Democracy and Economy in Indonesia

Wednesday, 24 November 2021
by Arisman Laia

By Arisman Laia.





I am Arisman Laia, a third-semester student from the Arastamar Bengkulu Theological College (STTAB). I participated the Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu activity on November 23, 2021, at 19.00-21.30 WIB in the STTAB Academic Hall with Masye Syaputa Sibarani, S.Ak as the speaker, carrying a theme of ‘Democracy and Economy’ with ‘The Effect of Democracy on the Indonesian Economy’ as the sub-theme. There are several notes from the activity.

Indonesia is a democratic country as stated in the 1945 Constitution, that authority is in the hands of the people. According to the source person, democracy is the freedom rights given to the people to express their aspirations in government. Democracy has characteristics, namely: first, it has people's representatives, for example, the House of Representative (DPR) and so on. Second, the decision is based on the aspiration and interest of citizens. Third, implement constitutional characteristics, fourth, hold general elections, and fifth, there is a party system. Democracy has a goal, that is,  every person has freedom of opinion, create security and order for citizens, encourage people to be active in government, limit government power, and prevent disputes. So, democracy gives us space for discussion.

The word economy comes from the Greek word Ekonomia, which means household management. Economics is the study of unlimited human needs. The origin of the word is ‘Oikos’ which means family and ‘nomos’ which means rules, regulations, or laws. ‘Oikonomia’ is defined as the rule of society as a quadratic law that defines a good household. In economics there is such a thing as a motive, which is every reason, encouragement and activity carried out by a person or entity to take economic action. The purpose of the economic motive is to achieve prosperity. Everyone has a prosperous drive to do the economy. There are two economic motives, namely individual motive and group motive.



Economic principles are applied in three different activities, namely production, distribution, and consumption. Production talks about what we do. Distribution talks about the act of production. Consumption talks about who will receive it. The principle of economics involves three things, namely economical, efficient, and cost. The economic system is the procedure used in coordinating economic principles. Overall, there are four economic systems in the world, namely (1) traditional economic system, (2) command economic system, (3) liberal or market economic system, and (4) mixed economic system. Indonesia has a Pancasila economic system or a mixed system. The basis of this political economy is regulated in Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution.

So, what is the impact of democracy to the Indonesian economy? There are negative and positive impacts. The positive impact is that public participation increases, implement an economic system, and state resources are used for the benefit of the people. The state maintains the people of the 1945 Constitution, article 34, and the government structure from the lowest level. The negative impact is that social inequality is still too high, there are many different economic motives, and the emergence of unfair competition. Democracy is a system to achieve the goal of prosperity, so democracy and the economy have a close correlation.

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Democracy from Age to Age: National and Humbang Hasundutan

Sunday, 31 October 2021
by Yedija Manullang

By: Yedija Manullang


Democracy, based on the etymology is derived from two words, demos which means the people, and cratos which means power or sovereignty. So, democracy is the sovereignty of the state in the hands of the people, the highest power is in the joint decision of the people, the people rule, the government of the people, and power by the people. Today democracy is often spoken of, however, the more we talk about it, the more difficult it is to find examples of countries that fulfill it perfectly. Unlike other developing countries, the lively discussion about the democratic system in Indonesia does not come from the low understanding of the nation or government in this country about the democratic system. But, the Indonesian people at the level of implementing the political system understood many variants of democracy in the world from time to time after the independence of the Republic of Indonesia.



Therefore, the Stube HEMAT Bengkulu Multiplication through its volunteers in Doloksanggul, Humbang Hasundutan, North Sumatera held a discussion on the topic "Democracy from Age to Age" (Saturday, 10/30/2021) by presenting the head of the Election Supervisory (Bawaslu) Humbang Hasundutan regency, Hendri Wesly Pasaribu as resource persons.



Yedija Manullang opened the discussion by introducing Stube HEMAT as an institution for mentoring students and youth which is currently spread across six regions in Indonesia. Then, Hendri Pasaribu explained that each country has different government systems, for example presidential, parliamentary, communist, democratic, and liberal. "Indonesia's democratic journey initially did not establish a permanent system, this is proved by the change in the democratic system due to the dynamics and past situations at the beginning of Indonesia's independence," he said. Furthermore, Hendri explained three democracies that had been implemented in Indonesia, both during the Old Order, New Order, and the current (Post-Reform) period. "Indonesia during the old order under Soekarno's leadership had implemented Guided Democracy, then turned into a liberal democracy after the change in the Indonesian government system which changed to the Republic of the United States of Indonesia. Then it changed later as the government system changed by implementing the Pancasila Democracy system until now," he said.



In the embodiment of democracy, Indonesia holds a democratic party through General Elections and Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) as a means of the people's sovereignty itself. "Indonesia has held at least 12 elections, the first election was held in 1955 and the latest was in 2019. Meanwhile, the first Pilkada, directly elected by the people began in 2005, precisely in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan. Before 2005 the Regional Head and Deputy Regional Head were elected by the regional legislative,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the Pilkada in Humbahas has been held four times, in 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020. From the results of the Pilkada, two leaders were born, namely Maddin Sihombing the Regent in 2005 and were re-elected in 2010. Then, Dosmar Banjarnahor was elected for two periods in 2015 and 2020. “Interestingly, the Pilkada in Humbahas is always filled with quite hot dynamics, especially the last one with the phenomenon of a single candidate against an empty box. Both are legal in the PMK 100/PUU-XII/2015 law concerning the legality of the single candidate for regional head and Law no. 10/2016 "Election with one candidate" Article 54C," explained Hendri.

The challenge and hope of Indonesian Democracy is the need for regulations in managing the implementation of Democracy, both the involvement of stakeholders, election administrators, and the security forces as well as public support in general. Implementing election results that are congruent with the election of executive officials who have legislative support creates the government stable and effective.



Marisi, one of the Humbahas youth, considered that in the election, what should be a people's party, the reality is the people are only a means to satisfy power because there is no clear accountability from the people elected in the election. "Election fraud seems to be taken not seriously because cheating in the election should be proved both formal and material requirements. It often stops only in the investigation process," Marisi criticized. Therefore, Marisi, an alumnus of the North Sumatera University (USU), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, hopes that the activity done by Stube HEMAT is important to keep democracy to be discussed, though starting from discussions of small groups. Keep moving young people Humbang Hasundutan.

