Come with a Hope Come Back Home with a New Paradigm

Wednesday, 15 November 2017
by adminstube
Multiplier and Youth Bengkulu
Attending Survival Competency Training Yogyakarta
Introducing Stube-HEMAT program and bringing the youth of Bengkulu to follow the training at Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta, where multiplier grew while studying in Yogyakarta is an extraordinary and important opportunity. The training entitled "Coming up with a hope, coming home with ..." was held by Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta. The purpose of this training is students and youth will be able to survive with their ability and skills they have. Because life problems are morediverse, students and youth are required to be smart and creative in finding solutions.
Wisma Pojok Indah, located on Jalan Kubus, Tiyasan, Condong Catur, Sleman, DIY, was chosen as the training location. Eight sessions are held for three days, Friday until Sunday, 10-12November 2017.  Together with Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu multiplier, Agnes Yohana Sinaga, student of Bengkulu University attended the training.
For multiplier, coming to Yogyakarta and sharing experiences during the study in Yogyakarta became a refresher process and built a new spirit besidesmultiplication activities. For Agnes, this training enrichesher experience of analyzing the lives of young people, particularly in BengkuluSo far, most youth coming to Bengkulu to learn, came from outside Bengkulu region. Bengkulu youth who continue to study to university level can be said only in a little number. Assumption taken from daily observations is they prefer working after graduating secondary education to continuing studies to higher education.



Agnes feels lucky that she can follow the training how to survive as a student far from their hometown, and know more about the black and white of Yogyakarta. She admitted that some college students facedifficulty to do creative economy, eventhey don’t notice that hobbies such as playing music may be developed as creative artistic performances, while culinary business is currently stretched in Bengkulu.
For students, the study problem becomes a particular one, often the worse that it is difficult for them to answer why they learn specific studies until the end of the semester.In such cases, Multiplication Program is expected to come into and give understanding to them about the purpose of life, and since the beginning they must have idealism. According to Pdt. Em. Bambang Sumbodo, idealism is anexpensive one, and there must be a big secret why you are placed there. Christian faith believes that there is no coincidence in our life.
Multiplier was impressed on team performance and volunteerof Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta in recruiting and inviting participants intensively and how to reach the target. The material delivered were very rich ranging speakers from social workers, media workers, economists, and alumni. It isa real answer to the need of students.
The material will also be distributed in North Bengkulu. There is a hope that more and more youth will get the blessing of the services. (YDA).


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_W O R K S H O P_ Youth and 500 Years of Church Reformation at GKSBS Kurotidur, North Bengkulu

Monday, 9 October 2017
by adminstube
The church reform was ahistoric moment of the birth of Protestant church around the world, precisely October 31, 1517, when Dr. Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses against the abused practices and dogmas of church and shackled the congregation, especially the practice of buying and selling indulgences as a requirement to liberate one from purgatory. This year of 2017 is the 500th anniversary of the Church Reformation. Not many young people know the church history how a protestant church emerged and lived apart from Roman Catholic church, especially those who do not study theology. The workshop was held with two aims: introducing theory about conflicts and the solution, and giving understanding to church youth about Church Reformation.


The workshop was held on October 7-8, 2017 at GKSBS Kurotidur church. This place was chosen because it islocated not far from the houses of the youth so it is quite conducive, by not forgetting to inform head of RT 02 sub-village VII and head of sub-village VII Margasakti Village. There were 21 youth recorded as participants with someuniversity students from Bengkulu. These students were active in organization of Indonesian Christian Student Movement (GMKI), Bengkulu.
Actually, the workshop was held twice, the first on September 30, 2017 with the activity of watching movie ofMartin Luther. It was attended by 14 church youths and some of them said that they did not understand what the film was.Yohanes Dian Alpasa as the facilitator told the message ofthe film in a simple way so they could understand what happened 500 years ago.



The second activity was a workshopentitled "Youth and 500 Years of Church Reform". It consisted of four sessions: 1) Introduction of Stube-HEMAT and  Multiplication Program by Yohanes Dian Alpasa, 2) Youth context of GKSBS Kurotidur by church assembly and local congregation member (Ananias Suwarno and Hari Pujianto), 3) Church experienceto face changes and the meaning of reformation for us by Pdt. DR. Tumpal MPL. Tobing., Mag. Theol, and 4) Types of conflicts and approaches by Ariani Narwastujati, S.Pd., S.S, M.Pd.

The current church struggle is facing bustle and time limitation of youth that causes church lose many youth, especially church in villages. The youth go to city, to study or to work. Today, youths are busy with themselves and less active in society and church, it was admitted by Suwarno, one of church assembly member, "Back to our younger era around 1992-1999, we were always eager to get together even we had to go on foot about 7 kilometers. We never forgot the date of our deal to meet again, although there was no mobile phone or what's app as today", he added. "It was only me who have motorcycle, so they used it to pick up back and forth until its tire torn", added Hari Pujianto when he recalled his memory with laughing.
Martin Luther's reforms brought changes not only to church dogmas but also freedom of thought and criticism. "The church is not a cruise ship that invites passengersfor fun, but it is like a battle ship where its passengers are ready to fight against injustice, poverty, moral degradation, ignorance, and oppression", Rev. Tumpal illustrated the current role of church after 500 years of reformation. A change often creates conflicts so it is important to learn about types of conflicts and how toapproach to conflicts for resolution. In the last session participants did role-plays in their daily conflicts, and learned how to be mediator and a peacemaker. (YDA).



