Your finger is your tiger: Wisely respond and utilize digital technology

Thursday, 16 December 2021
by Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung
Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung.          


The majority of the people of East Lampung Regency are an agrarian society, and they are connected by various kinds of global changes, especially in technology and information. For this reason, on December 15, 2021, at Wisma Centrum, the Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Lampung held a training with a theme: 'Effectively Manage Websites'. The training facilitated church youth, students, and university students to know what a website is, know the regulation when using social media, and at the end, each participant is expected to be able to manage social media wisely.





'Your finger is your tiger' is a wise expression conveyed by Basuki, S.Pd, M.Pd., the 1st deputy chairman of the Metro City house of representatives, one of the training facilitators. He described that nowadays, only with one finger someone can do good and bad deeds. Basuki, as an education practitioner, invited participants to be wise in using social media, because Indonesian currently use social media in communication and socialization activitiesapproximately 59% of them. YouTube is the most popular platform to access with 88%, WhatsApp at 84%, Facebook at 82%, Instagram at 72%, Twitter at 56%, and Line at 50% respectively.


Based on these data, it can be said that social media is like rice, the basic need for Indonesians. But, on the other hand, social media is a virtual world that is full of traps, because not every piece of information on social media is valid facts, data, or news. The Indonesian government implemented the Electronic Information and Transaction Law (UU ITE) to solve the problem and ensnare social media users who spread false news, hate speech, provocations, and other modes of deception that can harm others.



Departing from the point above, facing the world of modern technology and information requires an analytical and critical attitude to anticipate the bad side effects. The next facilitator, Dwi Setyo Harjanto, a program developer and technology criticist who developed critical discourses on the development of the Southern Sumatran Christian Church Synod (GKSBS) and Yabima Indonesia through the website. Websites are an important part of the development of news and communication media for human life in the context of spirituality and religion. Through a website, GKSBS and Yabima Synod offer various facilities of comfort, convenience, and fluency in interaction and information as a new spirituality as a means of communication from many aspects of life among diversities.



Through the training, the participants learned several things including how to use social media to build revolutionary philosophies, concepts, visions, and future scenarios that are expected to be a balance between the material and spiritual world, physical and spiritual, and reality and fantasy. It is a challenging task, but through the gates of the world of social media, humans have a chance to meet millions of people and travel around to see representations of texts, images, holy places, houses of worship, and artworks that can increase knowledge, consciousness, spirituality, and religion. Hopefully, God's goodness can be realized through social media. (YYD) ***



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Hypermodern market in the digital era: Challenges and opportunities for youth

Monday, 22 November 2021
by Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung
Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung.          


Entrepreneurship can be done by anyone and anywhere, including young people who are still studying, because entrepreneurship is not limited by age, gender, space, and time. There is various form of business, from property, travel and tourism agencies, food, beverages, clothing, sports equipment, musical instruments, household needs, school needs, and so on.

A new era of digitalization opens a wide opportunity for entrepreneurs which change traditional shopping patterns and systems in face-to-face interaction between sellers and buyers to hypermodern transactions through online virtual worlds without having to meet and interact physically.



All the conveniences offered by the hypermodern market are not always easy, but that does not impossible to do. Therefore, the Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Lampung, Pdt. Theofilus Agus Rohadi, S.Th, held a training with the theme ‘Entrepreneurship in Digital Era’ to equip, to explore potential, and to encourage participants to know the opportunities they can do, namely entrepreneurship in the digital era. The participants consisted of church youth, Pondok Diakonia students, and university students,

It was a good opportunity for Stube HEMAT in Lampung to initiate training at Wisma Pugung, East Lampung (19-21/11/2021) so the participants were ready to face the works. The sessions were facilitated by resource persons working in economics and technology, namely Suseno Setyo Adi, S.E, M.Kom., a lecturer at PGRI campus at Metro, and Fransiska Nola, S.E., expert staff in the field of community economic empowerment in East Lampung regency.





