Friday, 10 February 2017
by adminstube
Broaden the Horizon
Through International Interaction
Participation of Stube-HEMAT in Pre-Conference of International Youth Camp (IYC) 2017
Wittenberg, Germany, Jan 30 - Feb 5, 2017
Stube-HEMAT is an institution for human resource development, especially for students from various regions in Indonesia. The network of cooperation is established both nationally and internationally. International activities carried out such as Exposure to Stube Germany and participation in International Youth Camp (IYC) in Wittenberg, Germany. The Exposure to Stube Germany is designed to enhance the youth fraternity and the activists of Stube HEMAT Indonesia and Stube in Germany by the initiative of ESG (Evangelischen Studierendengemeinden in Deutschland). While participation in the IYC is an invitation from two institutions namely aej / arbeitsgemeinschaft der Evangelischen Jugend eV (Christian Youth Federation in German Republic) and ESG.
IYC becomes one of the activities of the 500th anniversary of church reformation held at Wittenberg, Germany in July-August 2017 and it will be attended by 300 participants from 20 countries to learn and get to know Martin Luther, the history and development of reformation. There are many activities to learn other cultures and diversity through art performances, workshops, games and group discussions.
In preparation for the event, there was IYC pre-conference on Jan 30 – Feb 5, 2017 in Wittenberg, Germany. It was the first meeting between the international committee and the coordinator of representatives of each institution from various countries. Stube-HEMAT sent Ariani Narwastujati, Director of Stube-HEMAT and Trustha Rembaka, Coordinator of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta. Ariani Narwastujati is a member of the International Planning Committee of IYC and Trustha Rembaka as coordinator of the delegation from Stube-HEMAT Indonesia.
The preparatory meeting discussed many issues such as the proposed activities during the IYC covering the 'past' (then), 'now' and 'soon' aspects and related to the 'head', 'heart' and 'hand'. The workshops' proposals included discussions on Martin Luther, spiritual events, visit Wittenberg city, sports, singing together and teamwork games. The discussion that is not less exciting is when the group talking about rules, because IYC becomes a place of cross-nation meeting of different cultures and customs, so, there will be differences of way of view and attitude and habit of every nation. It must be realized and understood well by the group coordinator who must convey it to the members. This pre-conference gives a clear picture of the IYC, what it does, who the participants are, what the location is, what the IYC activities are, what each contingent should prepare and what will be done after the pre-conference.

To give the description of the location to be used, the coordinators had an opportunity to visit the camp site located in the northern part of Wittenberg city which was covered with winter snow at that time. Nevertheless the participants can still watch the wide location and some mounds of land that resemble small hills. Guided by Claudius Weykonath, IYC's managing manager, the participants were informed about the division of the camp area for both the participants' tents, outdoor activities, workshop tents, public services and entertainment. Furthermore, Annette Klinke (ESG) invited participants to go around Wittenberg to visit Stadtkirche where Martin Luther preached his sermons, as well as Schlosskirche, a medieval classical church with a high huge minaret where Martin Luther nailed the arguments against the abuses of Christianity in the door gate. The churches are well preserved up to now.
Although not all coordinators were present, but, some of us, Wilfredo (Argentina), Chun Yung (Taiwan), Arpad (Romania), Fadi (Palestine), Jeno (Romania), Carmen (Germany), Gottfried (Germany) Heidrun (Germany), Matthias (Germany), Sandra (Portugal), Jean Bosco (Rwanda), Yana (Russia), Lena (Germany), Nadine (Germany), Ulrike (Germany), Hannan (Palestine), Hafeni (Namibia ), and Hans Ulrich (Germany) were present. The interesting point is although it is a new meeting, the sense of togetherness and the warmth of the relationship can be felt by each participant.


Before returning to Indonesia, Ariani and Trustha with Annette Klinke met Dirk Thesenvitz (aej director) and Kathleen Schneider-Murandu from BfdW, one of the Stube networks in Berlin. Sophieneck, a typical German food restaurant, became one of the city's night spots besides the history of the Berlin Wall separating West Germany and East Germany.


It is a meeting that opens the perspective that diversity is a reality on earth and further, the realization of relations between nations, especially among young people based on mutual respect is an effort to realize peace. (TRU).

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