flores tourism especially which is in Ende. Unfortunately, this capability is still limited and needs some development. Through this local exposure research, it is hoped that there will be some ideas and suggestions about Lake Kelimutu development.

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Friday, 30 November 2012
by adminstube

Assistance of Social Study for SMPK Tirta Marta Cinere 2012




Together With God, I Can!


Social Study of SMPK Tirta Marta – BPK Penabur Cinere




The need to interact based on care to the people became the basic thinking of social study event for students in VII and IX grade SMPK Tirta Marta – BPK Penabur Cinere Jakarta. This event was not less attractive than the social study which was carried out by their friends from Tirta Marta Pondok Indah last week.




“Use this Social Study event as good as possible to make yourself strong and intact as Indonesian teenagers. Be a good friend for the other Indonesian children. Keep spirit and grow your love for this nation and homeland”, said the headmistress, Ester Susilowati, S.Pd to the students.




This social study event in a cooperation with Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta was held on 30th of October until 2nd of November 2012 in Yogyakarta by carrying Together With God, I can! as the theme. This social study was held in two events, TurBa and Live In. TurBa, the shortening of Turun ke Bawah, means turn down to see the reality of life, is an activity to see the place and some social activities. The spots teaches sense of care, independence, and strong willingness. TurBa took 5 places covering : 


(1) Decoration Candle Private Enterprise “Pencil Terbang”


(2) Alternative School of Sanggar Anak Alam (SALAM)


(3) Sayap Ibu Foundation


(4) Wayang Kekayon Museum, and 


(5) Bobung Wood Mask Industry.




Live In session gave a chance for the students to stay at home and to have some activities with the people of Watusigar, Ngawen, Gunungkidul. In this Live In session, the students experienced the citizenries’ life, such as walking through rocky land, going down the river, looking for some grass for the livestock, cultivating on the rocky field, planting corn, and greeting other people they passed by although they are strangers.



Although these TurBa and Live In activities were relatively short, the students, teacher, Stube team, and the people of Watusigar got  many experiences both funny and  heartwarming ones. They learned that the problem of life can be solved if we keep on our trust that God is faithful and never leaves His children.

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Tuesday, 13 November 2012
by adminstube

National Education Training




Indonesian Education, Quo Vadis?


Re-initiate the Indonesian Education




Talking about education in this country, we do often face dead end. Many questions come to mind. Why does education in our country seem like doesn’t make any progress, never be better? What’s wrong with education in our country? Is the curriculum, the method, or the resource? Where will the education of our country be directed?




Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta tried to answer those questions. As an institution of assistance and education for Christian college students which is concern on effort to build college students’ social awareness toward issues exist in the society, Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta looks this national education problem as a social matter which is necessary to be understood and to be recognized by the students as a part of the society.




Through National Education Training program, Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta encouraged the Christian college students and the church young activists to put themselves in the society appropriately and to be able to give a real contribution in analyzing the issue and to provide the input of ideal education design. By the theme “Quo Vadis Pendidikan Indonesia? Menggagas Ulang Pendidikan Indonesia ” (Indonesian Education, Quo Vadis? Re-initiate Indonesian Education), Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta tried to open the participants’ insight to be able to understand, to recognize, and to analyze the educational issues exist in Indonesia.




Located at Wisma Sargede Yogyakarta, National Education Training Program is held on September 28-30, 2012. Thirty participants attended and participated in the training. This training program becomes the participants’ medium to exchange their ideas about educational issues in Indonesia. Supported by educational practitioners who actively criticize educational problems, the atmosphere of the discussion in each session in the training became more alive.




Beginning with the discussion about the mapping of Indonesian educational issues: How far does education form the character of the nation? This discussion which was guided by Darmaningtyas (practitioner in the field of education) went on excitingly. Darmaningtyas explained how national education reformations, both formal and non-formal, are really needed to form the national character and awareness. Many interesting questions colored that session. “The fragility of the nation is not caused by the low of nation’s wits, but the absence of national character and awareness”, explained Darmaningtyas, answered one of the questions of a training participant.





Then, how about the condition of education in Indonesia nowadays? The participants’ curiosity on the topic is answered in the discussion session with Bambang Wisudo (Executive Director of Sekolah Tanpa Batas). In this session, the participants were given a description of how the condition of Indonesian education nowadays is. Through a picture visualization, the participants’ mind is opened about phenomenon happen in Indonesian education nowadays, such us the school looks scaring, imprison, and the students look like uniformed robots who always have to be obedient to teachers’ command. Moreover, Bambang Wisudo said that primary education should be made enjoyable. The basic communication skill, such as listening, reading, speaking, and writing, have to be the main focus in the primary education.