Suseno conveyed that digital transformation is a change that many people have to face that changes drastically the movement of the economy to become more innovative, practical, safe, comfortable, and efficient but still has the quality and gives satisfaction to its users. Meanwhile, Fransiska Nola firmly said that all industries, small and medium enterprises must be open to adopt digital transformation because of the great benefits to improve the economy, even the ability to expand and reach customers easily in digital-based markets.



Hopefully, through the training, participants can develop their potency to enter and face the digital era. Do your best when you are young because the process never denies the results in the future. (YYD) ***


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Creatively Designing Videos for Entertainment and Education

Sunday, 26 September 2021
by adminstube

Stube HEMAT Multiplication in Lampung

Social media is an inseparable thing to those who live in the digital information era, from opening their eyes in the morning until time for bed, accessing social media becomes an inseparable activity to meet their information, entertainment, spiritual, sports, business needs, etc. Social media has positive and negative impacts on its users, whether they are content viewers or those involved as creators on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, or Tiktok. Nowadays, social media has become an addiction for many people. Positively, it is not just a medium to express and actualize one's abilities, but to make money if one can manage and produce interesting content. Creativity and the ability to innovate in expressing ideas are the keys to the success of a social media content creator to get a good response from netizens.



The Multiplicator of Stube-HEMAT Lampung responded to the opportunities by providing a discussion with the theme 'Creativity and Innovation in Creating Content on Social Media.' The discussion at Pondok Diakonia GKSBS Batanghari was attended by 30 participants consisting of church youth, students, and university students (Saturday, September 25, 2021) The expectations from this discussion are;first, participants can understand the techniques of creating interesting content. Second, participants are encouraged to become creative and innovative youths/students in presenting content. Third, participants are motivated to become content creators which produce videos as performance and guidance.



During the discussion, Yulia Budi Sarahmawati, a facilitator from social media content creators facilitated the participants. She said that social media is very important in her life because it can be a tool to convey information to many people. In this discussion, participants learned how to create good, interesting, and creative content using a video editor application. After that, they were challenged to make videos in five different areas of interest, such as music, agriculture and animal husbandry, design, multimedia, and culinary arts. The participants' video explained what, who, where, for whom, and how, in the form of interviews, narratives, and drama. The facilitator assessed the videos of each group, and she admitted that almost all participants had talent and ability to create content.

This training encouraged participants to become digital creators who produce wise content, through innovative videos or appreciative writings. Even though it is hard to make videos contain performance and guidance, they possibly bring changes in social existence, spiritual, intellectual, political, and economic to be better. (YYD).


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Learning Credit Union and Writing Technique

Sunday, 22 August 2021
by Lusiana Sih Ayuning Tiyas

Activity of Students at Pondok Diakonia


By: Lusiana Sih Ayuning Tiyas.




Pondok Diakonia held an activity through the Multiplication program of Stube-HEMAT in Lampung, that is, discussion about Credit Union (CU) and journalism at Pondok Diakonia training center, Batanghari, East Lampung (21/8/2021). This is an enrichment program for young people at Pondok Diakonia to learn CU, how to achieve prosperity, and to sharpen writing skills by arranging sentences and expressing ideas systematically.



In the first session about CU, Candra Istiono, the supervisor, and Sugeng Asmoro, the manager of CU Sehati, explained that the Sehati itself was founded based on concern for others who are facing difficulties. Then, they collectively raise funds to help each other to meet their needs through productive efforts. Initially, in 1990 there were only 52 members with an initial capital of less than 2 million, and in 2021 the members of CU Sehati have grown to four thousand members with total assets of more than 29 billion.