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SMART to Agree and to Argue

Monday, 21 August 2017
by adminstube
Everyone is certainly involved in various interactions. When people understand their interlocutor better, the better quality of the interaction will be.
Interaction through direct chatting may be formal or nonformal and it may take place everywhere, at the sport hall, schools, guard posts, workplace, etc. It is often assumed that different opinions are understood as a conflicting opinion attacking other person, although it cannot be understood in that way naturally.
To anticipate such cases, Stube-HEMAT Multiplication Program in Bengkulu held a discussion entitled "Making sentences of agreement or argument". This material is simply packaged and distributed to 15 young people in Margasakti village, on Saturday, 19 August 2017, at 19.00 WIB. These fifteen youth are from churches surrounding Margasakti village and they support actively the operation of Kemudi Semar Bulletin (a small journal published since Stube-HEMAT Multiplication program was conducted in Bengkulu). As activists in communication media, knowledge how to agree and argue well during discussions is required.
The first question launched to open the discussion is, "Have you ever had debate?" Half of the participants answered that they have ever experienced once and admitted that their debates often culminate in disappointment. "...a debate ending with  disappointment is not necessary to happen again," said Yohanes, a Bengkulu multiplier. Further the participants were invited to enter a new perspective in which people learn to understand each other. The real talk is how to understand and complement one another, not to seek enemy or to dominate talking as a winner. For example, the word "all" can be replaced with the word "some". In the sentence example: "All oil palm is transported to Central Bengkulu". How to make an argument of  this sentence? Participants began to re-read the guid-note shared before and hesitantly answered, "Some oilpalms are not transported to Central Bengkulu". To complete the argument, the sentence should be accomplished with one proof, such as , "... Some oil palm is brought to North Bengkulu".
Another sentence for examples, such as; "All water channels are not able to accommodate water during flood in the Tanah Hitam". Participants agreed to answer, "Not all water channels can not afford, there are some water channels still able to accommodate water during flood".
What will we utter when we want to make a statement? What will we say when we want to say something while other argue our opinion? Some statements may be argued, so we have to be careful to make statements.   The caution is considering : 1) avoid the word "all" if we do not know the whole contents or the form of an information, 2) avoid the word "every" and "always" if we do not pay attention to every detail of information that we received, 3) use the words "several", "part of", and "some".
Multiplicators recognize that there are some participants using complex words and difficult to define even hard to understand if we do not pay attention carefully. The word "many" is relative and should be avoided when we express our opinions in the discussion.
By considering all above during a discussion will minimize misunderstandings. This capability should be owned by anyone and it is not just monopolized by a formal educated one. (YDA)


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Land Normalization for Rice Field Having Speculation with the Government's Loyal Promise

Monday, 17 July 2017
by adminstube
The country vision to achieve food self-sufficiency  makes the government do various breakthroughs such as to normalize irrigation channels, to build water dams, and to expand the rice fields. It is not surprising that when the government officers visit villages, there will be always completed with big harvesting moment and opening officially reservoirs and dams. We all pray and support the efforts so that this goal of food self-sufficiency will be really achieved.
On the contrary, currently the majority of farmers in North Bengkulu plant vegetable crops. They are reluctant to cultivate unprofitable rice as the past experience gave them a fact that they  always lost with rice field. The government does not guarantee the availability of fertilizer and the absence disrupts the growth of the plant. Frequently farmers lose and they are forced to divert vegetable plants (including rice) to crops (oil palm). Honestly, they grow oil palm and rubber in rice fields that should be planted with vegetable and rice. However, their family's economic condition improves.
The growing plantation with monoculture models brings impact in which environmental activists show data on environmental damage caused by the development of oil palm plantations. The most obvious is the loss of biodiversity that triggers the declining quality of land and the emergence of pests and plant diseases. Social problems then also follow, such as, land-use license, land acquisition and compensation, and many others. The impacts should be a review to make next policies and efforts, especially for land normalization plans.
In mid-April 2017, feeling unrest was felt among plantation farmers in North Bengkulu. From several information sources obtained, such as, from a resident working on the Ministry of Agriculture project and from a worker of rice fields normalization project in Muko-Muko District, it was found that the government planned to dismantle palm plantation in Muko-muko regency (the northern regency in Bengkulu Province) that its function had been switched from rice field into plantation. The data shows that the land area to be normalized in  Bengkulu province reaches 1,850 hectares, of which 1,200 hectares are located in Muko-muko.
In the midst of such anxiety, the government reassures the farmers by giving a guarantee of irrigation and maintaining fertilizer supply for farmers. Based on the socialized calculations, it is found that growing rice is actually more profitable than growing oil palm and rubber. The calculation is as follows; for one hectare of rice (assuming minimal pests and the availability of fertilizer and running water) farmers can earn Rp 64,000,000 per year. Meanwhile, by planting rubber and oil palm, farmers earn between Rp 28.000.000,- to Rp 32.000.000,-only. For this comparison, the farmers becomes aware that the benefits will be greater if the farmers cultivate their land with vegetable plants and rice. Why are people shifting vegetable crops to oil palm and rubber even if the yield is less than rice? Rubber and palm give them a definite income.
Furthermore, enthusiastic citizens abruptly responded to the normalization of the land, they immediately plant their land with rice even though the palm trees have not been dismantled from their land. Future time will prove whether the government keeps the promise to guarantee irrigation, the availability of fertilizer, or whether the farmer will become just the market object for fertilizer, seed and pesticide. Moreover, optimism needs to be grown to keep working on the land, water and air in this country. (YDA)