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Democracy from Age to Age

Wednesday, 27 October 2021
by Made Nopen Supriadi

By Made Nopen Supriadi



During the Covid-19 pandemic situation, it does not reduce the spirit to continue to learn, grow and enlighten others. Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu community held a seminar on Tuesday (10/26/2021) in the academic hall of Arastamar Theological College in Bengkulu, on Democracy from Age To Age with a speaker, Daud Widya Pranata Septiadi Samosir, SH., M.Kn, a notary with collaboration experience with many community organizations in Bengkulu. In this activity, he delivered material for 45 minutes and continued with a question and answer session.



From this activity, the students of Stube HEMAT Bengkulu learned new knowledge giving insightFirst, democracy existed in Ancient Greece with power from people to people through a direct vote to choose leaders. Second, countries implementing democracy tend to be countries with Republic governance form accommodating elements of Legislative, Judiciary, and Executive bodies. Third, several countries were influenced by a democratic system in the 18th-19th century like the French really did the revolution. Fourth, democracy breaks down the saturation of the government system. Indonesia has also experienced saturation of a government system, so the democracy encourages people to have reformation in Indonesia in 1999. Fifth, entering the modern era we are required to be more advanced to think about government. Sixth, the promotion of democracy further strengthens unity, no use of money politics, and no use of masses for fraudulent politics. Seventh, democracy has combined with the digital era, so when expressing opinions, it is better to speak politely and be anticipatory. Eighth, democracy is a system that accommodates students to express opinions in many ways, such as conveying ideas to overcome the problem of poverty. Ninth, taking advantage of democratic opportunities is not to build a political group interest.



Finally, through this activity, the student of the Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu community was reminded to win the majority vote for the truth. Because if in a democratic system the majority vote falls into the wrong hands then democracy will endanger the country. But if the majority vote is in the right hands then democracy will build the Indonesian nation. Hail Democracy!

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Reliving the Democracy From Age to Age (A Youth Discussion in Taba Gemantung)

Tuesday, 26 October 2021
by Reginiana

By: Reginiana




Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu initiated a discussion forum with a theme Democracy from Age to Age in Taba Gemantung village, Central Bengkulu Regency (25/10/2021). The speaker was Stube HEMAT Bengkulu activist, Reginiana Dosvia. This forum sparked participants to pay attention to the democratic life that has occurred until now. Democracy itself means a form of government where all citizens have equal rights to make a decision that can change their lives.



The material provided makes the participants learn about political changes, especially during the development of digital technology. They are expected to promote democracy in their daily activities and observe existing democratic problems. More importantly, they learned about democratic practices in their region and other areas in general throughout Indonesia.



With these expected goals, the activity of Stube invited the participants to take an active role in Democracy activities in their area even on a wider scale. Democratic activities cannot be separated from our daily lives when expressing opinions or elections are carried out in a group. Even the democracy occurred within the family, schools, offices, villages, and even the state, democratic activities are practiced. These showed that democracy has an important role.

Based on the material quoted from the official website of the Ministry and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, essentially the characteristics of a democratic country are equality before the law, participation in decision-making, fair distribution of income, and freedom of responsibility.



Then, the resource person invited the participants to discuss the function of democracy. From the discussion, it was concluded that democracy can help an election run fairly and create a sense of unity if the democratic process may run properly by providing protection of everyone’s rights to run a democracy, creating a culture that guarantees people's rights can be served well. The question and answer session went well lively. The speaker then encouraged the participants to actively take a role in democratic activities and dare to be a leader.



One of the participants named Zeta gave her view that democracy can work in harmony if the practice is carried out fairly, namely prioritizing the rights of everyone, regardless of social status and position. When democracy is not implemented properly, then the guarantee of human rights will be unfair.

Besides defining democracy, the resource person also asked what kind of democratic practice the participants had done. They already knew and implemented the class leader elections and village head elections in their areas. On a large scale, they took part to vote the representatives' house members. ***


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Challenges and Road to Sustainable Village

Monday, 18 October 2021
by Yedija Manullang
By: Yedija Manullang          


In recent years, the situation of  villages  have gradually developed. “Village is finally sovereign!” It is the people’s response after the legalization of Law No. 6 of 2014. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantange Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) issued Village Regulation (PDTT) No. 13 of 2020 focusing on SDGs-based village. It regulates the priority of the usage of village funds in 2021 which also focuses on the efforts to achieve the SDGs. PDTT Number 13 of 2020 is motivated by thoughts related to the national development model based on Presidential Regulation Number 59 of 2017 related to the implementation of achieving sustainable national development goals.

Talking about national development, it cannot be separated from the role of youth in village development. Talking about youth, we are talking about the future and all thoughts that lead to the future. The first role of youth is to deepen their knowledge and return to the village to serve the community. Therefore, Stube HEMAT Bengkulu Multiplication discussed the topic "Sustainable Villages" on Sunday (17/10/2021) with a 33-year-old young village head as facilitator with five cross-university students, the University of North Sumatra, the University of Lampung, and the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology.



Charly Purba is the village head in Purba Manalu village, Doloksanggul, Humbang Hasundutan, Sumatra. He has served for 2 years after being inaugurated in 2019. Charly believes that to achieve sustainable village goals, synergy is needed from all village elements including the village government, the Village Supervisory Board, and the village community itself. “The active role of village elements is needed to achieve the collective goals of the village community to achieve village sustainability in the future. Village sustainability is not only about the future, but also preparations for the day to come," said Charly. One of the steps towards a sustainable village is to observe and develop the potencies of the village itself. "The potency of the village becomes a strength of the village itself, for example, the potency of the PKK group in the Purba Manalu village which is currently developing cassava tubers into various processed foods which can later be mass-produced and become superior products and increase the income of housewives," he explained. Nevertheless, challenges and problems often come towards sustainable villages, including the use of village funds which are still dominant in physical development/infrastructure in the village, and less for the role of youth in village development. “The use of village funds is still dominant for physical development, village roads that connect land or rice fields from farmers, there is still limited for human resource development through training and workshops. The budget will be refocused after the Covid pandemic hit Indonesia.” "In addition, youth movement is still less active because the forum in which accommodates youth to gather in the village, namely Karang Taruna is temporarily inactive due to Covid-19, plus many youths are leaving and not many stay in the village. Moreover, the voices of village youths are not widely heard because of the dominance of the senior’s voice," he added.

Samuel Pardede, a student at the University of North Sumatra expresses the existence and involvement of youth affect to the sustainability of a village's development. “One of the main problems is the limited space given to young people both in terms of sounding their aspirations and space for exploration. Especially, Indonesia will have the demographic bonus in 2045, where the productive age will dominate over the non-productive age. Therefore, from now on young people must fight for opportunity, they must find space to speak up so they can move and be empowered to build a better village,” said Samuel. Samuel hoped that this discussion makes youth be aware and find solutions together, moreover, this discussion is delivered by a person who has concern for youth, especially in his village. ***

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Sharing Life & Spirit: Regeneration & Multiplication of Life Values

Thursday, 14 October 2021
by Made Nopen Supriadi, S.Th

By: Made Nopen Supriadi, S.Th.          