The developing process of the CU seems easy, but there are challenges and hard efforts to be done. The challenges are faced with an optimistic attitude and wise decisions, as well as the awareness that realizing big dreams must start from small things and takes time. From the speakers' explanation, the participants learned the concept of CU, a joint business, and the owners of CU are the members who join the cooperative and have the goal for members’ welfare. Furthermore, participants get to know CU Sehati and its services, from membership and how to become a member, types of deposits and loans, loan terms and loan interest, loan guarantees, and mutual protection funds. In terms of benefits, the members have an alternative place to store money safely, easy to borrow money, get savings profits, and affordable loan interest.



In the second session, the participants practiced writing techniques with Dwi Setyo Harjanto, office staff, and Information Technology, experts from the GKSBS Synod. He said that 'without ideas, someone cannot write', so, when someone wants to write, he must have an idea or theme to write about. Then, when he starts writing, he must determine the point of view of writing so that the writing does not spread everywhere. Next, the writer determines the 'lead', whether the lead is summary, storytelling, descriptive, or citation. The 'lead' is the opening article that will determine whether the reader will continue to read or skip it. This means that 'lead' is the key that provoking someone's curiosity to read news or articles. Regarding the title, Dwi reminded me that there are times when the title changes. Do not let the title at the beginning block ideas in developing writing. So, it does not matter if there is a change in the title when the article is finished. In writing, it is necessary to remember two important aspects that must be considered, that is, language and relevance.

From this activity, the participants learned to apply new experiences, as expressed by Angel Prawesti, one of the youth in the dormitory, "I learned how to write properly and correctly with 5W and 1H and CU materials that encourage us to be diligent in saving and managing money well for the future." They also initiated Pondok Diakonia student CU and wrote writings with a simple theme, with the belief that success starts with persistence in doing small things, and eventually grows into something big and beneficial. 

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Lampung Youth Prepare for Digital Era

Saturday, 31 July 2021
by Stube HEMAT / Thomas Yulianto

By Stube HEMAT / Thomas Yulianto 


The advance of technology affects human life, especially during the pandemic. Human life is 'forced' to access technology. If someone cannot use technology, he will be left behind with people who are adaptive to the digital world. The advances in digital technology are good for human life, for example, the distance between people is no longer a barrier to communicate and can even communicate face to face, everyone has an opportunity to access information quickly and can even earn income by utilizing technology for business and services.





The rapid advance of technology become an alternative activity in the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung to enrich young people and students, so that they can compete in the digital era and get benefit from it. Training on Entrepreneurship in the Digital Era which applied methods of discussion, seminar, visits, and practice was held on July 31, 2021, at Pondok Diakonia, Center for Development and Skills Training, East Lampung. Rev. Eko Nugroho M.Th, the program manager of YABIMA Indonesia conveyed a topic “The World in the Digitalization Era” which was attended by twenty-five students and church youth.



Rev. Eko started the dialogue by asking a query, "Does everyone here have a mobile phone with internet facilities?" Most participants have a modern mobile phone. He continued that the current era can be called the abundance of the information era. It is marked by the ease of obtaining information accessed by people. When someone needs information about something, he or she can simply type or say something on Google or other search engines, and in second the required information will be available.



This era is also considered as the era of 'nudity,' because everyone without thinking expresses feelings, a problem that occurs and even mentions his identity in social media. These allow anyone to know information where, what about, even personal data that should not be for public consumption. Moreover, information is abundant however whether all the information useful, good, and true? The answer can be yes or no, for example when communicating via WhatsApp, someone is easy to give opinions or to forward information about Covid 19 without checking, cross-checking, although it is out of his/her field competence. A person can spread misinformation by accessing information from an invalid source. Rev. Eko invited all participants to be wise and responsible to use a mobile phone. When someone uses a mobile phone he/she should use it according to their needs, avoiding excessive use by time, finances, and abilities. He also encouraged participants to actively promote good things and share their positive activities on social media, and to avoid personal shares that could lead to negative responses on social media.



