Something with Indonesian Ocean
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
at Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta Secretary
Indonesia as a maritime country has 70% ocean area with 54.716 kilometers length of coastline, and millions of potency that should be seriously considered by the government and the people in order to optimize its resources. The lack of awareness about ocean potency and life affects social welfare among sea workers and fishermen. So many number of illegal fishing done by other countries in the Indonesian seas, the lack of pride on fisheries among youth as the next generation and no maritime-based education curriculum that inculcate love of sea threaten the pride of Indonesia as a maritime country.
Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta, as a part of this nation feels concerned with such situation and supports programs that promote Indonesian marine pride by organizing a program of Marine Economy to give the awareness and love of youth to the maritime world. It was started by a small discussion held on Tuesday, July 28th, 2015 at Stube-HEMAT Secretary, 12 students exchanged ideas with Ir. Satimin Parjono, having experiences in developing marine world in DIY. He was also a pioneer to build Sadeng fishing port, at Gunungkidul Regency.
The sharing session of participants' experience on ocean world drove them to re-think about sea and its life. Stenly, a student from Sulawesi is very common with sea because his house is less than 100 meters from sea, as well as Yolan and Ana, both are students from Sumba, but Riri and Aby are less familiar with sea because they live quite far from sea. Furthermore, participants were asked to observe Indonesia map and they spontaneously expressed openly their thought toward Indonesian map. Some participants mentioned the uniqueness of the shape of islands, the composition of the islands is like a vessel and a group of islands in the middle of ocean and many more.
Ir. Satimin Parjono revealed that his interaction with marine world begins from zero. Formerly he was closer with agriculture than with marine life. The turning point happened when he moved to fisheries division of Department of Fisheries and Marine in Yogyakarta. The division dealed with marketing, commerce and social and culture of fisheries. This division found that fish consumption level of Yogyakarta residents is still low, just reaching 1.6 kg/person/year. It could not be allowed any longer. Therefore, Ir. Satimin was challenged to increase fish consumption in town and villages. Many various methods were used, such as, opening a fish stall in the city square, performing a demo of fish processing, and selling fish to local markets in districts. Finally, he received a mandate to carry out the construction of fish port in Sadeng, in the south coast of Yogyakarta. Despite there were many challenges, the construction could be completed with an expectation that Sadeng fishing port is blessed to bring benefits to people, especially fisherman community.
Marine economy is related not only to increase fish production but also to increase living standard of marine workers, the quality of seafood processing, tourism industry, environmental conservation and education. The discussion ended with a commitment to regrow love of sea through exposure to Muncar Banyuwangi, Gunungkidul and Bantul. (TRU)