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Tuesday, 20 June 2017


Growing with

National Networking
One semester has been nearly completed by the program of Stube HEMAT multiplication in Bengkulu, counted from January-December 2017. One by one, youth surrounding the program are encouraged to have self-empowerment. The person in charge of this program, Yohanes Dian Alpasa who manages the activity from his basecamp located on North Bengkulu Utara, Padang Jaya District, Margasakti sub-district, village VII, MT RT 02, keeps spirit full to obtain achievement useful for youth.
During the first semester period, two supports are coming for this multiplication program. The first support is organic fertilizer start-up (a short of yeast to proliferate organic bacteria) from the Foundation of General Sudirman in Yogyakarta. The second support is coming from Bernadeta Arum, a student who ever followed a retreat of leadership and examination preparation held by BOPKRI 2 Vocational School facilitated by Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta in the year of 2015 at Omah Jawi’ guest house, Kaliurang, Yogyakarta.
One of programs of Stube-HEMAT Multiplication in Bengkulu is campaigning organic agriculture way of planting to reduce the use of chemical substance and to eliminate plant disease high risk. This plan gets support from General Soedirman Centre via its productive division named PT. Bumi Maringi Mukti. General Soedirman Centre is one networking focusing on farmers and village authority empowerment in Central Java and surrounding Yogyakarta province. One of the foundation activities is producing yeast organic which is specially made from volcanic substance of Mount Merapi. Actually, in 2013 Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta sent Yohanes Dian Alpasa to participate to School for Farmers held by the foundation and People Economy Studies of Gadjah Mada University. Since then, networking and communication are maintained. More over after Agus Subagyo, the contact person of the foundation and also an activist of farmer empowerment has ever been a facilitator on organic agriculture training of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta in 2011. The foundation supported 4 bottles of organic fertilizer of 210 ml each.
Bernadeta Arum who is working in one Publisher Company in Yogyakarta sent a book entitled “Kitab Penyihir Aksara” written by Brili Agung. The book tells about how to write, motivation and simple technique of writing to produce a book. Further, Bernadeta Arum opens a chance to open networking if Stube HEMAT wants to publish books.
Multiplication Program of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu feels lucky for all received blessings that support the mission of human development in North Bengkulu. The study process in Yogyakarta is so useful that it may be an important start to develop local area and do a new work. Of course, this program will grow with national networking support. (YDA)

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North Bengkulu and The Potency of Kurotidur’s Youth The Visit of Board and Executive Director at Stube HEMAT Multiplication, 8-11 May 2017

Friday, 12 May 2017
by adminstube
Bengkulu, is one of the provinces in Sumatra which became a destination for the trans-migrant from Java since 1933, during Dutch occupation. The trans-migrant was brought to a region which is known today as Kemumu Village, District of Arma Jaya, North Bengkulu. Bengkulu province consists of 9 Regencies and 1 Municipality, covering:
1. South Bengkulu Regency
2. Central Bengkulu Regency
3. North Bengkulu Regency
4. Kaur Regency
5. Kepahiang Regency
6. Lebong Regency
7. Mukomuko Regency
8. Rejang Lebong Regency
9. Seluma Regency
10. Bengkulu Municipality


Stube HEMAT multiplication is located in North Bengkulu (Arga Makmur) regency, precisely at sub-district 7 MT, Margasakti village, district of Padang Jaya. The local name of the region is Kurotidur orKwaotiduak (Rejang ethnic group language). Rejang ethnic group is the native people of Bengkulu who  live in the particular area before Padang Jaya district. This governmental center can be reached within 2 hours by car from the Fatmawati Soekarno airport, with swirling road between rubber and oil palm plantation after passing Bengkulu City. Local residents’ houses look so neat which are majority constructed with stone and some traditional wooden houses on stilts.



