Tuesday, 29 September 2015
by adminstube
Indonesia Potency


as the World Maritime Axis


At Driyarkara hall, Sanata Dharma University,


On September 28, 2015







Indonesia becomes the world maritime axis? Why not? We have the potencies! Endang Susilowati, a lecturer at the Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Semarang, presented her argument based on a research. At least, there are six potencies: a strategic geographic location, the territorial condition, abundant natural products, the vast territory and long coastline, a large number of people who are familiar with sea, and government regulation that supports marine and maritime.




At Driyarkara's seminar hall, in Central Building of Sanata Dharma University, were crowded by dozens of students who had been ready to learn and discuss in the public lecture. With vibrant and full of confidence, Endang conveyed the material which catched students’ enthusiasm. Two team members of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta, Stenly Recky Bontinge and Yohanes Dian Alpasa attended this public lecture.




In the beginning of her presentation, she quoted Bung Karno’s poetry, "...do any efforts so that we become a nation of sailors again." The ideas evoked the romance of maritime which is actually already exist in the mind of the founders of this nation. They believed that a great nation is a nation that rules the sea, a nation having oceanic activity that will be busier than the rhythm of the wave itself. In 1950s, the territory of Indonesian Republic is only 3 nautical miles. It means that Indonesia has no power to control the sea outside of its border. The consequences are many foreign large ships freely back and forth near the Indonesian territory bringing impact on economic life. Further, foreign military ships will affect the national security.




Considering the consequences, that was not always positive, then, Bung Karno, on December 13, 1957 declared Juanda Declaration. It stated that Indonesia is a unitary state controling the sea between its islands. Soil, water and air is a unitary authority area of Indonesian Republic.




The conference on Law of the Sea produced UNCLOS on December 10, 1982 was ratified by Indonesia in 1985 as outlined in the Act No.17 of 1985. The terms of archipelago which translated as the island nation is not appropriate because the term of ‘Archipelago’ is derived from ‘arch’ (major) and ‘pelagos’ (sea), so a historian, AB Lapian translated Archipelago State as a sea state that is sprinkled by islands. Indonesian territory which consist of islands provides abundant wealth potency; geographical potency, historical and cultural potency of maritime, maritime potency (oil and gas reserve, mining and food), the potency of tourism, industrial potency, and the potency of maritime services.







At 12.00 p.m, the participants’ spirit on public lecture is still strong enough. In discussion session, Yohanes asked Endang about the relief of sailing boat at Borobudur temple, the maritime vision of president Joko Widodo and the benefit of maritime development for students and the people who live in land. Endang responded, "the ship was carved on Borobudur reliefs. Please check it later and learn it better. It described the history of marine glory of Indonesian ancestors. Indonesia’s vision to be maritime axis was echoed by president Joko Widodo. It was no problem if there were a change of term, for example, from Gadjah Mada expedition route to Admiral Cheng-Ho expedition route. The concept of marine did not yet find a definitive format, so the concept development is still in progress.




Whoever we are, we have to start from our own tradition. People who live in land and have no marine background, do not need to plunge into marine life. Anyone who works in farming, do its potencies, keep working and be productive. Finally, it is expected that Indonesian will joyfully welcome the glory of Indonesian Republic. (YDA).




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