Education is closely related to Human Resources (HR). In this session, Ariani Narwastujati, S.S, M.Pd (Executive Director of Stube-HEMAT) explained that one of the aspects that can be done for preparing HR’s strong character is through education. Some interesting questions from the participants colored this session. That there are many college graduates who are not ready to work is the phenomenon exists nowadays. Hard skill and soft skill aspects in the seekers’ selves are not maximized. Mostly, soft skill aspect is the constraint, how to interact and to work with other people is the important thing which is often overlooked by the seekers. “Certainly, increasing soft skill aspect in our selves is the important thing for you all, the degree candidates”, explained Ariani Narwastujati when she answered a training participant’s question.



Ki Hajar Dewantara is an educational figure who is not foreign anymore to our ears. His struggle in education and nationalism in his soul always inspires the youth. To learn and to keep digging about Ki Hajar Dewantara’s concept of education is one of our hopes to the participants. With Prof. Dr. Ki Supriyoko, M.Pd, the participants’ insight is opened to the society, means prioritizing the equity of education without leaving or sacrificing the quality.



The series of National Education Training event is more complete with the presence of Wahyaningsih (the master mind of Sanggar Anak Alam). In the Education Design of Sanggar Anak Alam (SALAM) session, Wahyaningsih explained that Sanggar Anak Alam is alternative school for children who love nature. The interesting thing from SALAM education design is the teaching-learning process in SALAM and the curriculum which more focus on food perspective, health, environment, and social culture.



Besides SALAM, formal school whose educational design is unique is SD Mangunan (Manguntapan Elementary School). With Prasena Nawak Santi (DED team) and Kartika Kirana (SD Mangunan organizer), the participants learned about how the education design in SD Manguntapan is. The learning process in SD Manguntapan focuses on sharpening children’s explorative, creative, integral, and communicative skills. The curriculum used is conformed to national curriculum, but there is addition in some typical subjects, they are Musical Education, Faith Communication Table Magazine, Reading Good Books, and Questions Box.




SALAM and SD Mangunan education design inspires the participants to be able to design an ideal education in form of participants’ follow-up training. The follow-up training was held with an action plan to the society with the material they had gotten during the national education training. Some participants were planning to renew Monday school curriculum in their church to be more attractive, some were planning to build a learning studio to assist children around their boarding house in learning and to help anyone interested in writing about national education issues to make a blog. It is simple, but it is a kind of real action to contribute in education.

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Wednesday, 10 October 2012
by adminstube

Assistance of Social Study for SMPK Tirta Marta Pondok Indah 2012






Assistance of Social Study for SMPK Tirta Marta students – BPK Penabur Pondok Indah






“Being a friend for other fellows








City life has its own dynamic which is different from village life. However both of them have relevance and influence each other. People’s social life is also different, but the differences dont mean  no communication barrier among them because communication is necessary to bear sense of care. This is the basic thinking of social study activity for students in IX grade of SMPK Tirta Marta – BPK Penabur Jakarta, as what the headmistress, Christina Ratnaningsih, S.Pd says, “Through this event, the students will learn about togetherness, independence, responsibility, and care for others”.




This social study in cooparation with Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta was held on 15th-17th of October 2012 in Yogyakarta through a theme of Being a friend for other fellows”. This social study was held in two events, that is, TurBa and Live-In in the village.




TurBa, shortening of Turun ke Bawah, means turn down into a reality. This is an activity to visit a place and to have interaction with the people in it. Visiting and having interaction will touch students with new experiences of having care, independence, and strong willingness. There are 8 locations of TurBa covering :


(1) Home for the elderly “Hanna”,


(2) Private Enterprise of Decoration Candle “Pensil 




(3) “Sanggar Anak Alam (SALAM) alternative school,


(4) “Sayap Ibu” Foundation,


(5) Drug Rehabilitation Clinic “Pamardi Putra”


(6) “Nurul Ummahat” moslem pesantren,


(7) Waste Final Dumping Location at Piyungan, and


(8) Bobung, kampong of  Wood Mask Industry.




While, Live In activity gives a chance to the students staying at home and having some activities with the people of Girisekar village, Panggang, Gunung Kidul. Live In session, gives the students experiences of living in villages. They experience walking for taking some clean water, looking for fire-wood in the forest, cultivating on the rocky field, greeting everybody they meet although they are strangers, etc.