Youth in this multiplication area is generation of their ancestors, Javanese trans-migrant. The youth, either man or woman has ability to cultivate farms and plantation. Parents with high idealism will send their children to continue their study in Java, so they could become teachers, priests, or office workers. Unfortunately, the youth here commonly have only Junior or Senior High School educational background. They grow up in simplicity way with one obsession working in their lands without ever experiencing forums to open their social, economy, politic, or cultural knowledge
Based on the conversation and discussion with them, there are some points to be noted:
1. They’re happy to obtain a mentor and motivator like Yohanes Dian Alpasa as the actor of Stube HEMAT multiplication in Northern Bengkulu that gives them place to gather and chance to discuss many positive things.
2. Before Stube HEMAT multiplication comes, church youth doesn’t have a place to gather around because there is no activity done for a long time, however now they are motivated to meet and talk together, such as in Bible Studies.
3. Most of this youth said that they want to go to work immediately after graduating from school to help their parent’s economy that depends on rubber and oil palm with inconsistent price.
It is not surprising if child marriage is common here. Data from Center of Statistic of Bengkulu Province in 2015 showed that 20,01% of women married at age of 17-18, 13,80% is pregnant at the age of 16. The consequently effect of that, is the increasing risk of the death rate of mother and infant. Another shocking fact is the threat of narcotics has also endangered the life of youth in village.
The existence of Stube HEMAT multiplication in this region is vital to provide a place for the youth to increase their social, politic, culture, or economy knowledge, also personal development and critical thinking that could support youth participation to empower society and develop their region. (AN).

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Connecting Hearts with “Kemudi Semar“

Sunday, 30 April 2017
by adminstube
Stube-HEMAT Indonesia Multiplication Program in Bengkulu cooperated with Youth of GKSBS Kurotidur-Bengkulumanaged to publish a youth bulletin coincide with entering 100 days since multiplication process began at January 2017. Exactly at 30th of April, 2017, this church youth’s spiritual media went on circulation. This media is expected to have weekly publication.
Considering Arif Purnama Sidik’s suggestion that the bulletin’s name should represent youth and inter-denomination, the bulletin board then agreed to name it “Kemudi Semar”. What is “Kemudi Semar”? Kemudi Semar is an abbreviation of “Kelompok Muda-Mudi Semarga Kurotidur”The bulletin is managedby the youth with their respective responsibilities based on the task they have. Yunus Eka Prasetyo, thechief of GKSBS Kurotidur Youth Commission acts as the person in charge of the bulletin publication. The Editor in Chief is Arif Purnama Sidikwhile Content Contribution becomes the responsibility of Diana SariMarta Lita Viani, Dwi Pranaditya, and Dwi Pujiono.
What is the purpose of publishing this bulletin? Its purpose is simple; this media is a mean for teaching and learning. Learning for whoever wants to pour their idea and information for the congregations. Teaching for fellow youth having study experience at college, share their knowledge.The vision is clearfor educational purposealso as a mean of communication among church members,” Yohanes Dian Alpasa, the person in charge of Bengkulu Multiplication Program clarified. Afterwards, Arif Purnama Sidik who is currently studying at FKIP of Open University revealed that contribution of other young fellow to this bulletin is vital because the editorial keep boards keep struggling to find articles that could be published. Anyone who wanted to give contribution to the bulletin could contact him directly.
“Kemudi Semar” is still printed in a simple way for 45 exemplars and then distributed to 42 families in MT Service Region GKSBS KurotidurBecause the bulletin is still looking for its fixed format and content, the board is still trying to formulate the proper content to be delivered. Thecontent that was planned and published so far is about church’s internal issues and cultural and traditional comprehension.
Members of congregation gave positive responses to the bulletin publishing even some of them asked about the printing costs. Do they need to pay for it? The bulletin management explained that thebulletin is freely given for several editions. The members hope that this bulletin is printed and published continuously.
Slowly but sure, the Multiplication Program tries to reach youth and people that are out-reached by media. Honestly, it can’t be denied that the wave of social media development is unstoppable, but it is unable to touch the logic of the church members who are majority farmers. We hope that this bulletin could soon get its format so it may be a blessing for many people. (YDA)


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Involving All:   Giving and Receiving

Monday, 20 March 2017
by adminstube
A discussion occured when there were interaction and atmosphere of mutual giving and receiving. Each participantfollowed the process and sharpened his/her ability to get benefit of every meeting and discussion.
Thomas Grome, a teacher in United States, in his bookentitled ‘Shared Christian Praxis or commonly abbreviated as SCP, wrote a simple method to understand bible and involve the audience in every process. The discussion participants can be the listeners and speakers. A discussion using SCP method begins with sharing story of a certaintopic determined  first by the discussion leader. After the participants discuss a topic, the leader will conclude it and relates the topic to bible content that has been selected and prepared before. This book is quite popular among Christian educators.
The SCP method has been applied at schools as one of methods in Christian education. However, it is also applied to some discussions held by Stube-HEMAT. Each participant tells a story with a certain topic. The difference depends on the topic and the conclusion. A topic discussed by Stube-HEMAT is usually related with potencies and social problems that occur in the community, especially in their place of origin. The discussion is concluded with theoretical basis of the literature and references presented by the leader.
This SCP method is also applied in discussion held by Margasakti church youth, GKSBS Kurotidur. The participants who attend this discussion expressed their opinion aboutideal life of church youth. The discussion took place on Saturday, March 18, 2017 at 20.00 p.m, in consistory room of GKSBS Kurotidur, MT service area.
Marta Lita Viani led the singing and warmed the atmospherewith ice breakingThe worship was then continued by prayer which performed solemnly.
Yohanes Dian Alpasa started the discussion by exposing topic of time. Many people in Margasakti area already spent their time optimally. They certainly have planning and idea so they are able to live with enthusiasm and spiritful. Likewise church youth should thrive. Not just being lazy youth but should be able to create something productive, such as, working and processing something that can be used as source of income. However, for that reason, we all need to dream together. We cannot be productive and enthusiastic in the present time if we do not have collective idea that lead us to the future.
Sidiq shared his hope that bible study for youth should be getting better and special. The songs were sang and might heart touching. Mas Suyat, Supar and Dwi have similar ideas. They agreed on the image of harmonious youth in the future, unlike now that the youth never have bible study anymore.
Marta and Tamara revealed their ideas about church assets. Marta dreamed achurch that has a ground planted with medicinal plants and youth could produce traditional medicines continuously. Tamara expressed her dream that the youth could have own building to share with Sunday school activity.
This discussion was ended by Yohanes’ explanation about time. The passage is taken from Ecclesiastes 3: 1-11. We have time, dreams and ideas. But time and ideas are not necessarily the same as God's time. The unity and willingness to learn and move forward is the starting pointto a have hopeful life youth. Let's grow together in unity. (YDA).