This discussion motivates participants to learn more in mastering technological advances in the digital era, so they will not become a 'stutter' generation, or out of date. When someone masters technology, he must spread a positive impact to friends on social media in a responsible way. The readiness of Lampung youth to enter the era of digital progress is determined by their ability to learn, adapt and develop themselves. Come on, young people from Lampung, get ready for the digital era. ***

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Church, Whirled In the Potency Of Conflict In Lampung

Sunday, 23 May 2021
by Stube HEMAT

By: Stube HEMAT





Church, whirled in the potency of conflict in Lampung became the topic of a serial seminar (Saturday, 05/22/2021) with Rev. Eko Nugroho, Sri Guntoro, and Rev. DR. Bambang Nugroho Hadi. Rev. Eko Nugroho, an active pastor of GKSBS, in charge of managing Yabima Indonesia, a foundation owned by GKSBS Synod that focuses to provide services for the community, delivered material on conflicts. The initial questions for the participants of the seminar were ‘What conflicts have you ever known?’, ‘Why do conflicts occur in the community?’, and ‘How do you solve the conflict?’ The variety answers from the participants made the atmosphere warm and exciting. In his presentation, he explained that conflict is a part of our lives, and conflict makes one party getting know the other party. If you imagine that Jesus is present in this world, what would He do? We certainly agree that Jesus will defend the oppressed, not do vengeance to those doing evil ones, but seek peace so that all parties do what is right. At the end of the material, he invited the participants to read the peace prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi together.



The second speaker was Sri Guntoro who delivered the material, ‘Diversity: a potency or a threat in Lampung?’ He is the head of the Budhayana branch with 68 monasteries in East Lampung, as well as the board members of Forum for Harmony of Religions Members  (FKUB) in East Lampung who plays an active role in resolving disputes over the construction of houses of worship in the East Lampung region. He said that the entire Lampung region is very diverse. The diversity consists of ethnicity, religion, language, and occupation. The paradigm that sees the differences as a threat can rise because they think they are better and more correct than others. The diversity in Lampung allows for conflicts, such as certain interest, ideology, social, and religion, in which ethnic conflict occurs frequently. Gratefully, Lampung has traditional leaders who have significant influence to manage the situation. Guntoro also appreciated Stube HEMAT as a place for young people to get to know and understand other people. If action like this is held regularly, it will maintain the integrity of Lampung, even Indonesia.



The material on Conflict Management was delivered by Rev. DR. Bambang Nugroho Hadi, a lecturer at the Theology Seminary of Shalom, Lampung. He is active in interfaith study and dialogue in Lampung Province. In the seminar, he presented the definition of conflict, the level of conflict, types of conflict, causes, and impacts of conflict. A conflict has a positive impact if it makes relationships come alive, makes a person try to adjust to the environment, brings up innovative decisions, and raises a more critical perception of differences of opinion. While the negative impact will obstruct communication, disrupt the interrelationships, interfere the teamwork, etc.



He also said that conflict can be resolved by: the initiative of one or both parties, through a mediator, or reduce the claim of each party. Conflicts can also be resolved through the intervention of the more powerful party for two conflicting parties. At last, sometimes conflicts can be resolved by themselves when each is silent and ignores the conflict that occurs between them, even conflicts do not have to be resolved. ***

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Self-Recognition And Knowing The Environment

Saturday, 22 May 2021
by Multiplication Program in Lampung


By: Multiplication Program in Lampung



The activities of Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Mei 2021 were designed into a two-day seminar, which involved academics, theologians, sociologists, and social activists. It was attended by 26 participants, 5 facilitators, and 1 multiplicator.  The first seminar (Friday 26/05/2021) took place at Pondok Diakonia GKSBS Batanghari, Lampung. The two-day seminar is expected to help participants mapping their potencies and weakness, try to know the environment and the vulnerability, and how to manage it, to avoid negative impact on both humans and the environment.





