Monday, 30 December 2013
by adminstube
Sunday School and Sermon Ministry in GKJ Sentolo


(Follow-up Action of Sustainable Development Training)




On Sunday, December 22, 2013, some members of the Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta perform a Follow-Up. The follow-up is a part of training activities and done independently. Students can do this individually, in groups, or in collaboration with community and local group. This follow-up activities are conducted in GKJ Sentolo, Kulonprogo.


A group of students consisiting of  Windy, Eva, Elis, Vicky, Fajar, Yohanes, and Yanto did the activities in GKJ Sentolo, in which Yanto is one of its member. The follow-up group has planned to visit four churches. The aim of the program is proclaiming that people should be independent and look back their local food to have food soverignity. Further, people are expected to learn the importance of environmental sustainability and ecological balance.


Reality shows us  that human as  the "ruler" of the earth, has been out of the track as a natural  balance-keeper. They keep building concretes  and searching  for profit as much as possible. Every business does yield profit but people take it for themselves, while many natural resources and communities around have become the victims.


The material of an early December training has encouraged students to be optimistic, for everyone is still able to obtain economic benefits without destroying the nature. It can be when people are developing  a new understanding and having a modern consideration on environmental aspects.


Everyone should be aware that  Indonesian ancestors have done the balance. They derived economic benefits and social benefits. Protecting natural and environment will bring us to have cleaner air,  improved varieties, fresh water, pest-free, and qualified natural products as comodity. The ancestors have been learned it  however it is ignored by thier next generations.


Now, students are motivated to teach again the richness of our tradition and how to obtain it. It may be achieved by economy, culture independence and self-sufficiency by using local products. The follow-up group was managed into two teams to share the understanding. The first team shared the idea among the Sunday school pupils by coloring pictures, while the other team served Sunday sermon at church of Jangkang. Pastor Gogod encouraged students for doing such services and it may be developed and modified through many methods so that people can understand it easily.

Serving church is a first step for the next wider range. It expected that more and more people understand that development and man’s work should consider the harmony and integrity of God’s creations. Keep spirit telling for people’s independence! ***

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Friday, 13 December 2013
by adminstube
Development? For Whom?







Stube-HEMAT finds out that the development problem as one of national issues must be solved, especially related with the recent development of young generation. So, a training of Sustainable Development with the theme "Development? For Whom?“ was held. Located at Wisma Martha Yogyakarta, Nov 29 – Dec 1, 2013, the training was attended by 30 students from various background, covering Theology, Psychology, Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Education, etc.











Francis Wahono


Francis Wahono as one of the facilitators said that nation-building should essentially be reconstructed based on the diversity characteristics of Indonesia utilizing its local wisdom.





Agus Prasetyo, Ph.D.


The concept of sustainable development is expected to rearrange the road of an ideal development as described by Agus Prasetya Ph.D (lecturer of Graduate School of Sustainable Development, UGM). He delivered a session of the understanding of vision and ideal concept of sustainable development.




Andreas Subiyono


"The history of Indonesia development with its components should be studied further seriously, " said Andreas Subiyono, the Chairman of SHEEP Indonesia. He argued, "Bad lifestyle brought negative impact to the history of Indonesian development, such as environmental degradation, social inequality, economic crisis and many others negative impacts.”




The participants are invited joining exposure activities in NGO Cindelaras (an economic NGO, located in Condongcatur, Sleman), WALHI (an environmental NGO, located in Kotagede, Yogyakarta) and Forum Komunikasi Winongo Asri (a communication forum for the residents of Winongo River banks, Tegalrejo). They discussed methods of community assistance due to the development responses.




Exposure in FKWA and Oleg Yohan


Oleg Yohan, a member of FKWA board said that FKWA was formed to convert the public paradigm about Winongo river, from "back yard" to "front yard." It is intended to promote the concept of hygiene and environmental sustainability in Winongo river region, toward the vision of Winongo river as a tourist area in 2030.





Tri Agus from Bappeda province of DIY (Bappeda – Regional Planning Board) explained the government policies on pro-people development. Further explaination said that actually people are welcome to participate in overseeing a process of development.











At the end of the training, participants are grouped in some action plan groups. They formulated action plans, such as sharing group and and teaching team. Sharing group consisting of Anna, Reski, Windy and friends will share the concept of sustainable development to churches in Yogyakarta, and will have re-greening action in critical area. Teaching team consisted of Frans, Putry, and Ina. They plan to teach about the concept of sustainable development with an early age as the target group. This aimed to introduce and establish values of care about sustainable development among young people.


Group Discussion




Group Discussion




"It is very impressive and fun joining this training, because it gives new knowledge besides my study background. For the long term, this concept is very useful because it can be applied when I go back and build up my home area," said Maria Trifosa, one of the participants, a student majoring economics from Sanata Dharma University.***








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Monday, 25 November 2013
by adminstube
Let's think globally and act locally!