I am Made Nopen Supriadi, S.Th, one of the facilitators of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu, and in this discussion activity of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu (12/10/2021), the topic focused on the introduction of Stube-HEMAT by the Multiplicator of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu and follow-up up activities on Rural Sustainability. Sixteen students at Bengkulu Theological College (STTAB) attended it in the STTAB classroom, starting at 19:00-21:00 WIB.

In this activity, the participants enthusiastically participated in the discussion as the multiplicator and facilitator's touch the participants' emotions to open their minds. I found significant sense and focus in Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu activity, namely Sharing Life and Spirit so that the ideas of the service will sustain and show a shared life.



Here is my basic thought about the realization of Sharing Life and Spirit in Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu activity on October 12, 2021. First, it can be seen from one of the participants, named Ajupendi from Mentawai, who has a longing for the knowledge gained in Stube-HEMAT can be implemented in the context of his village. His idea and questions show his longing to share the ideas of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu.

Second, spirit sharing is done by multiplicators through a 6-minute video, which shows the Stube-HEMAT's global reach. The audio-visual explanation method about Stube-HEMAT is very effective in providing stimulation to STTAB students to understand the life and spirit of Stube-HEMAT so that Stube-HEMAT's constructive spirit in reaching human life is understood and passed on to the participants of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu.

Third, a Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu participant named Teguh Asa Zega build communication with multiplicators and facilitators how to realize the sharing of life and passion. This is one of the important aspects how to realize the sharing life and spirit between the multiplicators-facilitators and students. The sharing of life and enthusiasm to students and young people of the Stube-HEMAT group will revive, maintain and develop Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu.

In every activity of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu, the important focus that needs to be maintained is the regeneration and sharing of Stube-HEMAT's life and spirit about a precious life. It is reflected in Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu programs. The richness of ideas, passion, and life becomes an important part to be shared. Salute Stube-HEMAT! 


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Get to Know Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu

Wednesday, 13 October 2021
by Teguh Asa Chrismantino Zega

By : Teguh Asa Chrismantino Zega.          


Hello readers, greetings from Bengkulu. First, let me introduce myself, my name is Teguh Asa Chrismantino Zega. I am studying theology at STTAB (Arastamar Bengkulu Theological College) and currently in the 7th semester and pursuing my education at STTAB. I come from North Sumatra, Nias Island, North Gunungsitoli district, Gawu-gawu Bo'uso Village.



For a moment I will tell my first experience I got to know the Stube HEMAT program. Initially, the first meeting was held on Tuesday, 05 October 2021 (07:00). The Stube program was first introduced by one of our lecturers, Made Nopen Supriadi.

At first, I did not understand Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu, because there was still limited information about the Stube-HEMAT program. However, during the meeting, we got a responsibility to write an article describing a creative village specifically about my village in Nias.

Then, on Tuesday, October 12, 2021 (19.00–21.00 WIB), I participated again in the Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu activity. The session was accompanied by Yohanes Dian Alpasa, S.Si.Teol., the Multiplicator of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu. That night the multiplicator explained Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu.



I understand more about the program of Stube-HEMAT after he explained more about the program. There are several points that I learned from the meeting, such as:


  1. The Stube-HEMAT program aims to empower the community (Human resources), especially students as an intellectual group.
  2. Stube-HEMAT empowers the surrounding environment to become a source of life.
  3. There are discussions held by Stube-HEMAT activists.
  4. Stube-HEMAT shows the value of humanity.
  5. The Stube-HEMAT concept is not focused on one object only, is not fanatical so it is easy to interact with other organizations and can establish good cooperation
  6. Stube-HEMAT has a vision and mission.
  7. Stube-HEMAT builds the creativity of students and other communities.
  8. Stube-HEMAT teaches how to love nature, such as the world of agriculture.
  9. Stube-HEMAT facilitates students with discussions, seminars, and field visits.
  10. Stube-HEMAT broadens people's horizons.




The points above are found in the video shown by the multiplicator about Stube-HEMAT. I realized that the Stube-HEMAT program was very useful for me as a young generation and theology student.

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Youth and Sustainable Village

Monday, 11 October 2021
by Reginiana

By: Reginiana




Still campaigning a topic on Sustainable Village, the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu held a joint discussion in Taba Gemantung village, Merigi Sakti district, Central Bengkulu Regency (10/10/2021). With a theme on Sustainable village, the speaker of this session was a Bengkulu University student named Syintia Mardela Fitri, a member of the Central Bengkulu Student Association. She explained that a village is a group of residences and a group of agricultural areas. Meanwhile, youth/young generation/youth are those who have extraordinary enthusiasm. they are human resources for development both now and in the future, as potential future generations who will take over the previous generation.





How can villages have potency in the hands of youth? Yes, when youth are creative, innovative (able to create something new), able to compete, willing, able, and love their village. The village youth can develop many potencies, such as in the fields of agriculture, plantations, human resources, arts, tourism, culinary, and education. Youth has an important role in the development of their village, because if not youth, who else? If not now, then when? If we can, why should anyone else? Other villages can do it, we have to do more. In the material discussed, the speaker invited the 18 participants to discuss what would be done for the development of the village where they live.

Some of the answers are:

  1. Develop the potency of human resources in the field of sports. Youth who have skills in volleyball and futsal will train the community to be able to play volleyball and futsal.
  2. Develop the potency of the village in the field of education by making math tutoring for elementary school children and reading, writing, and arithmetic for early childhood.
  3. Develop existing agricultural land by making flower plantations as attraction spots for the wider community.
  4. Develop a village in the culinary field, considering that Taba Gemantung village is a good durian fruit producer. Youth initiate an innovation with durian fruit culinary.
  5. Create a social media account that shows the village's activities and development, so that many know Taba Gemantung village by providing positive posts.

The activities went very well because the speaker and the participants carried out this activity enthusiastically. Many new things and important information were found which made the participants energized to develop the potencies of their beloved village.


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Powering the Young Generation’s Literacy: Theological College of Arastamar in Bengkulu Knows Stube HEMAT

Wednesday, 6 October 2021
by Made Nopen Supriadi

By: Made Nopen Supriadi.          




Warm greetings to Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu readers! Literacy is an important part of today's young generation amid digitalization and globalization. Customizing a proper and correct literate life is a necessity today. Without a literacy spirit, the younger generation will be easily influenced by various non-constructive information. This article is a reflection of my experience because I am grateful that Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu has a literacy movement, therefore I will give my testimony on how I got to know Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu and its benefits.