Rev. Theofilus A.R, as the multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Lampung opened and presented the introduction and the goal of the seminar. The first material is Social Analysis conveyed by Praja Wiguna, a social activist who engaged with social problems. Currently he deals with the education how to give appreciation for others in the community, collaborating with Yabima Indonesia and the Australian Embassy in Indonesia. The key question in Social Analysis is: who gets the benefit and who loses. Actually, social analysis is not solving problems, but a guidance how to solve problems. The characteristic of Social Analysis covers the researcher's concern, involvement of the community member and continuity.



The second material is identifying personal’s and environment's potency, which is explained by Sularso, a Counseling Teacher of State High School 1 Batanghari, East Lampung. He looks after students not only when they are having problems, but he also mentoring students to find themselves both potency and weakness in order to be well-managed. There was a question at the beginning of the session 'How intelligent are you? What exactly is the measure of intelligence?' The participants' answers were diverse in various parameters. According to Gardner, there are eight bits of intelligence in humans. So, on the project spectrum, children with musical tendencies will be given lessons relating to music. The materials are taught with a musical approach and so the other bits of intelligence. There is no label of a bright child or not, but all are intelligent in their fields. Then, what the eight bits of intelligence that are inherent in man? They are Linguistics, Mathematical-Logic, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Visual-Spatial, Kinesthetic, and Naturalists.



The participants were asked to know other’s potency and to consider how to develop it. This is important for them to prepare themselves facing the challenges of the era, based on the environment where they live  by developing potency and coping the problem.***

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Agriculture Potency For The Young Generation

Saturday, 27 March 2021
by Stube HEMAT

(with YABIMA Indonesia, at Rumah Kawan, Metro, Lampung)


By: Stube HEMAT


A discussion on agriculture is considered less interesting for young people, students, and college students. A label as a farmer is still the domain of parents, not by today's children. Then, whether the agricultural world will die as no one is working on it? Is there a hope from the world of agriculture for the youth?



The discussion about agriculture’s potency for the young generation was held at ‘Rumah Kawan’ the office of  YABIMA Indonesia (Friday, 26/03/2021) and attended by 17 participants consisting of students, and church youth. Guided by the YABIMA Indonesia team, Rev. Eko Nugroho, M.Th, Dkn. Matius Serun, and Pinarno Adi, shared YABIMA Indonesia's experiences in its ministry in the agriculture field in Lampung.



In the discussion process, Rev. Eko Nugroho invited the participants to identify the church, what the church's duties are, why the church exists, and what they understand about the church. Many of them mentioned that the church is a place of worship, the church is the people, not the building. What should the people called-as-church do? They generally answered: preaching the gospel and the good news to others. Likewise, the church of GKSBS is called to be a blessing and to bring good news to everyone. In the field of agriculture, Yabima Indonesia, up to now has assisted approximately 60 farmer groups, 4 mass organizations, and 8 Credit Unions spreading across the districts of East Lampung, Central Lampung, and Tulang Bawang, as well as in South Sumatra, namely 2 villages in Muara Padang Jalur 20, Banyuasin Regency, and 3 villages in Air Sugihan, Ogan Komering Ilir regency. Most of the assistance is provided to poor farmers in remote areas with minimal access for clean water, sanitation, and health. Some farmers are trained to be community cadres in certain fields. Up to now, there have been 167 volunteers working for animal health and 20 volunteers as organic farming cadres.



Deacon Matius Serun as one of YABIMA's staff in agriculture said that the assistance must be done continuously to promote job as a farmer to be an interesting one among youth. Based on his experience in assisting farmers, he emphasized that farmers must be smart and able to minimize agricultural costs, see opportunities for community needs, and have the right to decide price to minimize losses. The world of agriculture will never die, moreover, it will continue to be a major need.



