Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta is a program giving advocacy to students with HEMAT for its motto. It stands for H-idup (Life), E-fisien (Efficient), M-andiri (Self-supported), A-nalitis (Analitics) and T-ekun (Perserverence). Program activities followed by students want to impart those values to Christian youth so they have a good quality to manage their life. They will learn how short the life is, so that they should make it efficient, that’s why they should be self-supported, analytics and not easy to give up.

Logo of Stube-HEMAT is taken from a story of a pottery maker from the Holy Bible. He works to make many kinds of potteries, such as, jar, pot, crock and so on. Process of making a qualified container is not simple either not comfortable. The soil must be well selected, stamped, molded, formed, even burnt. Such process is also used by God to form people to be mature, wise and fruitful for others surroundings. Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta facilitates students to experience process of maturity through trainings to be qualified ones.
The word of STUBE is from Germany. It’s kind of program facilitated by churches of Lutheran in Germany that care of many foreign students studying in Germany, especially from the third world country including Indonesia. The church gave students knowledge or skills different with what students got from campus and universities. Students were also motivated to develop their local countries by finding chances and doing any efforts for their countries or open any work chances in their own country as well. This advocacy was crucial since there were many foreign students studying in Germany were not willing to return to their countries as limited work chances there. In the contrary, there were many prospective jobs available in Germany.
Stube Program cannot be separated from a real experience of Rev. Tumpal M.P. Lumban Tobing, Mag.Theol, who stayed for years in Germany during his study. He was the one bringing this program concept to Indonesia. Formerly, the program was called Re-integration program, then, further it is called Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta.
Stube-HEMAT was held in Yogyakarta because of the similarity situation of foreign students in Germany. Yogyakarta is called Indonesia mini as it is inhabited by people coming from all around Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke. Many students also come to study in Yogyakarta and unluckily they are not willing to return to their local region after finishing their study in Yogyakarta. One main and common reason is job chances availability.
Such situation encourages Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta to facilitate local students to upgrade their quality through trainings with variety programs. They can develop their personal ability and enlarge knowledge so they will be motivated to return and develop their local regions.
Vision of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta:
To make people, especially students and youth, be aware of their surrounding social problems.
Missions of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta:
- Enable student and youth to understand social problems (cognition ability).
- Enable students and youth to know their responsibility to take part for solution in their surrounding social problems (affective skill).
- Enable students and youth to design their future (psychomotoric skill).
- Enable students and youth to empower community (empowering skill).