On August 30, 2021, the Stube HEMAT multiplicator in Bengkulu, Yohanes Dian Alpasa, S.Si.Teol. started a conversation about how to accommodate the constructive thoughts of students in Bengkulu city considering that Bengkulu city has many universities, both public and private. Our discussion focused on how to provide enlightenment for students at various universities in the city of Bengkulu. The discussion was further narrowed with the idea of ​​documenting the thoughts of youth in the form of critical and constructive writings in various fields of social life. I welcomed the idea with enthusiasm, considering that I also have an interest in the world of literacy.

We met again to discuss the idea of ​​documenting the constructive thoughts of students in Bengkulu City in September. On September 22, 2021, I was asked to be one of the facilitators for Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu, this was the first time I heard the term Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu. Next, I asked for detailed information about Stube-HEMAT, after reading the blog from I began to understand the direction of its activities. The meeting in mid-September could not take place because I had a visit and development activity for the GEKISIA congregation in Bangka Province. The meeting can be held on September 30, 2021.

At the meeting, I first learned about Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu and realized that on July 20, 2020, I was a resource person at Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu with the material Bengkulu Youth and Christian Leadership with Dahlia Sitohang as moderator. It made me even more enthusiastic to respond to the offer as a facilitator for Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu.



On October 5, 2021, the Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu discussed the theme ‘Rural Sustainability’ with 15 students of the Bengkulu Arastamar Theological College (STTAB) we got to know Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu and mapping potencies and vulnerabilities in the village. The theme itself encouraged them to describe the place they live in, such as villages in the Mentawai Islands, Nias, and Bengkulu. They enthusiastically told the conditions in which they live and the expected progress. I felt so grateful that I have been trusted to be a resource and I have found the right place to actualize ideas in writing and share them with the younger generation, especially students. We hope that Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu will continue to develop as a literacy driver for the younger generation and spark local ideas for community welfare. ***


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Creative Villages According To Young People In Central Bengkulu

Monday, 27 September 2021
by Reginiana Dosvia Quiko

By: Reginiana Dosvia Quiko.         


A village is a place in an area inhabited by people who are generally not dense settlements and remind us of beautiful and calm conditions. To live in a beautiful and peaceful village is the hope of the inhabitants who lives there. The hope will be realized if the programs carried out refer to creative village programs that accommodate interesting ideas for village development.



Regarding to the creative village, we discussed the potencies of villages in Central Bengkulu regency in Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu meeting (Sunday, 09/26/2021). The discussion was held in Taba Gemantung Village, Merigi Sakti District, Central Bengkulu Regency. The first step of the discussion was finding out information about Creative Villages in Indonesia and the programs implemented. Being a creative village requires cooperation between village officials and the community, especially young people who have many bright ideas that will help develop it. In the second step, the participants discussed the occurred developments in Taba Gemantung Village so that it can be categorized as a creative village.



Some of the creative ideas that emerged for the next three years include:


  1. Tutoring activities for the elementary school and high school students of Taba Gemantung village children.
  2. Fostering the character of village youth so they can play positive roles for their village.
  3. Catfish farmings for the community and can be fished in a certain amount.
  4. Volleyball for the community.
  5. Availability of drilled wells for the people.
  6. Availability of village ambulance vehicle.


Apart from discussing the village of Taba Gemantung, the discussion guide asked the participants to give their opinion on the question, ‘What are the reasons of young people leaving their village? Some  participants answer that:


  1. The village is assumed too remote,
  2. The unavailability of attractive village infrastructure,
  3. The difficulty of employment opportunities in the village,
  4. Life in the city is more pleasant than in the village,
  5. The limited educational facilities in the village,





Based on the results of the discussion, we concluded that the village will become a creative village if the village officials and the community work together to build the village with interesting and positive ideas so that changes will occur for a better condition. In particular, it can make the community feel safe, peaceful,  having enough jobs availability, and they also have feeling to be needed by their village.

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The Cyber ​​Development Among Youth

Monday, 5 July 2021
by Reginiana Dosvia



It is undeniable that technology development grows rapidly. People’s daily activities cannot be separated from technology, from simple activities to professional works, almost all require technology. The speaker of the Stube-HEMAT discussion session (4/07/2021) held in Taba Gemantung village was Huanius Jastino, a trainer at a technology company and a smartphone technician and programmer in Central Bengkulu.  That’s why he has the competence to be the facilitator in the meeting with the theme of 'Cyber ​​Technology Challenge'.


In his presentation, Huanius said that the word 'cyber' cannot be separated from any things related to the internet, computers, and cyberspace. A wise youth needs a good understanding to recognize and to respond the current cyber developments. The youth can take a significant role and bring positive influence as social media users, so it is hoped that youth become the good example and the guide for the community.


According to Huanius, there are several benefits by knowing cyber: 1) Enriching insight and knowledge. 2) Having new friends and expand friendships, 3) Being understand to protect privacy in cyberspace by knowing and understanding how to maintain personal identity so that it is difficult to be hacked by other parties, 4) Being a role model for other social media users.


In addition to the benefits, however, some losses can come when users are not wise in using social media, including accounts that can be stolen, the occurrence of criminal cases on social media, bullying, and so on. When the loss occurs, there are two ways to resolve it: the first having win-win solutions; the second is having legal process because all social media users has been protected by the Information and Technology Acts.


The activities ran well and the participants seemed to pay attention that signs a pleasant meeting. Lots of knowledge gained. Besides conveying the materials, the resource persons allowed the participants to express their opinion and suggestion related to cyber problems.

Reginiana, the discussion coordinator, was so proud because the youth were eager to study with Stube-HEMAT. Yohanes Dian Alpasa welcomed the meeting in Central Bengkulu and hoped that students and youth  in Central Bengkulu support activities of friends in Bengkulu City so that the discussion will run more exciting.***

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Self-Actualization In Cyber ​​Challenge

Sunday, 20 June 2021
by Reginiana Dosvia

Self-Actualization In Cyber ​​Challenge



By: Reginiana Dosvia




The Cyber ​​Challenge program was additionally supported by two trainers from Yogyakarta, Trustha Rembaka (the coordinator of Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta) and David Pamerean Budiarto (a student of the International Program on Computer Science, Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta). The face-to-face training location was chosen in the city center on June 17-19, 2021.



