Monday, 19 July 2010
by adminstube

Having Exposure to House of Representative in Gunung Kidul Regency



Date: Monday, September 7, 2009
Time: 10:00 – 12:00 WIB
Place: Main Hall of House of Representative, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.
Participants: 50 (coalition with other net-working organizations of Stube HEMAT)

This exposure is meant to give experience to students the actual meeting of legislative, to meet and discuss directly with legislators, to ask on some unclear policies and to know networking organizations of Stube HEMAT. The agenda of the House of Representative is open meeting by doing public hearing about Regency Budget Planning in the year of 2010. Students learn how and the reasons why a certain budget policy for a certain expense is decided and the goal of it. The budget is for many sectors such as health, education, physical development, agriculture, economy, and many other needs of the Regency. Students also learn how critical questions of other participants from NGOs are launched to the House of Representative and clarification given by the legislator members.

The chance to visit the House of Representative encourages students to know further about everything related with how public policy is decided for the sake of people. Corruption issue is a hot topic not only locally but also nationally. It is an ideal thought when the legislators cite that corruption must be combated and procedure must be done correctly and carefully.

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