Furthermore, Pinarno Adi as one of Yabima Indonesia's staff in the agricultural sector said that efforts were needed to change the perspective of farmers. Agriculture is a noble work because the results of its work are needed by everyone in this world. The world of agriculture is still prospective and this is inverse to all work professions in other fields because professions outside agriculture are getting more and more applicants while the opportunities are decreasing. He closed his presentation by emphasizing not to forget agriculture, but to develop it instead because it is a noble job.***


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A Visit to Yayasan Bimbingan Mandiri (Yabima)

Saturday, 20 February 2021
by Stube-HEMAT

By: Stube-HEMAT





Meeting and discussion with the management of YABIMA Indonesia which is located at Jl. Yos Sudarso 15, Metro Lampung City, became one of the agendas during the visit to the Multiplication Program of Stube HEMAT in Lampung (Thursday, 18/02/2021). YABIMA, which was established 32 years ago, on October 20, 1989, is an institution that was born from the Southern Sumatera Christian Church (GKSBS), as a deacon institution for the community as one manifestation of God's love for the community to achieve independence. YABIMA Indonesia's services cover the southern part of Sumatra with a focus on farmer groups, mass organizations, and credit union. In general, the farmers assisted by this institution are poor-farmers in remote areas with minimal access to clean water, sanitation, and health.

"The presence of the Multiplication program of Stube HEMAT in Lampung with Pdt. Theofilus Agus Rohadi, who reaches out to the student and youth segments, is expected to collaborate and gain knowledge from the activists of the institution," said Rev. Em Bambang Sumbodo, the board-in-charge of Stube HEMAT from Yogyakarta who had the opportunity to discuss with YABIMA with other member of the board, Ir. Hero Darmawanta M.T, and the executive director of Stube HEMAT, Ariani Narwastujati. In this discussion, the management of YABIMA Indonesia, Rev. Eko Nugroho and two institutional activists warmly welcomed the Stube HEMAT's arrival and found out points to be worked together, such as how to love agriculture since  early age to young people, considering that Lampung has extraordinary potency in the agricultural sector with fertile soil conditions and sufficient rainfall.



"The meeting with Stube HEMAT is not the first time, because we have been invited to a training with the topic 'Observing the potency in village area' by the multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu in 2018. At that time there was no specific program for students and young people in Lampung," said Pdt. Eko Nugroho. "There is a big hope in the future, the cooperation will be more intense as it is located in the same city, and young people need guidance to learn the values ​​of life," Ariani expressed her hope.

Another interesting thing about YABIMA Indonesia is the value of Asceticism that is integrated with the strategy and management of the existing programs in the community. Asceticism is a lifestyle characterized by doing abstinence of physical pleasures through calls for a willingness to share, to promote justice- spirituality-gender sensitivity-peace, to respect plurality, to give chance for participative dialogue, and to do accountability. Those are the values ​​of kindness that are quite challenging, right? ***

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Opening Hopes for The Future

Friday, 19 February 2021
by adminstube

(Pondok Diakonia, GKSBS Batanghari, Lampung)

A morning greeting from Pdt. Em. Bambang Sumbodo (Board-in-charge of Stube HEMAT)


We are at GKSBS (Southern Sumatera Christian Church) Batanghari, Lampung. This church accommodates children who come from distant places from school and underprivileged families to continue their studies at a closer one. The children of Pondok Diakonia generally study at Christian junior and senior high schools in Metro, Lampung, about 30 minutes away from the place they stay. There are 36 children living in Pondok Diakonia. They learn not only knowledge at school, but also learn the realities of life with the necessary skills, such as cooking, planting vegetables, and raising goats. Children at their age are much encouraged though they must separate from their parents and siblings to pursue the future. There must be  a feeling of longing for the warmth of father, mother, sister, or brother. But, praise God that longing is replaced by the presence of the family of Rev. Theofilus Agus Rohadi, who serves GKSBS Batanghari, and as parents for children at the Pondok Diakonia.

The multiplication program of Stube HEMAT in Lampung with Rev. Theofilus as the multiplicator gives his own touch in efforts to empower human resources. The students of Stube HEMAT in Lampung grow as well as become mentors for the younger students at Pondok Diakonia.

