Youth Breaks Through Exclusivity

Wednesday, 25 September 2019
by adminstube
"Youth Collaboration Across Differences In the middle of Society Exclusivity in Indonesian" was the topic of discussion of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu Multiplication program on September 24, 2019, held at Kenrich Cafe, Jl. WR Supratman, Kandang Limun, Rear Unib. This one and a half hour discussion was hosted by Mutiara E. Lumban Gaol, with Hosani Ramos Hutapea as moderator and Yedija Manullang as the speaker.




The discussion was opened with an introduction about Stube-HEMAT as a student mentoring institution and sharing experiences of Yedija and Mutiara during their participation in 'Multicultural and Interfaith Dialogue' training held by Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta. Yedija said that during the training the participant learn to understand that difference is not a reason not tobe united, but learn to live side by side instead. Even some religious leaders in Gunungkidul regency, Yogyakarta, initiated the establishment of a school of diversity (Sekolah Kebhinnekaan) which facilitates the meeting of young people and interfaith communities and faiths to hold discussions, visit or training. All of these lead to strengthen the bond of brotherhood as one nation. Those above motivated the speakers to promote the topic in order to give understanding and to inspire friends in Bengkulu.




The condition of Indonesian people can be classified as inclusive and exclusive. The inclusive society is a society that can accept and acknowledge the differences of other side, they are easy to interact with differences because they assume that essentially all community members are equal, while the exclusive society is a society that isolates themselves from differences because they do not want to be interfered by other groups both culturally and understanding. Meanwhile, Bengkulu province has variety of cultures from each ethnics and religions.



Regarding to this diversity, the suitable solution is collaboration, mutual trust building and cooperation, strengthening unity in diversity. The role of youth is urgently needed to create harmony, not only in Bengkulu but also in Indonesia, through small cross-community discussions based on religion, art, hobbies with other communities in Bengkulu. It must be fostered continuously because the debate on the exclusivity of each group will only lead to disunity and destruction. (Hosani Ramos Hutapea)

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