Practical Education Center (PEC) is an institution where Yoel Anto, one of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta activists is involved in. PEC is developing English education for elementary school students (SD) in the local area. Related with an idea of "thinking globally and acting locally", PEC is trying to construct local level to face global challenges, one of which is English mastery, although there are more other foreign languages spoken globally, such as Chinese, Deutsch and French.
English language helps someone to obtain much information, such as scholarships for study, socio-political news, latest business issues, etc. Yoel believes that building competitiveness at global level must be started by reforming education methods in the local region, one of them is learning foreign language. He has been more motivated to develop these institutions after joining a Global Education Training organized by Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta.
Students have a responsiblity to build their home region, one of which is the improvement of education quality and quantity, especially foreign languages to face challenges  in the global era. Thus, the responsibility of every local students studying in Yogyakarta is coming home to build their home regions after finishing their study. Students are expected not only master their local and Indonesian language but also  English. By having many skills in foreign languanges, one will be more competitive.
On October 26, 2013, several students of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta visited PEC to learn and see the opportunities that can be developed in local area. Foreign language education institution is rare in many local areas, especially in rural areas. That’s why local areas are often lagging behind. Next, welcoming global competition, we should prepare a competitive human resource from a local level.


Let's think globally and act locally! (YDA)

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Monday, 25 November 2013
by adminstube
Leadership Facing the World Challenge







Are we surprised that human beings in this world is actually determined by just a few people as leaders? They are determinants of any policies of economy, war or peace. Of course, all of us have a dream of a leader able to bring people and the world into better conditions. Or, can we become a leader who is able to respond the world challenges? Ir. Tikno Iensufiie, M.Pd., MA, a lecturer in Faculty of Liberal Arts of Pelita Harapan University, Jakarta was interested to share his knowledge and skills to student activists of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta in a leadership training.







Placed in the Hall of LPP Sinode GKJ dan GKI, on Saturday, November 16, 2013, this activity was quite interesting for the participants. With the theme of Leadership Facing World Challenge, this one day training was divided into two sessions. The first session discussed the Leadership Challenge and Leadership Theory, while the second session discussed Leadership Motivation and Decision Making. Participants learned that the success or failure of an organization, enterprise, and even a person was determined by the leadership skill with its weaknesses dan strengths.







Paulus, a theology student from Duta Wacana Christian University asked, "Does one need access to be a leader?” Ir Tikno firmly said, “No, being a leader does not require access because basically humans have free-will (Human Free) both mental and physical strength. If the basic skills were not utilized properly, it will make the owner become the loser not the winner. Even leadership is an activity to influence others’ behavior, both individuals and groups without boundaries or rules of organization to achieve its goals”. Leadership is often assumed the same with management, with activities to achieve organizational goal considering bureaucratic manners and restriction which closely related with power achievement. In fact, a leader is different from a manager.






The conclusion of the training is, a person can be said to be a leader when s/he can influence others to work together to achieve goals leading to 1) glorify the God, 2) make humans more humane, and 3) conserve the nature. For the youth, the ability to lead a big group starts from ability to lead a small groups, even ability of self-leading. ***

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Monday, 18 November 2013
by adminstube
The First Graduate of Farmer School
Farmer School Program, a joint program between General Sudirman Center (JSC) and the Study Center for People’s Economics of Gadjah Mada University has ended. Yohanes Dian Alpasa, the representative of  Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta  is one of the graduates. The graduation ceremony was held at the office of JSC, Stupa Donolayan, Tentara Pelajar Street, km 12, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The day of graduation was chosen coinciding with Indonesian Heroes Day. It was attended by the Vice Regent of Sleman, Chief of PUSTEK UGM, Director of JSC, and the surrounding communities. The graduates were motivated to be confident as farmers. Farmers should not be pessimistic but optimistic instead, because farmer independence is like a dream that should be made into reality.
Dr. Revrisond Baswir, fondly called Bang Sony gave much encouragement for the farmer to get their independence. The struggle for independence was an endless effort and not an instant one.  All of us can see that this nation was occupied for hundreds of years in the colonialism era. However, unluckily, now we do not only celebrate independence-day but also 68 years of neo-colonialism. Independence seemed to be a process of colonialism transfer, from Japan to Netherlands, then finally to the United States of America. It is the real fact, so farmers should be aware of it and keep struggle against the new form of colonialism with the same spirit like the spirit to gain our national independence.
The Director of JSC, Ir. Bugiakso emphasized what he often said about natural resources. Our natural resources are national assets as well as water that is vital for farmers. Perhaps we have not got any possibility to manage coal and gold by ourselves, but we have to manage other resources by ourselves. At least we can manage water. However, water in some areas is controlled by foreign companies. Farmers should be independent and not rely on foreign aid. In this case, Mr. Bugi quoted J.F. Kennedy statement, “Dont ask what the country give you, but ask what you have done for your country! Farmers should be independent!
Vice Regent of Sleman, Hj. Yuni Satia Rahayu expressed her support to farmers. Farmers should be independent. Every government program was intended for people's welfare. Sometimes, the programs were not effective and missed-target. Farmers’ independence was a smart effort to develop national endurance.
Farmers School Graduates are expected to give impact to their surrounding communities. The knowledge they learned from May 2 to September 24, 2013 should be applied. The graduation is not the end but the beginning of a new struggle. Good luck the graduates! (YDA)

