Tuesday, 8 March 2016
by adminstube
Christian Youth:
A Fighter for Justice?
A challenge & call service
Discussing about justice will be never-ending. The issue continues to be a hot topic for debate by many groups. Everyone needs justice both rights and obligations. For the government side, the parameter of program’s success is, whether everyone has obtained equal rights or not. However, the reality shows that it is very difficult to obtain or implement justice.
On Monday, March 7, 2016 several students from several universities in Yogyakarta, including STPMD 'APMD', UMBY, STAK Marturia, LPP, UST held a discussion with ‘Talenta’ fellowship, a Christian student community of Mercu Buana University, Yogyakarta. The discussion held as part of regular fellowship was facilitated by Chobas, a student of STPMD 'APMD.' He shared a topic of ‘Justice, from political, social, and religion aspects: What Christian Youth Can Do?’
Chobas conveyed Aristotle's theory of justice: commutative justice, distributive justice, natural justice, conventional justice, and justice improvement. He gave many examples for justice with political and social approach, so it was easy for the listener to understand. While verses taken from John 5: 30-31 says: "I can do nothing of myself; I judge according to what I hear, and my judgment is fair, because I did not follow my own free will, but the will of him who sent me. If I testify about myself, my testimony was not true', became a conclusion of justice with religious approach.
Veni, a student of Agro-technology faculty of Mercu Buana asked, "What one must do, if he/she does not know politics, moreover to fight against injustice?" Chobas responded by explaining that politics is universal, everyone has right to take part in politics. However, politics has levels, for example, Ahok and Ahmad Dhani (two figures currently competing for governor in Jakarta). One should learn and go under process to have political capability before entering political world.
Young people were not always unready, by doing efforts, hard works and having big motivation as the main aspects, they will be able fight against injustice happened in their surroundings with a faith on the Lord Jesus. (ITM)

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