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Maintaining Public Space

Wednesday, 15 March 2017
by adminstube


A brief news but strong enough to shock people’s heart was the convertion of the stadium in Argamakmurthe main town of North Bengkulu regency. The stadium is located 14 Km to the south of Margasakti village. The district of Argamakmur itself is directly adjacent to the Margasakti village which belong to district of Padang Jaya. The stadium which formerly called Court 45 will be converted into a town park of Argamakmur and the football field will be moved to another place. The convertion itself brings sadness amongsome people, because they still have a good memory of the stadium, especially the youth of North Bengkulu who love football tournaments. The football final match of the regency is always held at the stadium.
Actually, the plan of local government has reasonable background. No regional regulation breaking the upper lawsbecomes basis of local government to make policy. However,some people still unrelieved toward the convertion of the public space.
On Tuesday, March 14, 2017, a brief discussion about public space was held and attended by some youth of Margasakti village. Yohanes Dian Alpasa ignited the atmosphere of the discussion with the story of atmosphere changing of public space in the district. The story itself was affirmed by them and they agreed toward the observation result that some public spaces have been converted from their function.
The atmosphere of the discussion was getting lively with some ideas occured among them, such as a real condition of youth group who like drinking and doing motor racon the village streets. Unfortunately these lifestyles are done by youth having good education.
At night around 20.00 WIB at Yohanes Suherman’s house, a small group of young men began to organize themselves into a more complete structure. They agreed to intensify their discussion and meeting from once a month to twice a month. The meeting will be held on the 1st and 15th of each month. This agreement will be realized in April 2017.
Another public space issues discussed is the fieldrenovation plan of Margasakti. The renovation project will be implemented after the land certificate is issued, as one requirement that Government is obligated to have certificatefor every construction on state-owned land. If Margasakti village court is built, public spaces in Padang Jaya will be more various then.


Based on the input given, this discussion group is expected to have not only indoor discussion but also be active in public space activities. Revitalization of public space has been done by the government, but there is nothing wrong when the youth want to build their own public space. One simple thing formulated by youth is a plan to construct a table tennis court in Yohanes Suherman's house yards. What is the relationship between public space and the construction plan of table tennis arena? The youth group realized that youthenergy should be spent into positive activities. Thus, besides religious activities, sports activities are held tomaintain physical fitness. (YDA).

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Not To Judge: The True Christian Character

Monday, 6 March 2017
by adminstube
Leadership is still an interesting theme and quite urged in Bengkulu. Every youth has a hidden potential which is not managed maximally yet, while communities and church need them as the main generation of the future.
One effort that we have to do to make an ideal leadership is by forming their character beforehand. In this matter, training the youth becomes an effective strategy in forming the future community. Youth had a lot of time, power and opportunities in developing themselves in the community. Therefore, the role of youth becomes vital.
However, it is a fact that youth is still reluctant to take part in internal church service. They are not only reluctant, but also they do not much understand either about church service. The ability of speaking and expressing opinion must still be developed. One way to train youth to speak up is in discussion. Discussing Bible passages is expected to stimulate their Bible understanding and ability to speak up.
On Saturday, March 4th 2017, located at consistory room of GKSBS Kurotidur, MT service area, six youth have gatheredagain to fill their weekend time by discussion. It is not discussion out of Bible topic, but about the content of the Bible itself. It is aimed to provide understanding among youth of the church in Margasakti neighborhood not to rashly judge other people. A good leadershould act rationally with logical sense and head cold.
A passage taken for discussion is from Matthew 11:24-30 which is according to Indonesian Bible Ministry is entitled “The Parable of Tames among Wheat”. It tells that aworker may not clean thatch among wheat before the time of harvest.
Yohanes Dian Alpasa leads the discussion by collectingopinions from the participantsThe discussion becomes interesting because every one can express his opinion. One interesting opinion says that it is difficult to distinguish thatch from wheat, if a worker pulls up the plants he may dowrong repeal. Indeed, it is the truth, when we think that we are right and try to find the others’ fault whereas wecannot prove it. Even if we can prove the errors, it is not our authority to judge as only God  will judge it.