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Monday, 11 November 2013
by adminstube
Children Living Around The Boarding House
Sense to concern of education condition through Global Education Training held by Stube HEMAT, has inspired us to care for the children living around our boarding house as they have no positive activities after school. So the five of us, Uchy, Putry, Herman, Eka and Fransiska agreed to facilitate a study club for the children. This activity began on Saturday, November 2, 2013 and we (Putry and Uchy) started these activities with the children living around our boarding house.
With the knowledge we gained from our college and a bit of creativity, we tried to help the children studying in elementary school to do their homework. Furthermore, we asked them to write stories about their hobbies or things they like and often do.
Finally, they taped their writings and arranged a wall magazine. We expect that the works and writings they’ve made will motivate them to study even with any limitations they have. We suggest to all friends doing the same things in your own places. Being aware of the surrounding problems, we can contribute positive thing even it is just a simple thing.
Good luck! (TRU)

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Thursday, 17 October 2013
by adminstube
Education: Between Hope and Reality


Wisma PGK Shanti Dharma, Godean, 11 to 13 October 2013







"Confessed or not, Indonesian education is still influenced by western education system, and there is still less exploration of local education values ??of the country for the education," according to Dr. Dwi Siswoyo M.Hum, chief of Educational Science of Post Graduate Study of Yogyakarta State University, presenting his presentation on Global Education training conducted by Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta. "It would be more worrying if Indonesians become just the consumer of western culture system that will be narrowing Indonesian value of life," he added, quoting HAR. Tilaar. In that condition, students should be more creative to equip themselves to face global challenges with accessing the opportunities and cooperation opportunities.





Tunggul Priyono, SH., M.Hum., from Kopertis (Private University Coordination) region 5 Yogyakarta invited all students to come and to access information in Kopertis. Meanwhile Eko Prasetyo, the Director of Social Movement Institute, known for his book "Orang Miskin Dilarang Sekolah" (The Poor Was Banned for School) inspired the participants through his criticisms to the education system which was assumed to limit and to inhibit the students development, especially imagination. Further, he also encouraged the participants to learn and have self-empowerment in any student organizations. Another speaker, Markus Budiraharjo, Ed.D., from Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta underlined, that one’s growth cannot be separated from the context and environment in which s/he was originated. Positive interactions will help him/her to reach optimal growth. Especially, the ability to compete in global level is affected by the firmness to hold the values ??of life and holistic thinking.





The exposure activity to visit the Museum of Ki Hajar Dewantara, Yogyakarta became a special moment to recall a national education pioneer with his thought and vision to educate the nation's children. Meanwhile, the exposure at INFEST (Institute for Education Development, Social, Religious, and Cultural Studies) motivated participants to learn how to build self-reliance in information technology, as well as to empower rural villages through community empowerment.







Responding to the training, JF Anugerah Sihaloho, a student of Duta Wacana Christian University revealed, "The information and knowledge I get from Stube-HEMAT Training  may not be learned in other organizations even in my college. My understanding about education become wider and I can correct my own perspective”. Other participants, Claudia Betruchy Bada, a student of Mathematics Education, Sarjanawiyata Taman Siswa University, added, "I will share to other friends what I have learned from this training. The global competition and the fact of today educational condition,  encouraged me to learn, to find something new and to improve my knowledge".







Some of the follow-up actions are writing personal reflections about education, learning activities with school-age children around the participant’s boarding house in Celeban village, learning how to assist children at primary school age in Maguwoharjo village, Sleman, having discussion and village observation to discover the development potency of a village, and having discussion with Kopertis how to empower student, student activity units, and how to access a program of studying abroad.





During the training, two students participating in local exposure to Halmahera and Papua shared their experiences to the participants. It should be admitted that many problems need to be solved seriously in local regions, particularly the management and maintenance of the natural environment and health condition. Thus, it is extremely expected that students from outside Java who have completed studies in Yogyakarta to return and contribute their skills and knowledge for local development. (TRU)