The activity began with a visit to the Indonesia Pentecost church (GpdI) ‘Hidup Baru’, Bengkulu city. There Rev. Apriansori Marbun was the meeting facilitator and 22 participants attended the gathering that started at 19.30 WIB. He welcomed the Stube-HEMAT group and described the church's ministry and character building, specifically for young people the topic related to how to get a spouse according to Christ's will. Rev. Apriansori thought that Stube HEMAT program deserves to be introduced to youth and students in Bengkulu for its usefull for them. Regarding the cyber challenge, he suggested that the young people take advantage of technology but not be enslaved by technology. Furthermore, Yohanes Dian Alpasa, the Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu introduced Stube-HEMAT as a training institution for students and church youth. Therefore, the institution opened the chance for the church youth to take part in every activity.





The second session of the training was held on Friday, June 18, 2021. Yohanes Dian Alpasa first introduced Stube-HEMAT and asked the participants to write on a piece of cardboard that was spread out on the floor about the dream village that each had in mind. After that, they wrote down social, environmental, educational, and cultural problems in their surroundings. The feedbacks will be used as consideration in formulating Stube's next program in addition to sharpening their sensitivity to the existing social situation. Furthermore, the multiplicator introduced the Cyber ​​Challenge program as a chance to open up and adapt to technology changes because many things can be done online. So, the participants were expected to be able to have their own actualization.





Session III was led by Trustha Rembaka who conveyed how the simple content created by cyber creators attracts many followers, as well as internet user segmentation, and age distribution in social media accounts and on social media platforms. They were invited to express ideas on each platform to reach a wider community.



Session IV was facilitated by David Pamerean Budiarto, who focuses in computer programming. He trained participants to produce videos from their photos and notes. The shooting technique was facilitated by Trustha, while the application and software on editing skills were taught by David. The practice was carried out directly at the training spot.






Session V was conducted through a Zoom Meeting with Dema Mathias Lumban Tobing as the resource person. He explained that every action taken in cyberspace was recorded by the company's server. Our expressions will be processed into data containing hobbies, likes, emotions, feelings, which are very useful for other parties for promoting products. Being wise in media is still an absolute requirement, so starting from now, the participants have to try to get the benefit from every action in cyberspace. The virtual world must be a promotional space for talents, businesses, hobbies, and so on, so do not waste the opportunity.


Next, the participants actualized their knowledge and experience in life both in community and church into videos records. Enjoy the self-actualization! ***


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Juvenile Delinquency Amidst The Cyber World Challenges

Monday, 17 May 2021
by Reginiana Dosvia Quiko

By: Reginiana Dosvia Quiko




Taba Gemantung, is a village in Merigi Sakti District, Central Bengkulu regency, 17 kms away from Bengkulu University. This village became one activity point for the Multiplication of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu. This time, Reginiana Dosvia Quiko (a Christian instructor in Taba Gemantung village) played a role as the discussion coordinator for the community and the village youth. The discussion is expected to be a forum for Stube-HEMAT students of Bengkulu University (UNIB) to actualize themselves with the youth there.


The discussion spotlighted the problem of juvenile delinquency because it becomes a problem commonly found in society. Adolescence is a time for the youth to find identity and try to show self-identity so that they can be accepted and seen as special by others. However, they sometimes did the wrong way to determine their identity for them because of several factors. Therefore, the Multiplication of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu through Stube HEMAT activists in Taba Gemantung village held a discussion with youth to address these problems. The discussion also aimed to encourage youth to take part in minimalizing juvenile delinquency cases in their village.


The discussion was held in 2 rounds in May 2021. The first discussion (Sunday, May 9, 2021) learned the definition of juvenile delinquency, found out the roots of delinquency, and designed a program to educate teenagers to have characters that match society's norms. Juvenile delinquency has a meaning of actions that violate the norms, rules, or laws of society, that are conducted by someone in their teens or transition from childhood to adulthood.


Some of the factors that cause delinquency are 1). Identity crisis, adolescents do not know who they are and try to get recognition from others by taking actions that are considered great but inappropriate. 2). The environment becomes an influence when a child is unable to control himself and drifted away, or a child is unable to say "no" even though he knows it is wrong for fear of not being acknowledged in his community. Further, access to the cyber world is easily browsed and it possibly brings negative impacts without appropriate filters.


The second round of discussion (Sunday, 16/05/2021) talked about other factors of juvenile delinquency, which included: 1). Family economic conditions. Children have no other choice but to violate legal norms in order to get what they need in life, for example by committing theft, robbery, drug dealers, and so on. 2). Lack of affection. Lack of affection drives children to do wrong actions to get attention from others. 3). Lack of character building. Character building can be obtained from the role of parents and religious teachers. This is important because good character will lead children away from the desire to commit juvenile delinquency.



During the question and answer session, several questions were discussed, namely ‘What kind of juvenile delinquency act have you met in the village environment?’ and ‘As a good youth, what can be done to overcome the problem of juvenile delinquency?’ From the discussion, the participants concluded decisions and commitment, such as 1). Youth play role as models for teenagers in their daily lives; 2). Carry out positive activities such as sports activities in the afternoon for the community so that teenagers are motivated to develop their sport potency; 3). Provide character-building once a week for teenagers by submitting an application to village officials to use village building facilities as a place for youth gathering; 4). Do not hesitate to be a peer counselor for other youth.


The discussion with the youth ran well and the participants took active responses and had positive thoughts to produce good influences for others.***

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Cyber ​​World Challenges in Bengkulu

Friday, 30 April 2021
by Yohanes Dian Alpasa

By Yohanes Dian Alpasa




Responding to the development of technology, especially Information Technology, the Multiplication program of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu campaigns a new program ‘Cyber ​​World Challenges in Bengkulu. The program is carried out with the objectives, 1) Students and youth understand the changing lifestyle, culture, and the need for cyber-based skills, 2) Students can develop themselves to face the challenges of the cyber world, 3) Students understand their role as a link chain for groups who are technologically illiterate so that there is no sharp gaps between community groups regarding the cyber world.

To explore Bengkulu's potencies concerning the cyber world, the Multiplicator of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu held socialization of the Cyber ​​Challenge in Bengkulu program (30/04/2021). Socialization was held to map what opportunities can be worked on in the cyber world. The first potency of the cyber world in Bengkulu is that some people are familiar with social media and marketplaces. Some youths have become resellers of imported products, such as bags, shoes, and cosmetics. Adit, for example, one of the Stube participants, bought shoes from the cyber market because the price is cheaper and the goods can be delivered to his home. Meanwhile, another participant, Panji for example, said that spare parts for machines and some goods and equipment were not available in Bengkulu, so they had to be ordered and sent from outside, and they were available in the online market. Information of goods can be obtained by surfing the cyber world and the details of the components can be observed. Indeed, not all items are good, but most of the items ordered have met expectations. In the academic field, the students can buy books from online stores, although not many students have used them. Only a small number of people buy books and read scientific references from online journals published by study centers outside Bengkulu.