Yohanes closed the discussion with reflection that we live not for ourselves as there were others who also need life. Thus, all of us learned to be able interacting and cooperating with others. ***

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Train Youth Courage   through Performing Arts

Monday, 6 March 2017
by adminstube
World Prayer Day celebrated by GKSBS on Sunday, March 5th, 2017, during the church service was followed by the congregation of six service areas with full respect and orderly. Though not all members could attend, the service remained lively. This current World Prayer Day used Philippine liturgy aiming to invite the congregation to remember how women have fought for justice.
The service was held in 2 hours and started at 10.00 A.M in GKSBS Kurotidur Building, KT service area. The assembly and liturgical officer wore white shirt and pinned ‘stola’. The special thing of that day was no sermon conveyed by the preacher and the scripture reading was taken from joint reflection read by an officer.
One more special thing was a group of theater players that took part in the service. Simply and solely, they are GKSBS Kurotidur youth that in a few weeks has made theatrical practice with Stube-HEMAT multiplicator in Bengkulu, Yohanes Dian Alpasa. The actors and actress are Arif Purnomo Sidiq (Sidiq), Dwi Pranaditya (Adit), Dwi Pujiono (Dwi), Marta Lita Viani (Marta), and Yunus Eka Prasetyo (Yunus). Each player played different acts. Dwi became a seller of fried tofu and fried ‘bakwan’. Yunus became a pot sales man. Sidiq became a rich and arrogant prayer. Adit became a poor prayer. Marta became an arrogant prayer.
The show performed in 10 minutes. First the pot salesman appeared, followed by a believer and a rich arrogant man. Then the poor who prayed with humility came. The show was closed with Jonah’s message that praying should not feature wealth or service. It is enough to pray with humility.
There are some points learned by these young people. The first is about discipline because performing art requires each member to appreciate time and opportunity. Once they neglected, the show will not run optimally. The second is the ability to be cooperative and capability to understand one another. Even one show makes the ability of its player to work together improving. It can be seen in the interaction and synergy among youth that is increasing since they practice. The third, the ability to convey messages, opinions, and ideas in the public is improved. This capability should be owned by young people who like to testify. However, the individual lifestyle makes the ability decreasing, so ideas are not easily thrown to the public. With art performance, youth are invited to be more capable to grasp a concept and plot, to have inner management and to express in acting.
Through this activity, every youth is trained to be active and contributory to the ministry. Not just a matter of liturgy, but giving time, energy, opportunity, and mind in the performing arts. May the ability and mentality of youth always be honed to face the challenges ahead! (YDA).


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What is Our Plan? Make Discussion As A Habit of Christian Youth of Margasakti

Monday, 20 February 2017
by adminstube


The first meeting and discussion on ‘what is our plan’ was still uncommon among Christian youth in Margasakti village. They tended to be listeners of speeches in meetings. The courage to express ideas and thoughts in a forum don’t appear eventhough they are supposed to do it. This is the challenge of the multiplicator of Stube-HEMAT to establish academic culture to foster critical thinking among young people. It is not an easy thing to do of course.
Some church youths were invited and asked to attend thediscussion. Actually, the habit to meet and make serious discussion is not new for them. It is usually held when they want to prepare something like an independence day celebration on August 17 or when they have village competition. If there is no particular moment, meeting israrely held. The youth is usually asked as just technical supporters, and they are never trained to think analytically and critically.
How a discussion was introduced? The discussion took place in the church’s consistory of MT service area on Sunday, February 19, 2017 at 15:00 until 17:30 pm. Yohanes Dian Alpasa was the speaker of a topic on ‘what is our plan?’ Regarding to the background of the participants, at leastthere are three levels of education background coveringjunior high school, senior high school, even not having formal education. So, the language used during the discussion was made as easy as possible.
The story from Java island became the opening story ofleaving home of Rafflesia region in 2005 and returning in 2017, telling the struggle and effort as well as obsession of a youngster for his hometown. In his brief exposure, Yohanes focused on discussion about the plan. Each person should have a good plan, a personal plan or group plan. Each youth should be dare to design her/his own plan and take the challenges.
The church youth in Margasakti should learn and add experience. Their mental and intellectual aspects still needed to be sharpened. Fortunately, when they were asked to be active, they were willing to learn and continue to have discussion activity and sharpen mental courage although they still had questions, awkward feeling and hesitant in their eyes. It doesnt matter, the awkward feeling is common in their first gathering and discussion experience. The things needed here is willingness to keep on learning. Yohanes wasdetermined that such discussion should be ‘down to earth’ and not be monopolized by city's college children.
In terms of preparing the discussion as ‘mainprogram’ of multiplication, there are many obstacles faced in the area. The participant target of this afternoon discussion was ten from fourteen youth who were informed and personally invited to attend this event. However, there were only five youths who attended it. Nine youths still had to work on their garden, fields and ponds.
For the upcoming plan, they will share what they have discussed before, through a performance in Global Prayer’s Day on March 5, 2017 at GKSBS Kurotidur. These youths will perform drama to convey a message to the congregation. (YDA)