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Monday, 30 September 2013
by adminstube
Synchronizing Head, Heart and Hand
Answering the longing for having young writer/journalist with multicultural issue, Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta opens a writing class having motto “Synchronizing Head, Heart & Hand”.  Starting on September 14, 2013, this class is held every Saturday each week at “Omah Limasan” Yogyakarta. Some students from UKDW, STTL, STAK MARTURIA and Sanata Dharma follow this class having 12 meetings to accomplish.
Guided by Wiliam E. Aipipidely, or called Bang Willy, the participants call his nick name, this class begins to learn the difference between writing article and making report, and between a journalist and a writer. As a practitioner having many experiences in writing books and article, with  daily activity as an activist of Satu Nama Foundation, William E. A himself has been encouraged to share his skills to youth, so there will be a regeneration process. It is expected that it will be very usefull in the future.
This class giving participants an understanding how to write in good standard generally, how to write a book, writing public opinion for newspapers, and how to make a relevant writing useful and standing in side of the marginalized one. The participants try to deconstruct their understanding about writing. They also learn how to collect references to support their writing content, steps of writing and startegy to analize headline.
This class challenges the participants, since they are asked to produce writings every week. They will receive criticism and comment from other participants and the instructure. The first submition of their writings are not eligible for public consumption as they don’t use standard criteria of writing, like 5 W 1 H method and there is no solution delivered in the content. The next meetings will be more and more challenging for them.
Bang Willy emphasizes that writing is actually part of our life, however, just several people know the advantages of writing, even the meaning of what they write holistically. Reality shows that students and Indonesian youth assume that writing is just for doing academy task, getting academic score or a requirement to make a final thesis. They haven’t got to such understanding to deliver value for other through writing. However, actually, writing is just a simple activity. It is just a sinchronizing process of head, heart and hand delivered in a paper in which content is responsible and useful for other. It’s simply said that by writing a simple matter, a student can be called that s/he is productive.
What may happen in the next meeting of this writing class? Wish all participants gain his/her progress. ***

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Monday, 23 September 2013
by adminstube
Metamorphosis: “Process of Perfection
  "What shall we say the Kingdom of God is like?" asked Jesus. "What parable shall we use to explain it? It is like this. A man takes a mustard seed, the smallest seed in the world, and plants it in the ground. After a while it grows up and becomes the biggest of all plants. It puts out such large   branches that the birds come and make their nests in its shade." (Mark 4:30-32)

The theme of Metamorphosis above is used by “TALENTA”, a Christian Student Group of Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta with an expectation that the theme inspires students keep on their process in studying to gain their future. Vicky Tri Samekto from Stube HEMAT, deals this metamorphosis theme as a parable of mustard seed taken from Mark 4: 30-32. The Kingdom of God full of peace and safe should be inside of every believer and it should also be shared to others. It means that the impact of God Kingdom may be in all surroundings of believers, either community or society both in a small and larger scope. When a student are still studying, s/he wants to complete it as soon as possible, to get a job immediately and to gain success. All these steps require metamorphosis process, a process of life form changing.







Life process actually gives us opportunity to change, since a baby born up to the point of perfection. Yet, perfection cannot be clearly explained in detail, since everyone has different point of view about perfection. The main point is how everybody tries hard to gain its own perfection point as s/he has her/his own process of metamorphosis from one phase to other ones. The only expectation of the process is success and perfection to show out a life existency. Absolutely it is not easy to achieve as there must be obstacle in the process.


Process to reach renewable life is like an endless travel as it is so misterious that one should have a faith that one proses is able to change and to upgrade someone’s qualification. As a mustard seed in the parable of God Kingdom, one’s life should be able to show peace and  safe in each process although it begins from a small thing tobe a larger one.



The communion meeting held on Monday, September 23, 2013 was exciting as the students could share, express their thought and feeling, do worship and have unique games delivered by student leader and  Stenly Recky Bontinge from teamwork of Stube HEMAT, who introduced the organization services for the students. Finally, the thirty students from “TALENTA” communion, coming to the gathering were asked  to mingle with their surroundings in the community in which they live, because their surroundings would also contribute to their success.




Have a good process in this life travel by entering each metamorphosis phase. Jesus blesses you all. ***

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Monday, 23 September 2013
by adminstube

Multicultural Training Program


Learning From Persemaian Cinta Kemanusiaan (PERCIK), Salatiga
September 7, 2013
One of Multiculture Learning Series done by students of Stube HEMAT was visiting PERCIK Institution in Salatiga, 88 kms to the Eastern way of Yogyakarta. The activity was done on September 7, 2013.  PERCIK stands for Persemaian Cinta Kemanusiaan (inseminating love among human), one institution concerning on strengthening Civil Society by empowering local wisdom in which people live in and have daily activity. According to Pradjarto, S.H., Ph.D, one of facilitators, truth values actually came out from local level, not structurally formulated by local or national government. Actually, local community had its own truth called local wisdom. Further, along with life process, it bore religions, life structures, politics, regulations, law, custom and culture. Promoting local wisdom as its approach in Multiculture became one interest of the students  of Stube HEMAT to learn about Multiculture in this institution.

The Multiculture understanding of PERCIK gives  a fondation how people should have attitude in the fact of norm plurality that not each norm has developed plurality values. People are just able to see the surface, not deeper value of life sharing in multiculture society. Pradjarto emphasized that multiculture was a deed in accepting differences with honorable manner, avoiding egoism, accepting differences, and reinforcing equality. It should be continually done in daily life. It is the attitude of people’s life actually that distinguished between primitive and modern life. However, now people tend to look back their local wisdom since modern life had ruined their origin life values.