On the other hand, the use of cyber technology to market agricultural products is still unfamiliar among traders, producers of goods and services, farmers, and livestock raisers. Traders still rely on conventional marketing systems by meeting face-to-face with potential buyers. Most of the goods and agricultural products in circulation come from outside the Bengkulu area. The consumers in Bengkulu buy their food needs from local markets but electronic equipment, baby equipment, kitchen utensils, carpentry, mechanics are getting common to be purchased from the online market.

The initial discussion as an opening and igniting ideas in the Cyber ​​World Challenge program will be continued with other activities to deepen understanding of the cyber world. The Multiplication program of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu invites students and youth to join while still using health protocols. ***

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Together with Air Lais Health Center, a Healthy Community

Wednesday, 31 March 2021
by adminstube

Discussion on Health (Multiplication Program of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu)




In the program related to Health Challenges in Bengkulu, the Multiplication program of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu in collaboration with Margasakti village government and Tunas Harapan Youth Organization held a discussion entitled "The Importance of a Healthy Family Lifestyle". The material about the pandemic and the discipline of health protocols continued to be the subject of discussion considering the increasing trend of people exposed to Covid-19 in two weeks in Bengkulu.


Eka Purwati, a midwife at Air Lais Health Center, was the speaker of the youth discussion and Stube-HEMAT (31/03/2021). Her presence should be appreciated because, during this pandemic, all gatherings are limited to reduce the concentration of the crowd. Interestingly, the birth rate in Bengkulu is increasing. According to Eka, several mothers in the Padang Jaya district gave birth on the same day, so the service schedule was tight.


Twenty teenagers and youths, as well as 7 mothers from village VII, attended the meeting. The event was designed attractively by Karang Taruna Dusun VII, M. Jauhari Fajri. Discussions about the health of young people became the spotlight for the happiness of the family later. The topics discussed were Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS), balanced nutrition, and stress among young people.


A clean and healthy lifestyle has become a familiar topic, but balanced nutrition needed to be the focus of discussion considering that Margasakti village needs to pay more attention due to stunting cases. According to Eka, stunting begins when young mothers experience pregnancy. Nutritional intake must be sufficient, emotion must be stable, the environmental conditions must be well-maintained. Stunting can also come from young mothers who are not yet pregnant but are required to have children. These young mothers are advised to take blood-added tablets (TTD). Young children are advised to take a blood boost tablet once a week.


The disturbances in the growth process of children or often called stunting are handled by fulfilling the requirements for improving nutrition in children. Young people who are about to get married are welcome to conduct pre-marital counseling with youth extension workers at the Air Lais health center. Infectious diseases can be avoided based on suggestions and advice from Puskesmas officers.


That night, the Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu also opened opportunities for counseling services related to youth, psychology, and counseling related to youth health. However, this material is worth practicing and sharing.



“Health Challenges in Indonesia” is an important program, because many people only realize the importance of understanding health when they are ill. The Multiplication of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu continues to move to enlighten young people.***

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Be Alert to Share Personal Data

Sunday, 14 March 2021
by adminstube

(Public Journalism)


Writing and sharing personal data are things that students and young people should pay attention to in the digital era regarding to the Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) law. In collaboration with the Tunas Harapan Youth Organization, Margasakti village officials, and the ‘Pelita Hati’ library, the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu invited resource person from ‘Radar Utara’ Daily, one of the largest newspapers in North Bengkulu (Saturday, 13/03/2021). Karjiyo, editor in chief of Radar, shared some writing tips and problems faced while one is active on social media.

Karjiyo warned the participants of the discussion to be more careful in writing their identities on Social Media. "What do you usually write on social media?" asked Karjiyo. The youth participants replied, "Just common things". It means something that is usually seen and felt, such as what you want to express, even when your heart is upset, young people write a status on social media. Karjiyo also asked whether the participants had ever shared passwords and emails on social media. Some of the participants answered that they’ve had ever. Passwords and e-mails are sometimes requested by applications to access certain services. The male participants said that they submitted their email and password to create an online game account. The female participants provide email and personal data when they want to shop or play tik-tok.

In his presentation, Karjiyo emphasized the importance of keeping our personal data on social media. The first is about feelings; For example, when you are annoyed or angry with your boyfriend, never write it down on social media. Let personal problems be resolved privately. Second, about personal data recorded on the identity card; Never take pictures and upload personal data for anyone. The crime can arise by using the identification number on the card. The villain will use it for fraud activities and other forms of crime. Third, email and password; do not need to be noted when registering for an online game account or other entertainment application. Karjiyo assessed that there are villains on social media who are peeping our data from time to time.

Sometimes several applications request permission to access the user’s location, contacts, photos, and some information from a smartphone. In this case, the resource person emphasized not to give the data. Data privacy issues are becoming a public issue in today's digital society. Electronic data and even electronic money are vulnerable to be hacked. Therefore, young people are expected to be aware of the consequences. Some people have to change social media accounts because the previous accounts they have cannot be opened again, however, the account remains active and uploads inappropriate videos and pictures as a sign that the account has been hacked.

Thus, youth should be more careful in sharing data. By being careful, we will get the benefits, such as not to be easily attracted by products advertised on social media, the social media accounts are not hacked, personal data is not used for fraud such as breaking into bank accounts, and will be trusted to sell products.


Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu hoped that the youth will use social media as well as possible. This Public Journalism Training invited young people to be more sensitive to the digital problems. The digitalization of information has been carried out by the media in Indonesia, even including the village website. It is expected that the youth will become agents to strengthen the society in protecting their data. ***

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Multiplicator In Bengkulu - EV Although Small, Make Actions Against Covid-19

Friday, 12 March 2021
by adminstube
Health Challenges in Indonesia


A workshop related to the problem of the Covid-19 pandemic which was held in mid-February 2021 encouraged the participants to share information and knowledge gained from the workshop with others. Two activities have been carried out, first was sharing with the Andalas Bumi Ayu Youth group that’s carried out by the church youth group and the second was sharing about the implementation of health protocols in the classroom environment and meeting in the village by the English learning group.

The church youth group shared their experiences and knowledge with the Andalas Youth group, a youth community in Dusun IV Bumi Ayu, Margasakti village. This group has a meeting once a month to discuss any plans related to youth. The discussion with Andalas youth was held at Hari Pujianto's residence (9/02/2021) with the members. They admitted the limited information about Covid-19 in rural areas. Furthermore, they also said that the movement of people in and out of the area is minimum so that even when people have flu and coughs during this pandemic, they wear no mask. For this reason, the meeting with church youths  is expected to be able to encourage Andalas youth and the residents to pay more attention to the health protocol standards.