The teachers, students, and Stube team got many experiences  from the people in TurBa and any activities in the village, either funny or heartwarming ones. One thing they could find in this event is, the sense of friendship will come out when someone humble, willing to listen to others and having fair interaction  with the neighbors.



Finally, as the closing statement of this activity, Stube HEMAT asks all of you, “Let’s grow, be more mature, and bear fruit!

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Monday, 24 September 2012
by adminstube

Exposure Program

Students Exposure from Sumba
in Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta is well known as a student city. Most Indonesian students, especially those who are coming from out of Java Island, want to continue their study here. Unfortunately, only some of them can make their wish come true. Yogyakarta provides various educational institutions, complete supporting educational facilities, comfortable and friendly study environment  and relatively low of living cost, that suggest people to stay.
Stube-HEMAT Sumba gave an opportunity for several college students and youth from Sumba to study in Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta. By carrying them to Yogyakarta, Stube-HEMAT gave a new and attractive experience because they could find and learn some differences between Yogyakarta and their region.
They were Yonatan Kura (23) and Henggu Hama Pati (23), collage students of STIE Kriswina Waingapu, Anggraini Warata (21) and Marselina Loda Ana Amah (22) – both of them are students of STT GKS Lewa, also Antonius Karepi Andung (22) from GKS Kanjonga Bakul and Aprienjes T. Lay (23) from GKS Mauhau.
For 3 weeks, from August 29 to September 18, 2012,they went to some places to learn and improve their skills which will be developed in Sumba, such as learning about freshwater catfish, pokcing manure, and organic vegetable in Sahabat Gloria Foundation. In Sahabat Bambu, facilitated by Indra Setiadharma, they learned about bamboo preservation technique. Furthermore, in Karti Aji, Minggir, Sleman, they learned about making various shapes and functional instruments by plaiting bamboo.
While, in Samas, they learned about agriculture by cultivating sand dune with Mr. Subandi, a pioneer farmer in Samas Sand Dune Agriculture.
Next, for being able to manage local food sources, they were provided with  skills to make spongecake and pastry made of MOCAF (cassava flour), sticky rice flour, and banana flour. It’s expected that they would be inspired and could develop other local food sources that abundantly provided in Sumba.
As the complement of this study tour in Yogyakarta, they visited some tourism areas such as Malioboro, Borobudur Temple, Gembira Loka Zoo, studying community Sanggar Anak Alam, and a new experience, travelling by train to Solo.
The program has a very clear goal, that is, giving youth opportunity to learn and experience to achieve some enlightenment and bringing them to be open-minded. Moreover, the activity can improve their braveness to take chance for Sumba development, like Antonius, one of the participants said “Before I followed Stube, especially this program, I didn’t know what I have to do and after I joined, I know many possibilities that I can do, such as making organic manure for my land, making some handy-crafts, construction and furniture from bamboo and I can share what I’ve got to my friends and society”.

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Saturday, 15 September 2012
by adminstube