The discussion process during the visit was interesting as the students were devided into several small groups, approaching different themes such as, environment, cross-faith marriage, youth life, and kids-teenager life. The participants analized the reality of daily life and problems from where they came and problem of place  where they lived in. Environmental problems are real ones in people’s life as it affected and could not be separated with life that in the process nature and the environment bore people’s habit and culture. So people depended much on their nature and environment. While topic of cross-faith marriage was quite challenging since cross-faith marriage might not be avoided in multicultural society including religions and faith. When it happened, communication between two parties, families and spouse, was the most required as it was not easy to accept diffrences especially religion difference. They should be aware of the consequences on what they had decided. Youth should also be aware of their compartmentalized society because of any interfering interests and further they were expected not to live any longer in such trap of life compartment. It is such urgent agenda to consider since social life would give much impact to kids’ growth and their paradigm. Parents had responsibility to introduce Multiculture to their children by exploring their experiences.

As the conclusion of the discussion process, Pradjarto once again underlined that people should know Multiculture and realize that they were often closed into the existing old paradigm. When people opened to new paradigm, they would find many questions and should find the answers in the real life. Thus, understanding Multiculture means observing the real daily life.***


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Monday, 2 September 2013
by adminstube
SMART To Mingle In Multicultural Society
We cannot deny multiculture in our daily life. It is a fact and reality! Actually, context of multicultural life in Indonesia has begun since early of timeIt is also one reason why this country has Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (unity in diversity) as its motto to unify hundreds of ethnic groups belong to it. The term of multiculture becomes popular recently depicting variety and diversity. Naturally, the differences are not problems in this society, however, when people migration happens more and more intensive,  the cultural friction starts to appear. Commonly, the friction tends to be a problem of identity of certain groups coming from certain regions. It happens so many in transmigration areas. Feeling of the same fate in foreign regions, psychologically pushes people to make their own colony or community.
Migration rate of students from many towns or regions to Yogyakarta having many universities and academies is quite significant annually and it cannnot be avoided that frictions among different culture happen in this town. This friction may give positive impact when it is assumed as supplement, however a contradiction may also happen when differences cannot be accepted and even unluckily it may triger conlicts among groups.
Multicultural training held on August 30 until September 1, 2013 by Stube HEMAT is very important since it gives a chance to participants to understand differences and to learn what culture friction is. Having a theme of “SMART to mingle in multicultural society”, this training gives participants a chance to learn the understanding of multiculture, to realize the multiculture in daily life, to minimize cultural friction leading to conflict, stigma, or culture shock.
The training was begun with the introduction of multiculture by Stube HEMAT team, continued on the follwing day by DR. Ir. Sri Suwartiningsih, M.Si, a sosiology lecturer of UKSW, Salatiga, delivering Indonesian Multiculture: causes, variety, and urgency. Culture Shock became an interesting thopic delivered in psychological perspective by Drs. Thomas Aquino Prapanca Hary, M.Si, a psychology lecturer of UST, Yogyakarta. The topic of multiculturalism as daily attitude was delivered by William E. Aipipidely, S.T., M.A, from Satu Nama Foundation.
During the training, all participants learned to reflect, to have an introspection, to analize and to map the place where they stay in or ethnic groups which they stay with, to think the habbit they meet and  cultures belong to other participants. When the participants had an exposure to Turgo, a village in the valley of Merapi mountain, they found many local wisdom of the dwellers, tolerancy, brotherhood, appreciation toward nature and  feeling of protect each other.


This training was ended by establishing a commitment through a follow-up activity made by participants, such as, sharing the knowledge and experience got from the multicultural training to friends or new students in each campus, developing writing skill with multicultural perspective, designing multicultural lesson matery for kids, and a challenging activity for students coming from out of Java, that is, learning  Javanese as the local language. Have a nice follow-up activity!

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Sunday, 1 September 2013
by adminstube
LOCAL Exposure 2013






One support program of Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta to students coming from out of Java Island both to learn more about their hometown/homeland and prepare them with one understanding about their region after finishing their study in Yogyakarta, is Local Exposure program or called Hospitation. This program gives chances to participants to observe their homeland and to enable them to have potency mapping of their homeland that can be developed or even problems that should be solved. This program also opens new networking needed when they return to their homeland. Three students follow this program in  2013 and each of them are Sarloce Apang, Emilliana R. Eka Rawulun, and Mario Fransisco Talubun.





Sarloce Apang called Loce (21) is coming from Buli, East Halmahera, North Maluku. She is currently a student of Environmental Engineering Institute (STTL) ‘YLH’ Yogyakarta, who wants to explore and have mapping toward the impact of nickel mining in coastal area of Gei Island, Buli AsalFayafli, Maba District, East Halmahera Regency, North Maluku. She hopes that what she found may become one of refferences for people in local region to know the impact of mining activities to nature and environment.




Emilliana R. Eka Rawulun, called Eka (22), is coming from  Fak-Fak, West Papua. This student of  Environmental Engineering Institute (STTL) ‘YLH’ Yogyakarta has interest in  Waste Treatment, especially Liquid Waste Treatment of Regional Hospital  of Fak-fak , West Papua. The goal of this study is  to know the system of liquid waste treatment of the hospital and the effect  when the waste is not properly managed with instalation system  of liquid waste treatment (IPAL).