A surprising moment for the next activity related to understanding health problems, especially during this pandemic was proposed by M. Jauhari Fajri after reading the material and blog shared by Stube HEMAT. Even though he did not attend the first health issue workshop, he was interested to understand the important parts of this material and invited other speakers and participants to Margasakti village (11/03/2021). So far, M, Jauhari Fajri, has been active in the English community of village VII. This English learning group consists of teenagers and children. They are trying to understand the effects of Covid-19 if they are infected. So far they did not worry about it. Studying from home makes them miss face-to-face school.

This follow-up activity might seem simple, but it helped many people to understand the situation better during the pandemic, how to anticipate it, and how to grow awareness of the importance to be discipline  implementing health protocols. Although small, but one should keep moving so that more and more people will understand the importance of health. ***

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Establishing Synergy Against Covid 19

Monday, 22 February 2021
by Pdt. Em. Bambang Sumbodo

(Morning Greeting from Board of Stube HEMAT)





We are in Bengkulu city with students of the Multiplication program of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu to take part in the effort done by the government, church, and community in overcoming the Pandemic of Covid-19. As part of the community, Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu took part in efforts to prevent and understand Covid-19, by inviting Yayat Suhendra, M.Ners, a specialist in respiratory, a graduate from People’s Republic of China.


By participating one-day workshop on Health Problems in Indonesia, the students are expected to be able to share information and knowledge about Covid-19 from this activity to public and their communities. Some of the students who joined the activity were from villages around 90 kms away from Bengkulu city. They also have various religious backgrounds, including Hindu, Buddhism, Christian, and Catholic. Until now, Bengkulu has recorded 4.000 people who have positive for Covid-19 and still be classified as the green zone.


On the occasion, the resource person, Yayat Suhendra, M.Ners, accompanied young people and students with the topics ‘Condition and readiness of Bengkulu residents in 1 year of the pandemic’ and ‘Paying attention to sanitation and nutrition as an effort to anticipate the future infectious diseases”. It is expected that the students are empowered to be agents of change in the health sector, especially during the pandemic. The resource person in this workshop is a Muslim, he is still young, and very communicative with young people and students from various religions.



Likewise, Stube HEMAT regardless of the participants' backgrounds, hand-in-hand to face the pandemic. As Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as yourself". This is not only done by Christians but also done by our neighbors because the law of love is not only for Christians. Yayat Suhendra, M. Ners, is a good example  how knowledge and faith are manifested in health services to others. May God use the students who have come to take part in Stube HEMAT program to solve the pandemic. Immanuel.

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Bengkulu Stays Alert to Corona

Sunday, 21 February 2021
by adminstube

Workshop on Health Problems




The Health Challenge in Indonesia is an interesting topic to discuss. Health challenges and infectious diseases is a relevant topic when the Covid-19 pandemic hits Indonesia and the world. The one-day workshop was held at the Tris restaurant, Pantai Panjang, Bengkulu City (Saturday, 20/02/2021). The workshop was attended by 23 participants from various communities, such as students from the Catholic Youth organization, Vihara Buddhayana Bengkulu, Pura Rama Agung, and Stube activists of the Margasakti church youth. The event consisted of four sessions. Even though they looked tired, the participants were enthusiastic to join the process until the end.



The first session was an introduction of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu. Yohanes Dian Alpasa, the person in charge of the Multiplication program of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu introduced Stube-HEMAT to the participants. Stube-HEMAT itself is a student mentoring institution based in Yogyakarta through discussions and training. Through the programs, the students will be more confident and well-equipped to return to their regions to develop regional potencies and to solve problems that occur. Stube-HEMAT was present in Bengkulu in early 2017. Its activities began in Margasakti, North Bengkulu with local church youths. Then in 2018, Stube reached Bengkulu City and succeeded in sending four students to Yogyakarta through an exchange program. In 2021, Stube-HEMAT will intensify its activities in Bengkulu city. Welcoming the face-to-face lectures in the campus which will be opened in March 2021, the number of the participant of Stube-HEMAT is increasing.


The second session was facilitated by the Head of the Puskesmas (public health center) in Bengkulu Tengah, Yayat Suhendra. At the beginning of the presentation, he criticized the room space for the meeting that does not fit to maintain physical distancing, inadequate handwashing facilities, and some participants wore improper masks. A scuba mask, worn by motorcyclists is a mask to filter dust and not to hold viruses and droplets.


The local government provides the website ( to monitor the latest update of the outbreak. Through the website, everyone can see the number of infected people in Bengkulu. Up to the date of the workshop, there were around 4.000 positive cases in Bengkulu, while in the Special Region of Yogyakarta reached 26.000 cases. Some Bengkulu people seem to underestimate the spread of the virus, no matter the danger. It can be indicated from the way they wear improper masks and hold events that create crowds.


In the middle of the session, the presentation was complemented with a live interview by phone with Indah Theresia, an RRI broadcaster who was infected with Covid-19 and had to be treated at Harapan dan Doa Hospital, Bengkulu City. Recovering from Covid-19 is like a second chance for her after seeing a colleague died by Covid-19. The dangers of this virus can be anticipated through discipline health protocols.


Washing hands with soap in flowing water and wearing a mask properly are important, but the most important is recognizing the function of health equipment and health protocols, such as the use of a hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer is a poison to kill germs, so it will be dangerous when it is inhaled. Many people sometimes inhale the aroma of hand sanitizers that contain aromatherapy ingredients.


The third session discussed Nutrition and Sanitation. Yayat summarized the techniques for maintaining body fitness by eating nutritious foods, having enough sleep, and regular exercise. Six-hours sleeping is sufficient for adult people.  Actually, nutrition does not have to be expensive but the important point is sufficient vegetables and protein. Exercises make us in the strongest endurance because all cells are burning fat deposits for energy, and when doing exercise we need oxygen so we do not need to wear a mask.


The fourth session was facilitated by Ariani Narwastujati, the Executive Director of Stube-HEMAT. She admitted that Bengkulu seemed to underestimate the virus outbreak. This is the task of young people to raise public awareness so that the public is more aware of Covid-19. There have been many family, friends, and relatives who have been threatened by the virus, so we must be careful. She also practiced the use of thermogun to screen participants who will come to us. The maximum limit for human body temperature is 37,40C, so those who have a body temperature above the limit need to rest. The second device that was introduced was the measurement of heart rate and oxygen levels. A person who is ill gets decreasing in oxygen in the blood. This tool can be the first tool used to determine whether the body is fit or not.