Conflict Management Training



Let’s Be In Action with Mediation!
Wisma PGK Shanti Dharma Yogyakarta, August 10 - 12, 2012
Indonesia is a country with a large variety of culture, religion, and ethnic. This variety often brings the society into conflicts, either cultural or religion conflict. Therefore, people who are moved to be peace ambassador in their daily life are very needed. Being a peace ambassador is the longing of Conflict Management Training participants, Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta.
Located on Wisma PGK Shanti Dharma Yogyakarta, this training was held on August 10-12, 2012. The training participants were Christian students from various regions who are finishing their study in Yogyakarta. The variety of ethnics and cultures among the participants increased the shine and spirit of every training session. By the theme “Let’s be in Action with Mediation!” Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta was supplying the participants to be peace agents and to make a Peace Building Community. It is the expectation of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta in the arrangement of the training that the participants can be smart mediators when they involve in a conflict solution and can analyze the potential of conflict which might happen.
Endah Setyowati from Pusat Studi Pengembangan Perdamaian (PSPP), an institution concerns on peace development, Duta Wacana Christian University, started that training by explaining how the occurrence process of conflict is. She opened the participants’ insight by saying that conflict brings not only negative but also positive impact in our life. In this session, the participants were also invited to do a test to know about someone’s inclination when a conflict happens, whether she or he is inclined to escape, to face, to give up, or to solve it.
The participants’ curiosity about how to solve a conflict was answered by the attendance of Dra. Krisni Noor Pratianti, M.Hum from PSSP UKDW. A conflict can be solved with coercion, mediation, arbitration, and negotiation. Coercion is a process of solving conflict when there are two sides in conflict but one side decides the solution. When two sides in conflict and there is the third side who facilitates the process of that conflict solution, it is called mediation. Arbitration is a process of solving conflict when two sides who are in conflict have the same strength so they seek the third side. This third side is the side who makes and decides the solution because both first and second side have handed the solution over this third side. Meanwhile, when two sides in conflict have the same position are discussing the same problem to find the choices of the solution, it is called negotiation.
She also explained some examples of conflict solution cases, such as the case in Ambon after conflict in 2001. “UKDW (Duta Wacana Christian Univerity) was invited by UNICEF to help mediating that conflict. The education curriculum is one of the causes of the conflict. The curriculum is made based on the compartmentalizing of religion”, explained Dra. Krisni Noor Patrianti, M.Hum, answered the question of a training participant.
The climax of Conflict Management Training series event is on the last session, Spirituality of Peace. In that session, Pdt. Mathieda Yeanne Tadu, S.Si (a priest), invited the participants to go into a silent moment to reflect what they had gotten from that training and what will they do in their life as a peace agent. From that session, the participants realized that being a peace ambassador is not an easy thing, being a peace agent is not a secondary duty but a life’s work.


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Monday, 18 June 2012
by adminstube

Bamboo: The Hidden Treasure










Bamboo: The Hidden Treasure


Wisma Shanti Dharma, 1-3 Juni 2012




People’s curiosity about bamboo will never end if they know that bamboo is like a buried treasure. It has many great benefits. The awareness of those bamboo’s great benefits is experienced by the participants of Bamboo Training Program Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta. Located on Wisma Shanti Dharma Yogyakarta, this training was held on June 1-3, 2012. With the theme: Bamboo, The Hidden Treasure, Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta gave participants awareness of the great bamboo’s potency.




The participants’ mind was opened by learning how the exploration of bamboo’s potencycy in Indonesia, the processing technology, and the making process of durable bamboo. They also got  knowledge how to run a bamboo enterprise. Starting with the explanation about bamboo and its potencycy by Indra Setiadharma from “Sahabat Bambu” enterprise, the participants began to know many t bamboo varieties. Indra tried to open the participants’ insight about the various species of bamboo in Indonesia and other countries.




That learning process is more complete by inviting participants to go down to the field. On the second day of the training, the participants experienced an exposure to some places such as Bambu Nusa Verde”, a bamboo cultivator in Pakem, Sleman, Sahabat Bambu” in Kalasan, Sleman, Kerajinan Bambu Karti Aji” in Toglengan, Sleman, and Karya Manunggal”, a bamboo handicraft producer in Cebongan, Sleman. The participants were divided into two groups. The first group did the exposure to Sahabat Bambu and Karya Manunggal. The second group did the exposure to Bambu Nusa Verde and  Karti Aji.




In Sahabat Bambu, the participants were learning how to make bamboo durable. Guided by Indra Setiadharma,  they practiced one step to make bamboo durable by making  holes in bamboo before being filled with preservation substances.




Learning to run a bamboo business in Karya Manunggal inspired the participants to have an independent enterprise in bamboo industry sector. “Karya Manunggal focuses its business in bamboo furniture. Sumarno, the owner of Karya Manunggalexplained that his products have reached outside Java.  Bamboo sort commonly used in the making of furniture is Apus (Gigantochloa apus), Petung (Dendrocalamus asper), Tutul (Bambusa vulgaris) and Wulung (Gigantochloa atroviolecea) bamboo.




The wish to have an independent enterprise in bamboo industry field is also experienced by the training participants after having exposure to Karti Aji.  “Karti Aji is a well-known bamboo industry center in Yogyakarta started by a group of women who got training from Industrial Service DIY in 1986. Previously they are plaiting besek, a small container made of bamboo. After the training, this group began a bamboo industry group which further grew to be a bamboo industry center.




In Bambu Nusa Verde, the participants learned bamboo tissue method for bamboo cultivation as the  corporation develops biotechnology technology supported by Oprins Plant, Belgium. Participants’ curiosity about efforts to preserve bamboo for environment was answered through discussion with Ir. Yustinus Suranto, M.Si (Forestry Faculty, Gajah Mada University). Participants learned more about  bamboo cultivation in the framework of environment preservation. Ir. Yustinus also explained the  good location for bamboo planting. Besides in river flow area, bamboo planting location around rice field also gives positive effect for the soil fertility and water reserves.