During the workshop that we held on Wednesday (17/02/2021), the students at Pondok Diakonia were very enthusiastic to talk about their future. Each of them has a dream for the future, they wanted to get out of the helplessness they face due to the economic limitations of their parents. It can be seen on their enthusiasm to tell their dreams during the sharing session. Even some of them asked us about what they have to prepare to achieve their goals.

Pondok Diakonia has a male dormitory and a female dormitory, each of them has 4 rooms. There are a hall, coaching and training centers to support the activities of the children. Currently, there are 14 girls consist of one student is in junior high school and 13 others are in high school. Meanwhile, the boys are 22 in which 4 are junior high school students and 18 are in senior high school. The church provides dormitories, foods, beverages, electricity, and transportation. From the total of 36 children in Pondok Diakonia, 13 children are financed by the church, while the rest are covered by their parents to pay for the school fees. During 6 years service, a total of 54 children have been accommodated, and 7 of them continue their studies at the university level.

May God bless the children, Pondok Diakonia, Rev. Theofilus and his family and those who are called to serve Pondok Diakonia.***

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Identifying Potency and Vulnerability in Lampung - part 1

Saturday, 30 January 2021
by adminstube


As a province in the southern part of Sumatera island, Lampung has a lot of potencies to be developed. However, Lampung also has multiple conflicts. The potencies and vulnerabilities in Lampung were discussed in a meeting held by the Multiplication program of Stube-HEMAT in Lampung (Friday, 29/01/2021) by involving a competent resource person. This discussion aimed to provide the information needed by students and young people about the potency of Lampung province, which they are expected to contribute in managing the potency for the common welfare. The discussion also provided information about the sources of conflict that occurred in Lampung province so that students and young people could manage and minimize conflicts that might occur.


Took place at Pondok Diakonia, the discussion was attended by 35 students, university students, and youth. Rahayu Sekarningtyas, a student majoring International Relations at University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung opened the discussion and the source person was R. Rahmanu Hendarta, S.H, a legal practitioner and advocate from Metro City. In his presentation, he revealed the dynamic reality of the plurality among Lampung people which were marked by violent conflicts, both vertical and horizontal social conflicts. Almost all regencies and municipalities in Lampung Province have typical conflicts potency referring to conditions in each region. In some cases, it was analyzed that not all social conflicts  occured are independent, caused by only one factor. It meant that conflicts because of one factor may connect with other factors. It can be said that the sharper the differences between social groups are, the more vulnerable the conflict will be.

The root of conflict is commonly from the existence of certain motives including social motives, economic motives, or political motives. Continuous conflicts or accumulative conflicts that occur in horizontal or vertical conflicts have several similar characteristics and they can be divided into three main categories, namely: 1) conflicts occur in the same place with the same actors; 2) conflict occurs in different places with the same actor; 3) conflicts occur in different places with different actors.

The United Nation and Politic (Kesbangpol) Agency of Lampung province has mapped conflict-prone areas in 14 regencies and municipalities which can be grouped into:

  1. Conflicts between religions/ethnicities have occurred in 12 cases, namely: Bandar Lampung (2), East Lampung (1), Tanggamus (3), Pringsewu (5), and Central Lampung (1).

  2. Political Conflicts reached 4 cases that occurred in several areas, namely: Bandar Lampung (1), Tulang Bawang (1), North Lampung (1), and Tanggamus (1).
  3. Territorial / Regional Boundary Conflicts occurred in 20 cases in all regions.
  4. There were 4 cases of Industrial Conflicts, in Tulang Bawang (1), Mesuji (2), and East Lampung (1).
  5. Agrarian / Land Conflicts reached 39 cases, spread across several regencies/municipalities.
  6. Social / Inter-group Conflict reached 44 cases, spread across several regencies/municipalities


From the data above, the largest number of cases were social/inter-group conflicts which reached 44 cases, and these cases were commonly triggered by agrarian conflicts, so the biggest case domain in Lampung Province was agrarian problems. Until now, there are still many agrarian cases that are still in the court process. ***

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