Mario Fransisco Talubun (22), also coming from Fak-Fak, West Papua, has a focus to analyze the daily attitudes of the community living in the surrounding of National Park of Wasur, Merauke, Papua that give contribution to the sustainability of the park. Mario, a student of Environmental Conservation Department of Environmental Engineering Institute (STTL) ‘YLH’ Yogyakarta, says that he wants to know the  integrated daily attitude or activity of the society that can be bequeathed to next generations as models to support natural conservation. Further, he wants to reveal the local social problems and what the solution is. The last, he tries to find out further information of the national park projection and how local government designs for the progress of Wasur National Park in Papua.



Finally, Stube HEMAT wishes “Have a good process of exposure, friends!

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Sunday, 14 July 2013
by adminstube
Live – In 2013 with Youth of GKI Pamulang
What is the difference between gadget like smart phone, i-pad, or tab compared to hoe, sickle or axe? People will say that gadget is high technology product found in cities while hoe, sickle or axe are tools of past era. Don’t we remember that hoe, sickle or axe are products of human civilization to support human’s life sustainability? Actually, they are also product of human high technology. Globalization tends to drag human to have fast culture even to be an instant one, more individualism and little care toward other fellows and environment.
To bring human closer to their surroundings with spirit to learn and to interact with others having different life back ground and sharpening sense of care and social solidarity, Commision of Teenager and Youth of GKI Pamulang initiate Live-in Activity in Yogyakarta assisted by Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta. Choosing Once is enough “if you be grateful”  as the activity topic,  this activity started on July 3-5, 2013, taking place in the surrounding of Yogyakarta province. The activity series began from creative industry of Jogja, such as, Batik at Pandak Bantul and Pottery craft at Pundong then having live-in in Kemadang, Sumber and Planjan. The three areas are in Gunung Kidul regency.
Participants found many interesting thing during the process of interaction and visiting the spots. They thought that craft is something unique that lead them to think about a creative bussiness by catching opportunity not only for personal welfare but also for the surrounding community. In two hours the participants learned and practised enthusiastically how to make Batik and Pottery and the bussiness owners were happy to welcome and to share their experiences, “We are happy to let all of you, as our next generation, know our traditional products, so no one can steal it”.
The two- day experience of living together with families in the villages was so exciting since they had to face differences of circumstance, culture or daily activity. It became challenging thing when the participants had to go to field collecting grass for their “foster parent’s” cattle or to communicate with Javanese, the local language, that they cannot speak.
Enjoying beautiful beaches, like Drini beach, located in the surrounding of the villages was an exoctic part of the activity. They never thought that there is a nice beach  close to the villages.
Finally, participants got many impressions and values of life from the Live-in Activity either happy experience or the tough one. However, above all, they thought the positive one, that is, whatever the condition, they should be grateful for the life God has given.


May all favor brought through this activity be usefull for the glory of God.***

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Saturday, 29 June 2013
by adminstube
Having Real Action for the Future
People requires energy supply, unluckily the supply is limited. It causes a crisis in many areas. This conditions awaken people to be aware of energy shortage and how to fulfill energy needs by looking for some potential renewable natural resources in Indonesia, such as solar, wind and water as energy sources. Other energy sources can be obtained by processing certain plants and biogas from animal dunk and waste.
Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta held a training of Renewable Energy as a respond of such problem and giving contribution especially bringing students to learn energy problems. This training was expected to enlighten, build awareness, broaden the perspective and experience of the students. Located in Wisma PGK Shanti Dharma, Godean, Yogyakarta, this training began on June 14 to June 16, 2013.


The training attended by 38 participants coming from various regions and  campus in Yogyakarta was opened by Rev. Dr. Tumpal Tobing, Mag. Theol., Rev. Bambang Sumbodo, S.Th. M.Min and Ariani Narwastujati, S.Pd., SS, M.Pd. They shared about Stube-HEMAT and its activities and about dreams to be achieved together with Indonesian young generation, that is, giving contribution and solving social problems.
Energy Studies Centre (PSE) of Gadjah Mada University facilitated the training. Represented by Irawan Eko Prabowo S.T. M.Eng., PSE asked the participants to make Social Analysis for Energy Issues, Energy Policy both Local and Global one, and Government Policy to Develop Renewable Energy. Furthermore, in his session, Dr. Deendarliyanto, head of PSE, delivered a topic of Mapping a Potency of Renewable Energy Resource and Opportunities to Develop It in Indonesia.
Exposure activities, an outdoor activity brings participants’ theory to be closer to real problems. It gave participants a chance to watch and learn directly an instalation of renewable energy in Singosaren, Imogiri, Bantul. In this location, the Microhydro Power Plant (PLTMh) has been pioneered by Mutohar. He was so encouraged to build it after reading news about crisis of electricity energy. PLTMh installation was started in 2006 by utilizing irrigation channels to drive a generator  producing electricity used for street lighting in Singosaren village. In some cases, the PLTMh is used as a media of learning and studying by students, faculty and institutions.
The second exposure is an activity in Biogas Installation in Cangkringan, a  relocation area of Petung which was affected by Merapi eruption in 2010. This community was motivated by Sarjiyo, a biogas practitioner, utilizing animal dunk as the gas source. The gas is used for household needs. Hybrid Power Plant – Wind and Solar (PLTH) Instalation in Pandansimo Baru Beach is the next exposure locations. Accompanied by Chriswantoro, a technician of PLTH, participants studied the potency of wind and sunlight, which are abundantly provided in many areas of Indonesia. They also observed the windmills and solar panels installation system. The power plant gives benefit to the local community, especially the community in Pandansimo, Baru Beach. Their needs of electrivity energy was supplied by this PLTH.


