Monday, 9 May 2016
by adminstube
I Care of You


Student Community for Environmental Concern


Students Interaction Among Society







A training on Multicultural, and Inter-religious Dialogue organized by Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta at Wisma Panti Semedi, Klaten on Friday to Sunday, April 22-24, 2016 encouraged the participants to do follow-up action in social reality. Some participants, mostly students of STPMD "APMD" responded positively to this by establishing a cooperation in diverse society by ethnics, religions and cultures. They initiated a community called Student Community for Environmental Concern. Their real action is shown in cooperation with KOMPAG, Youth Community of Gendeng (a local youth community) and residents of RW 20 Gendeng, manifested in social service, by cleaning the surrounding area.






The social action was held on Sunday, May 8, 2016 at RW 20 Gendeng, Baciro. It began at 06.00-09.20 A.M. The participants cleaned Timoho roadside, mosque ‘Anwar Rashid’ and a clogged ditch in Gendeng. The goal of this community is actualizing concern of environment and having relation with society at Gendeng village. This first event was attended by thirty five participants including students, local youth and local residents.





Following the event, Youth Community of Gendeng and village officials invited this community to attend the 13th anniversary of the Youth Community of Gendeng (KOMPAG) on Sunday, May 15, 2016. In that occasion, the local officer gave positive response to the group that has worked together with local residents  and  he also asked them to stay away from drugs and not to be curious about it. Next, the chairman of RW Gendeng thanked this student community and hoped that the cooperation will continue in the future. There are also some awards in several categories: youth creativity category was achieved by Youth Community of Gendeng, smart kids category was achieved by children of Gendeng village, and critical and initiative category was awarded to Student Community for Environmental Concern for their initiative and participation in activity with Gendeng community.




This event delivers a message that diversity in society should not be the reason of hatred, but united in a cooperation that maintain the unity of Indonesia instead. To all youth in Indonesia, keep your creativity for the nation! (CAR).





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