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Recess of Legislative Member Meeting   Identifying Local Network

Saturday, 18 February 2017
by adminstube
Recess is a legislation phase that must be done by each member of house of representative board. The recess period is regulated by the law and intended to give an opportunity to every legislator to get in touch with constituent. This opportunity is also a mean for the legislator to meet the constituent. Constituent or representing local election communities can express complaint and hope at the time of common ground aspirations held.
In February and March 2017, all members of House of Representatives in Indonesia do recess. However, there is also a case that a legislator does not take the recess time to meet the constituent, but it is not in the village area of Margasakti.
Hotman Sihombing, S.Th was elected and inaugurated as a member of Regional House of Representative in North Bengkulu for a period of 2014-2019. He was elected because he collected enough voters from three sub-districts coverings Padang Jaya, Girimulyo and Air Padang. The first recess time this year, H. Sihombing used to listen to aspirations of the three villages namely Margasakti, Sidoluhur and Tanah Hitam. Villager invited in the meeting was limited with invitation quota only for 190 people. Therefore only the representatives were invited.
An aspiration meeting as part of the first activity during the recess period was held in the yard of his house in Margasakti village, on Friday, 17th February 2017 at 13.00. Guest book showed that 155 villagers attend in the meeting. Yohanes Dian Alpasa attended the meeting and had responsibility for pictures documentation.
Three village leaders who attended the meeting were given a chance to express their hope first. The village chief of Margasakti expressed appreciation to him that during two- year service, people experienced little by little development, such as renovation of worship houses and road paving. Currently, Margasakti village still needs a new bridge in the south-western of village. Based on the planning, school and bridge will be built as it is most urgent and relevant.
The village chief of Tanah Hitam proposed tourism revitalization at Curug Sembilan waterfall because it has big potential and it is expected that one investor wants to come there to make an infestation. While, Chief of Sidoluhur expressed that the existing road in the village both access between villages or access of agricultural production (access to rice field or to the garden need improvement).
Responding to the expectation, H. Sihombing explained that the construction project is done in accordance with each institution authority to avoid overlapping. Therefore, when the development is the responsibility of central government (using national budget) then the local government has no need to rush because the project will wait the realization of national budget. All the coming suggestions were stored and fought however it should be completed with enough data. Curug Sembilan waterfall is a waterfall in the conservation forest area under the authority of the ministry of forestry. So, only the ministry of tourism will be able to manage this area when he gets permission from the ministry of forestry. All the budget is divided based on the priority scale of Regional Government Budget of North Bengkulu that is around 1.2 Trillion Rupiah each year, and 60% of it used for budget expenditure of employee’s salaries. So the amount allocated for the development around 300 up to 400 Billion Rupiah. According to H.Sihombing, a political situation in Margasakti village ever raising so that an aid had ever been transferred to another sub-disctrict that was to Ketahun.
The meeting is important for the multiplication program because all potency, regional plan, as well as the burden of one region is clearly defined. From the meeting, it can be concluded that to build an area requires togetherness from all elements of society. (YDA).

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Sports, Leadership And Youth of Margasakti

Monday, 13 February 2017
by adminstube
Sunday night, on February 12, 2017 around 8 p.m. became a spot of introduction for the multiplicator in Bengkulu to a small group of youth of Margasakti village. Nine people gathered and talked about the village and young people. This small talk produced a planning to establish a sport community such as table tennis club. A young man from village VII, named Yohanes Suherman provided his house as the place to gather.
In the conversation, it was admitted that black road racing or motor racing were commonly found there. Motorcycleswithout wings and side shields releasing roaring sound from the exhaust are often found on the streets of Margasakti.
Many traffic accidents were happened there, the news was  also often heard in the neighboring regency of North Bengkulu. The worse, speed driving was often done by teens of Margasakti village. Ironically, most of the motorcyclists were still under 17 years old, and of course they did not have driving lisence.
The youth organization Tunas Harapan (youth group of village VII Margasakti) took initiative to ‘redirect’ the energy of young people to positive activities. They built a racing circuit at dirt road with some challenges in area of 5.000 square meters. The last motor-cross race was held in early January 2017.
Beside motor, youth from different village has attempted to design a table tennis court. In fact, this sport arena isalways crowded. In the coordination area of Tunas Harapan’ youth organization, it is found that at village VII of Margasakti, only RT II, III and IV don’t have youth mediayet.
Yohanes, as a Stube multiplicator is trying to accommodateyouth to use their energy through their sports hobby whilesharpening their intellectual abilities. Through this activity, leadership skills and organizing youth will be carried out and transferred. How will the capabilities be sharpened? Nine youths of Margasakti village agreed to hold discussion once a month.
This meeting is a training media for youth to improve theirpersonal skills in leadership. The group goal is each youth will be trained to organize themselves and do activitywithin a team and a group. For example, young people  agreed to choose their coordinator and what the rights and duties of each youth are.
The first meeting with the local youth was the starting point of multiplication program in Bengkulu with the youth of Margasakti village. There are many more youth that must be touched and they should get skills of leadership.
Hopefully this small group may be an embryo and example so that youth of Margasakti village is able to formulate ideas for their village development. (YDA).

