Get to Know Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu

Wednesday, 13 October 2021
by Teguh Asa Chrismantino Zega

By : Teguh Asa Chrismantino Zega.          


Hello readers, greetings from Bengkulu. First, let me introduce myself, my name is Teguh Asa Chrismantino Zega. I am studying theology at STTAB (Arastamar Bengkulu Theological College) and currently in the 7th semester and pursuing my education at STTAB. I come from North Sumatra, Nias Island, North Gunungsitoli district, Gawu-gawu Bo'uso Village.



For a moment I will tell my first experience I got to know the Stube HEMAT program. Initially, the first meeting was held on Tuesday, 05 October 2021 (07:00). The Stube program was first introduced by one of our lecturers, Made Nopen Supriadi.

At first, I did not understand Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu, because there was still limited information about the Stube-HEMAT program. However, during the meeting, we got a responsibility to write an article describing a creative village specifically about my village in Nias.

Then, on Tuesday, October 12, 2021 (19.00–21.00 WIB), I participated again in the Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu activity. The session was accompanied by Yohanes Dian Alpasa, S.Si.Teol., the Multiplicator of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu. That night the multiplicator explained Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu.



I understand more about the program of Stube-HEMAT after he explained more about the program. There are several points that I learned from the meeting, such as:


  1. The Stube-HEMAT program aims to empower the community (Human resources), especially students as an intellectual group.
  2. Stube-HEMAT empowers the surrounding environment to become a source of life.
  3. There are discussions held by Stube-HEMAT activists.
  4. Stube-HEMAT shows the value of humanity.
  5. The Stube-HEMAT concept is not focused on one object only, is not fanatical so it is easy to interact with other organizations and can establish good cooperation
  6. Stube-HEMAT has a vision and mission.
  7. Stube-HEMAT builds the creativity of students and other communities.
  8. Stube-HEMAT teaches how to love nature, such as the world of agriculture.
  9. Stube-HEMAT facilitates students with discussions, seminars, and field visits.
  10. Stube-HEMAT broadens people's horizons.




The points above are found in the video shown by the multiplicator about Stube-HEMAT. I realized that the Stube-HEMAT program was very useful for me as a young generation and theology student.

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