Participants’ insight about bamboo became richer by the presence of Ir. Eko Prawoto, M.Arch (Architectural Department, Duta Wacana Christian University). In this session, he explained how bamboo is very useful for architectural designs with local and environmentally friendly based construction. Many interesting questions from the participants colored this session. “Bamboo is a local timber which is limited by prestige. Many people have a wrong perception about bamboo. Bamboo house has an image as an unhealthy and poor house. Basically, architecture of a bamboo house has a high taste of art. Our challenge is how to change the image of bamboo,” explained Ir. Eko Prawoto, M.Arch when he was answering the participant question.




After three days learning process about bamboo, the participants got enough knowledge about bamboo. “After knowing about bamboo, what we have to do?”. A question from Trustha Rembaka (Coordinator of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta) colored the last session of the Bamboo Training Program. In the Focus Group Discussion, the participants were invited to discuss about how the follow-up of the training that they want to do. Some participants wanted to write about bamboo and its benefits, some others wanted to learn about how to plant bamboo. There were also some participants who wanted to learn about how the technique of making a handicraft in Karti Aji. Participants’ spirit to learn about bamboo is very great. Keep learning and digging bamboo’s potency became the follow-up of the participants in this Bamboo Training Program. ***


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Monday, 28 May 2012
by adminstube

Bamboo Program



Bamboo and Environment Conservation 
Wisma PU Yogyakarta, 17th of May 2012

Bamboo” is not a strange word for us. Bamboo has been used since a long time ago for houses, many kinds of furniture, agricultural tools, art and handicraft, music instruments, even food. Not only used in construction area and furniture trade, bamboo is also often used in reforestation, water and environment conservation. Although bamboo is very beneficial in our life, unfortunately in fact bamboo has not been the priority plant to be cultivated by Indonesian people.
Knowing and discovering deeper about bamboo and the problems in Indonesia may answer the longing of Christian college students who joined to Bamboo and Environment Conservation discussion held on 17th of May 2012 in Wisma PU Yogyakarta. This Bamboo and Environment Conservation is the part of Bamboo Training Program Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta 2012.
Through this program, Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta had a goal to open students’s insight and skill how to manage and use bamboo maximally, and be able to map problems related with bamboo potency in Indonesia. This Bamboo discussion, attended by 20 participants was started with a topic about Bamboo for Environment Conservation delivered by Herry Subrastowo (a  pioneer of environment conservation from Magelang). Herry explained how he initiated society empowerment in Sambak Village, focusing on clean water management and environmental conservation. This environment Conservation in Sambak Village finally made a Bamboo Observer Community. Many interesting questions and arguments colored during the Bamboo Discussion session.
 “Bamboo Observer Community provides Sambak Village inhabitants to look at Bamboo as a plant having a high-economic value. One of this community’s care toward bamboo is showed by the activity done in bamboo handycraft area to increase the inhabitants economy. The government at first also had a curiosity about the movement doing by this community. Then they finally turned down directly to the area, made a survey and had a dialogue with the members of this community”, said Mr. Herry answering one of the participant’s question.

The learning process about Bamboo and Environment Conservation became more completed by the coming of Indra Setiawan from Sahabat Bambu Community (Bamboo Practitioner). Indra tried to open the participants’ insight about the riches of bamboo species in Indonesia and other countries. Indra also explained how to conserve and to cultivate bamboo. 

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Monday, 30 April 2012
by adminstube

Follow Up of Capacity Building Program










Bio-pore Workshop LOVE OUR EARTH


STAK Marturia, 21st of April 2012




As the follow up program of capacity building Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta 2012, Bio-pore community Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta cooperated with STAK Marturia hold a Bio-pore Workshop with “Love Our Earth” as the theme. This Bio-pore workshop then was held in STAK Marturia Yogyakarta on Saturday, 21st of April 2012, one day before the Earth Day.







The purpose of this workshop is to increase the capability of the participants in protecting, saving, and conserving environment. As one of natural resources, water resources has necessary role for the life of living creatures. Water problems, both quantity and quality, often become problems in many areas in Indonesia, and so does Ground water as the part of water resources.