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The bitter-sweet experience of rubber tapper

Tuesday, 7 February 2017
by adminstube
Returning to his hometown in North Bengkulu in early February 2017 was a challenge for Yohanes Dian Alpasa. Observing local people and exploring their lives are the important things to do to have a map of its potency and challenges.
Learning the area is not just social and cultural but also agricultural part. The economy life of the people of North Bengkulu, especially Padang Jaya village, district of Margasakti is relied on the plantation sector. Palm and rubber became the mainstay in the middle of the economic situation which has become difficult today.
Budi Prasetyo, a rubber farmer who also serves as the church assembly of GKSBS Kurotidur told the ups and downs of being a rubber tapper. In the year of 1996-1998, the majority of farmers in  Margasakti were working on agriculture of paddy fields. The irrigation system was designed by building a dam in Lais river to irrigate 4000 hectares (one district of Padang Jaya). The water flows from Lais water dam splits Lais sub-district from east to west. The agriculture area was located in the south side of the irrigation canal.
The farmers worked by planting rice in the paddy fields. However, this condition was changed since 2005. The villagers flocked to reform the paddy fields into rubber and oil palm plantations. The people no longer waited for the harvest of rice in three months cycle (90 days of harvest) but started with harvest once in two weeks of tapping rubber gum or oil palm harvesting.
It is just this years, economic condition slowly begins to grow. About 6 years the villagers enjoyed the harvest of oil palm and rubber. The purchasing ability increased among the people as they began to be able to buy a motorcycle in cash and began to build his home permanently or semi-permanently.
In the middle of 2011, the global economic crisis affected the price of rubber latex. The prices fell down from the Rp 22.000 to Rp 6.000. According to Budi, the last two years the price never reached the rate of Rp 4.000 per kilogram. The prices fall also occurred in oil palm commodity, the price was Rp 1.700/kg to Rp 500/kg. Two large plantations used to employ most of the manpower of Margasakti village, were forced to reduce their workers by layoff to reduce operational costs. In the middle of 2016 until now, the price of rubber starts to be stable at Rp 8.500 to 9.500/kg. The rubber tappers are getting able to feel the blessing.
Rubber trees are not like other trees in terms of fertilization. A wrong procedure in fertilizing causes roots rotten because of the fungus. Budi said that actually rubber trees rarely need to be nurtured, and fertilization can be done periodically, for example once in three months to increase productivity.
When the rubber trees are tapped, there is a substance that should be sown into the container of rubber latex to freeze the rubber. When the rain comes, the farmers cannot tap rubber trees. When the dry season comes, no rubber tree can be tapped. Then we can imagine that when rain or drought come, the rubber tappers do not earn anything from their plantation.
In the future, the knowledge of organic fertilizer production, post-harvest processing of rubber latex, and sales distribution are important to know by the community of rubber farmers. These are some works to do in the multiplication program. Hopefully farmers always get a blessing in rubber tapping. (YDA).

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Feeling of Togetherness Youth meeting at GKSBS Kurotidur

Monday, 6 February 2017
by adminstube


Sunday, February 5, 2017 became the first Sunday for Yohanes Dian Alpasa, who is running multiplication program of Stube-HEMAT Indonesia in Bengkulu area. Multiplication Program is a program to share knowledge conducted by alumni of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta in his/her place of origin. The person in charge is called ‘multiplicator’ with a mission corresponding with local context, to revive village youth group into a community forum that are productive, intelligent, and creative.




Like the introductory program to village youth, multiplication program is conducted by several stages. Start from the stage of preparation and introduction until the implementation process. The process will come to the broader stage which will be marked by community formation that able to "turn on" the atmosphere of active and harmonious village. The early stage that can be done are by actively attending meetings (within neighbour meeting), local church, and youth organization of area 7 in Desa Margasakti.



It is not a new community, but it will be new after leaving for many years to study in Yogyakarta, and it takes time to re-integrated because of age disparity among the members. A meeting with youth of GKSBS Kurotidur at the church hall, in Margasakti village was the first meeting held from 1 to 5pm.




"In the beginning we felt awkward because of our age disparity between 6 to 10 years. When I left Bengkulu to study, they are still young," Yohanes explained. "However this opportunity is useful, because 13 youths of GKSBS Kurotidur attended monthly meeting to prepare PORSENI (festival of sports and arts) in Klasis Bengkulu, which will be held in July 2017 at GKSBS Penarik (Muko-Muko regency, 250 kilometers to the north). They were coming from six service areas, namely MT area, DAM, KT, BP, Tanah Tinggi, Batik Nau", he added. The PORSENI itself is not for a competition but time to meet and keep in touch each other. The activity that will be held was designed for fun and celebration.




At the end of the meeting most of the youth went home while rev. Cornelius Saito, the pastor and several people spent more time to talk with youth who were still stay there. From the discussion some  information about the dynamics of the church in the district of Padang Jaya, struggle and hopes of the church and nearby residents were obtained. Thus, thediscussion gave clear reference to determine the direction of multiplication program. Keep on rolling and flowing! (YDA).

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Multiplicator of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu

Wednesday, 1 February 2017
by adminstube

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