The fifth session was led by Rev. Em. Bambang Sumbodo and Hero Darmawanto, the board members of Stube HEMAT. The character of young people is determined by discipline and honesty. Nowadays, there are many challenges as technology and information advances that eliminate many jobs. Young people must have the courage to develop their talents because there are many forms of talent possessed by young people, because everyone has a lot of intelligence, such as linguistic, logical, intrapersonal, interpersonal, musical, spatial, kinetic, and naturalist. The more young children stimulate themselves with various kinds of things, what intelligence will stand out. The task of young children is to develop it.



The workshop was ended by the Multiplicator by forming four writing groups. The writings from the groups will be the result of the workshop. Next week, the participants' writings from Pura, Vihara, Parish, and Church can be submitted and distributed to other young friends to read. (YDA).

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Role Models, Promoters & Actors (Youth & Health Challenges)

Sunday, 21 February 2021
by Yedija Manullang

By: Yedija Manullang


Issues on health are often discussed in meetings both inside and outside the network. Discussions, socialization, and efforts of prevention are still carried out because the pandemic of Covid-19 has not ended. Health talks are getting more intense, health workers are more urgently needed because they are at the forefront to handle Covid-19. However, on the other hand, there are many other health cases handled by health workers, such as cancer, which is the first-rank deadly disease and it causes the highest number of deaths in the world. Therefore, the Multiplication Program of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu and its activists in Humbang Hasundutan regency conducted a small discussion on ‘The Role of Youth to Face Health Challenges in Humbang Hasundutan Regency’.



The discussion presented Nova Sontry N Siregar, Amd. Keb, S.KM, M.Kes, a lecturer at the Doloksanggul Nursing Academy (20/2/2020) at the OPOS Coffee Shop by implementing health protocols and it was attended by five students. Nova explained that the actual health challenge is human’s daily life awareness seems to be decreasing, especially with the presence of gadgets that make instant works and activities. "Human awareness toward the importance of health has decreased from time to time, especially with the technological facilities make people more negligent. For example, related to food products, young people prefer fast and delicious foods, called ‘Junk Food’. If someone consumes junk food for a long time, he will get its impact on his health", said Nova. “Worse, health condition is considered not a priority and people wait to get sick first to realize the importance of health”, she added.


Nova explained the various challenges in the health world and these must be overcome immediately with the participation of young people who have high enthusiasm, energy, and innovation. The role of youth certainly cannot be underestimated, especially in the health world, moreover, this group is active on social media which can be used as a media to campaign the importance of health. "There are three things in which youths can play a role to respond the health challenges in Humbang Hasundutan, namely a role model, promoter and actor," she explained.


Becoming a Role Model is being an example or role model in daily life, one of which is wearing masks when going outdoor or in a public place, or a crowd. "Our paradigm to use masks is not only to avoid the virus but also not to be fined. Wearing masks when going outdoor is a good habit because it can keep off viruses, germs, and dust which potentially enter the respiratory tract that may cause disease," said Nova.


Becoming a promoter is done by reminding others who ignore health protocol, for example, the street vendors who do not maintain the food covers to keep away the flies and dust. “We, as youth should not be afraid to remind them because we bring good messages. Of course, it should be in the polite way,” she emphasized.


Becoming an actor can be started from awareness of health which is gained through self-awareness and concern on the importance of health. "The awareness and concern of youth toward health are very important, especially related with the Demographic Bonus. If young people themselves are not aware of being actors of health, how we can face the demographic bonus which is full of challenges and problems?" Nova said.


The discussion continued with some questions about health in general and reproductive health, especially during the pandemic. ***

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Responding Public Challenges with SwaraUnib FM Radio

Friday, 12 February 2021
by adminstube


The Multiplication Program of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu supports any efforts to handle the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The policy of public activity restrictions in Java-Bali was followed by other regions from January 11-25, 2021. Then, the activity restrictions were extended to February 8, 2021. The COVID-19 Task Force for Bengkulu municipality banned crowds of more than 8 people. This condition affects the activities of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu city, so the program starts the activities on February 11, 2021.


A discussion with Ento Gusmanto, the founder of SwaraUnib FM took place at Pendopo Tris, Pantai Panjang. SwaraUnib FM itself is a private communication company with 80% of its share ownership belongs to the University of Bengkulu. The session began at 5 p.m. with participants’ interview. They were asked to wash their hands first, tidy up their masks, shared their today's activities and who had contact with them. The multiplicator added if the participants felt unwell, he suggested to leave the session and took enough rest. Praise the Lord, that all was well and the discussion continued with strict health protocols.



The introduction of Stube-HEMAT was briefly carried out by the multiplicator of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu, Yohanes Dian Alpasa. He introduced Stube-HEMAT as a community of youth and students from different areas that enriches them with skills and spirit to return to their regions and to develop the regional potencies.


After the participants' introduction, Ento Gusmanto introduced himself as the founder of SwaraUnib FM and felt happy to join such an event for sharing ideas and discussion with youth. The SwaraUnib radio was founded in 2006 in the midst of the challenge of minimum human resource (limited number of personnel and ability to maintain equipment), but the management tried to maintain enthusiasm among them. The broadcasts continued with their various challenges. In 2015, Radio SwaraUnib FM got the Broadcasting Operation license from the Ministry of Communication and Information.


The development of communication in Bengkulu is fast. In 2006, there was only one place of internet kiosk. At that time radio became entertainment media for family and community but television was still the favorite broadcasting media. In 2010, the internet began to be familiar among people in Bengkulu and Ento saw the significant development of communication. Today, radio is still a favorite in society but television is slowly replaced by Youtube. Then what is the current public problem? He stated that there are 40 mass media companies in Bengkulu province but each has two or three journalists. This is a challenge in the future, the students are challenged to be smarter in targeting the job opportunities outside their field of study.


The public problems as the material of public journalism in Bengkulu are always connected with the era. When the era develops faster, people are more asked to be adaptive and take opportunities. SwaraUnib FM found that the people are still stuttering to respond the development. Bengkulu seemed to be lulled by a variety of conditions that are getting comfortable.


The creativity in food production, services, and handicrafts does not meet the demands and needs. Many goods and services must be supplied from outside of Bengkulu. This is a problem that occurred here and always be discussed in public journalism. According to Ento, the people of Bengkulu are not a consumptive group, but fashionable. Whenever there are new items related to clothes and cosmetics, they will buy the kinds of stuff. The problems are complex and the responses of the people produce various thinking.

From this discussion, the students and youth are expected to be able to criticize the problems and challenges faced by the Bengkulu people. ***

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