Bio-pore as an appropriate technology to conserve ground water can solve those problems. Bio-pore Absorption Hole is a water absorption method to solve flood problem by increasing water absorbing power in the ground. With “Love Our Earth” as the theme, Bio-pore Community Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta, Stanley (STTL), Herman (STTL), Frida (USD), Yeru (UKDW), and Daniel, convinced the Christian youth to care, love and to save their environment.




Started at 13.00 western Indonesian time, this workshop got 20 participants to participate. Ana Ximenes (STTL) as the speaker in session 1 explained the importance to conserve ground and bio-pore. Ground conservation is the effort to prevent the ground damage because of erosion and to repair the broken ground. Bio-pore as one of conservation method has many benefits such as decreasing the flood risk in rainy season, maximizing the role and activity of ground flora and fauna, and also preventing ground erosion and ground slide disaster.






The explanation about how to put on and to protect bio-pore was delivered by the speaker in session 2, Ricky R. P. Lawoliyo (STTL). At 16.00, participants continued the activity by  practising to make bio-pore on the yard of STAK Marturia campus together with bio-pore community of Stube Hemat Yogyakarta. The participants were divided into 5 groups. Each groups made 2 Bio-pore Absorption Holes.







This Bio-pore Workshop finished at 18.00. The participants were successful in making 10 holes on the yard of STAK Marturia Yogyakarta Campus. Smiling of satisfaction was showed on their face. “I’m happy getting knowledge and practicing directly about how to make bio-pore. Thank you Stube Hemat,” said Yanto as one of the participants when he was delivering his command and impression about that Bio-pore Workshop. The same thing was also delivered by Sinta, one of the participants. “I get the knowledge. I’m very satisfied. Unfortunately the time is too short. I’m still confused about how to make of a bio-pore hole. I hope there will be the same training again.”











Bio-pore Community StubeHemat Yogyakarta represented by Daniel delivered that this Bio-pore Workshop Program would not be finished at that point because Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta will always accompany whoever having curiosity about bio-pore. 


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Friday, 17 February 2012
by adminstube

Exposure to KIAT ESEMKA (Capacity Building)






An Event  of  Improving  Stube-HEMAT Students’ Capacity in Yogyakarta




It is not only an imitation of national car euphoria when students joining in Stube HEMAT, a social service for college students by facilitating them with students assistance programs intended to make the students understand and make the best use of their life efficiently, independently, analytically, and diligently, with their enthusiasm were visiting Solo to learn about the pioneering of the national car. In the midst of their thirst for local potency alignments and requirement that all people should constantly improve their own potency, 20 college students coming from many areas in Indonesia tried to discover information from actors directly involved in the making process of the national car.




This learning process was started from the office of Surakarta Mayor and continued in KIAT Motor Klaten regency on 16th of February 2012. Although unfortunately they could not meet the icon branding of the national car, Joko Widodo, the students were satisfied enough having a dialogue with the administrative assistance, Joko Pangarso, and some members of Commission III of Local Assembly of Central Lampung about the advancement of Solo, development strategy, fighting the poverty, increasing the society’s prosperity, riasing local original income, and a little about national car




“There is TPKD, a controlling team for iridicating poverty which is in charge to solve many poverty problems in this city covering health and education.  They give  health and educational helps for Surakarta society. While, technical departments oblige to wipe out poverty includes vile environment and to give society empowerment,” explained Joko Pangarso. “Our Satpol PP (the security guard) members are not facilitated with a stick or other violence igniting instruments. They use soft and un-insulting words, good communication and dialogue to move the street traders since traditional market is one of the important assets of Surakarta city.” Joko Pangarso admitted that national car was in the branding step which still needed to be supported by product and consumer management such as by contending this car as the office car.




The meeting with Bachruddin Sukiat, more well known as Pak Kiat, in Kiat Motor Klaten regency, became the complement of this learning process to understand about how to improve one’s potency. His simple, friendly, and communicative appearance made the Stube students were surprised with his story inspiring them to  have motivation  or always feel thisty of doing the best for this nation. “I am only the man who ‘opens the door’ and next, it is the young generations who are in charge to continue and make it perfect,” said him with his javanese philosophy, niteni, means observing; nirokke, means following with more inovative and creative way based on each own knowledge; and nambahi means modificating.


Learning from Pak Kiat’s life and the development strategy of Surakarta City, makes Stube students more enthusiastic to increase their capacity in Globalization era which demands college students to upgrade themselves and always struggle not to be slaves in their own country.

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Monday, 9 January 2012
by adminstube

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