The final step of the training is a commitment through some Action Plans formulated by the participants. The participants declared their new experiences, enlightenment and inspiration with a personal commitment to save energy, write essays about energy, share knowledge to their campus community, and have environmental awareness campaign.***

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Saturday, 22 June 2013
by adminstube
Gender Discussion: Recognizing and Understanding Gender to Action







The patriarchal system has power to control many aspects of women's lives, from ideology to economy. It is not surprising if poverty is also closely associated with women. Unfortunately, not only cultural practices strengthening the system but also religion factors. Critical thinking about gender should be disseminated in society, especially by the intellectuals as figures having impacts to society. Their participation as gender equality actors is extremely expected.




One of women discrimination practices may be rooted from cultural understanding which ennoble men higher than women. Although women have been fighting for equality in many aspects of social, economy, politic and culture, their struggle is still needed as discrimination against women is remaining. However, in fact, the discrimination also happen to men in some cases.




Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta with students who want to learn about these issues, have series of discussions with several different topics covering:




  1. 1.      Understanding of gender
  2. 2.      Gender with cultural perspective
  3. 3.      Exposure to "Wonolelo", a gender-equality village
  4. 4.      Gender Construction
  5. 5.      Violence in Man-Woman Relationship
  6. 6.      Public Policy for Women




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Wednesday, 22 May 2013
by adminstube
Gender Class
Basic Understanding of Gender

What is GENDER? Why do we need to discuss and understand it? The first question came from Ariani Narwastujati, SS, M.Pd., the discussion facilitator to all participants in Understanding of Gender. The discussion was held by Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta on 23 March 2013.
Yohanes, one of the participants tried to highlight the Bible stories, that we must admit that the men were more dominant than women. It can be read on the stories of Abraham and Sarah, David and Bathsheba, or Queen Vashti. They were based on the past traditions. Thus, now the Bible readings must be reconstructed by understanding the story with the equality perspective between men and women. "So, gender can be understood as a concept to give new perspective for men and women equality," he added.
While Trustha reminded that based on the Bible, eventhough women are still culture-marginalized, as they were never mentioned in family geneaology,  there were some women playing very important role such as Mary, Rahab, Ruth, Deborah, Mary Magdalene dan Esther. In todays Indonesian context, another participant, Maria told that girls or women in Adonara, Nusa Tenggara Timur, studying to other islands were mocked, because the local people assumed that women did not need to have higher study. Even the local custom treats women to have meal after all men in every banquets.
Gender understanding is often associated with sex (male or female), whereas gender is different from sex. Etymologically, 'gender' is derived from the English language meaning 'sex' (John M. Echols and Hassan Shadily, 1983: 265). Long process of gender discriminations between men and women happen and  they are constructed by social-cultural and religious conditions. Because of its long process, gender is  often considered as God’s destiny or cannot biologically changed. Furthermore, the social and cultural constructions, values??, mental, emotions and other factors are used to distinguish men and women. It may be found in such conventions that women are restricted to laugh loudly, to go out at night, or pink color belongs only to women, only women are for domestic work, and  women should absolutely obey men.


Through gender discussions, participants learned about gender and understand the distinction between men and women based on social construction what exactly causes gender inequality in society. ***

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Wednesday, 1 May 2013
by adminstube

Foreign Language Program (English)

Now, the need of English mastery among students and job seekers is a must. Both  state and private universities, or companies require English mastery as one of their recruitment or employment requirement.  As the proof, students or job seekers should show their TOEFL certificate with 450 as the minimum score.
Observing the students’ need, Stube HEMAT as a service for empowering youth and students, opened a TOEFL class for students. Students could learn and practise their English in this class, that  was begun  on February 6, 2013 until May 2013. Located in SMK BOPKRI 2, Bintaran, Yogyakarta, this class could be followed by just paying the expences of material copy. Youth, students, fresh graduate as job seekers who needed it, were invited to join this class.
The class activity involved participants in the whole learning process. Beginning from the introduction, TOEFL pre-test that covers the mastery of structure, reading, and  listening, students followed it enthusiastically. After several meetings, participants got final test to know how far they had mastered the TOEFL matery. Besides TOEFL matery, participants also learned English through games, role-play dan other simple game technique, like guessing things. Such practices made English easier to learn and to be remembered. Guiding by Kencana Devia Candra, S.S  as the  TOEFL  instructure, the matery  became interesting to learn and the class became interesting to be followed.
As the goal of the activity, this program may help students to prepare and to be ready to have certificated-TOEFL test in Language Centre of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta.  The expectation may match with the students’ need when they could do the test items and get high score in the TOEFL test. Although some of them still felt unsatisfied with their score, at least, they could assess their ability and knew what they should do for the next preparation to get a satisfying score.
For students had no chance in the last class, please be patient to wait the next class for the next program. Please find out all programs of Stube HEMAT next year. ***

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Monday, 18 February 2013
by adminstube
“Youth Becomes Leader?”
Answering a Challenge to be A Leader among Youth
(Omah Jawi, Kaliurang, February 1-3, 2013)
Leadership problems always become an interesting topic to be discussed. Having a quality and honest leader is people’s demand and expectation. However, the reality shows that some leaders who exist nowadays have not been responsible yet. Leadership is not enough only in the level of knowledge about how to lead, but it is also important for a leader to have  communication and interaction skill.
Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta as one institution for youth and college students to have different learning experiences, took a part in preparing the young leaders in the training of Leadership, Teamwork, and Fun Game, which was held on February 1-3, 2013 held in Omah Jawi Kaliurang with the theme “Youth Becomes Leader?” This theme challenged each participant to be a good leader in their young age.
Rev. Bambang Sumbodo, M. Min opened the training by inviting the participants to do self-reflection both as an individu and as a student with their own passion. Being a leader is such a life call in one condition which needs a leader to promote prosperity. A leader is born because there is reaction from his/herself against injustice, poverty, despotism, or ignorance which happen in the surroundings.
Personal Mapping and Building Leader Character session was delivered by Rev. Novembri Choeldahono, M.A. The participants were bitten by sailing bug when they were asked to make fire oration because youth movement has to be colored with new ideas and enthusiastic spirit. In this session, they learned about self mapping and their own leader character. They were also asked to make vision and mission for the guidance to future.
Leadership and Building Christian Character session was led by Rev. Dr. Tumpal M.P.L. Tobing who invited the participants to rethink their faith strength and motivation to do good things. He gave an analogy of King, Ear, and Mouth. King is the thought which is connected with what we hear. Then, what we think is what we do. Ear is whom I listen. Mouth is a tool to tell others about the King. As what is delivered by Samuel Smile, “Sow a thought, and you reap an act. Sow an act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit, and you reap a character. Sow a character, and you reap a destiny.” As the pioneer of Stube-HEMAT, Rev. Tumpal also noticed the participants to take advantage from this institution to get optimal result.
In the Sunday morning devout, Rev. Mathelda Yeanne Tadu, S.Si invited the participants to re-observe the theme, “Youth becomes Leader?” The using of question mark can mean “Is youth proper to be a leader? Through this training, Christian youth is expected and prepared to be future leaders.
Leadership and Social Care which is delivered by Esaol Agustriawan M.A increased the participant’s care and awareness about social situation and problems surroundings. Leadership cannot be separated from the situation and reality in society. Therefore, a leader must interact constantly, become a part of the society, and have empathy to the problems.
One interesting thing in this training is the presence of a participant coming from Bangladesh, Shanta Akhter Sheema, a magister student of UNY. She opened other participants’ knowledge with a perspective about how Bangladesh youth increases self quality through non-formal education like what Stube-HEMAT does in Indonesia.
Fun Game session, the last but not the least in this session, is also very unforgettable. Through some games which were done in groups, the participants learned how to cooperate and to compete. VIVA Youth! ***

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Sunday, 13 January 2013
by adminstube

Follow Up of Civil Society Training

Follow Up of Civil Society Training: IT Workshop
Optimizing Students’ Ability in Computer Use

This workshop related with the use of computer is very important and many students coming from remote area with limited access of internet should work hard to compete with students having quite good internet access. Students from Timor Leste studying in Yogyakarta and joining HIMER–Y (Himpunan Mahasiswa Timor Leste in Yogyakarta), a local student community from Ermera, Timor Leste admitted that one way to strengthen the civil society is empowerment. New students from local areas coming to Yogyakarta need to have fast adaptation to get access especially in Information Technology that is so limited in their home town. So, the community invited their friends to optimize their skill in using computer.
After Civil Society Empowerment training held by Stube HEMAT a couple of weeks ago, the members of HIMER-Y intended to develop and to improve the quality of civil society. This event was especially held for college students who are expected to be able to contribute positive things for the society, specifically for Timor Leste or other cities when the students go back to their hometown after finishing their study. Agostino Marques, a student of AKAKOM Yogyakarta, longingly shared his knowledge about computer to the participants of this workshop. By knowing the ways to optimize computer, the community hope that this skill will help students in finishing their college assignments that must be done by computer.
This one day workshop held on January 12, 2013 in “Omah Limasan” supplied the participants with knowledge to know some problems related with software and also to know the importance of social network such as blogspot as one of the tools to promote their scholarly papers, videos or other works. The participants found that there were many interesting cases in computer and internet access during the workshop. Thus, they expect that such discussion or workshop related with the problems in optimizing skill in computer and internet  access for new local students in Yogyakarta may be held more often, as it is very important. ***

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Tuesday, 1 January 2013
by adminstube

Welcome to 2013


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