Wednesday, 19 December 2018
by adminmarno



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Plastic Waste
Plastic is kind of disturbing waste. The global community and Indonesian community are restless. The existence and number of plastics in the world are so excessive and worrying. Plastic waste is hard to decomposed while its usage is increasing rapidly day by day. Some people use plastic as life support tools, such as kitchen utensils, school kits, office kits, and many more.
Concerning about it, Stube-HEMAT and students in Bengkulu held a discussion and tried to respond the current issue of plastic waste in Bengkulu. It was held on Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at 7:30 PM at Kenrich Cafe, UNIB Belakang, area of Kandang Limun, Bengkulu. Eleven students from various majors attended the discussion.


The discussion was opened by introducing Stube-HEMAT because not all the participants know what Stube-HEMAT is. They discussed the booming of plastic waste in Bengkulu. According to one participant of the discussion, a journalistics student, garbage problem on Bengkulu coast was reaching 2 tons of plastic waste. The garbage itself was collected from the beach side only. So you can imagine how much garbage if all plastic waste in Bengkulu is collected.
Hosani Ramos Hutapea led the discussion. She tried to accommodate participants’ opinions and ideas. Regarding to plastic waste, they began to realize and gradually reduce plastic. One simple things is avoiding plastic bag whenever go shopping. If you buy something little, reuse the plastic that is still feasible for it. Also, efficient use of plastic can be done by collecting plastics and then giving them to sellers.
Beside the example, a question arose "what about plastic waste that cannot be reused?" If the plastic cannot be reused, it will definitely be wasted, if it is put on the ground and buried, it will damage the soil. If the plastic is burnt it will become air pollutant.
From the question, the participants said that recycling is needed. One participant from department of chemistry said that processing plastic waste has been carried out with the aim that the smelting will be used as fuel. But this project has not found a final result because there are obstacles regarding the octane level contained in the processing results that have not been detected. It means that the products cannot be used yet.
At the end of the discussion, participants were given a paper to write their responses about plastic waste and also their suggestions about the discussion. One feedback is an expectation for a further discussion which brings a real solution and not just discourse. Let's proceed!


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Strengthening Women’s Capacity

Monday, 26 November 2018
by adminstube


Based on Woman National Commission data, Indonesia is experiencing a sexual violence emergency because the ratenumber of women suffering from sexual violence is still high. There were 4.475 cases in 20146.499 cases in 2015, and 5.785 cases in 2016.
Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu thinks that it is necessary to increase the capacity of its students, especially the women activists. Therefore, on November 25, 2018, Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu sent Hosani Ramos Hutapea to attend a discussion on strengthening women's capacity organized by Indonesian Christian Student Movement in Bengkulu. The event took place at the secretary of Development Policy Assistance Network (JPKP) of Bengkulu and it began at 14.00 Western Indonesian Time.
Regional Police of Bengkulu spoke about its efforts to havefocus attention on the protection of women and children. Based on the law, one is categorized as child if he or she is still under 18 years old. When a child is subjected to forced sexual abuse or dealing each other at that age, the offender is also subjected to sanctions. The police are trying to provide assistance and special services to thevictims.
The Foundation of Education and Empowerment Center for Women and Children (PUPA) presented a patriarchal culture rooted in Indonesian society. As a result, commonly Indonesian women became the subordinated ones. They often suffered from sexual violence because of less power relation between men and women. Women become as the property of men when they are married, so they are obligated totally to surrender to their husbands. Further, women are ignored. Those who protested for such condition, will have conflicts that lead them suffering from domestic violence.
We found variety of violences. Many cases occured areparents rape children, uncles molest their nephews, etc. Therefore, PUPA encouraged the seminar participants to opentheir mind direction that women are not property  or objectsbut instead invited the participants to support fully the ratification of the Law draft on the Elimination of Sexual Violence. The ratification has been being discussed since2011 and it is still being defended for the sake of manysexual violence victims.
Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu has a program to strengthen its activists with gender knowledge. These days, gender equality not only concern to women but also protection of the weak and marginalized people.
The protection of women is so urgent to do. In the past few years, there was a case of Yuyun who died due to being brutally raped by a group of irresponsible men.
That day, the activist was equipped with knowledge not only to strengthen themselves but also to defend others. Hosaniwas grateful to get a chance to join the seminar and be allowed to share with other friends about what she got. Hopefully it could be useful for all of us. (SAN)
Writer: Hosani Ramos Hutapea (Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu)

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Delving The Potency of Bengkulu Students With News and Opinion

Monday, 15 October 2018
by adminstube
Bengkulu has potentialintellectual power that can be developed because there are around 20 collegescovering 3 state universities and 17 private institutions. The three state universities include Bengkulu University (UNIB), Islamic Institute (IAIN) Bengkulu, and Islamic College Curup in Rejang Lebong. Other colleges are 4 private universities, 8 colleges, 2 polytechnics, and 3 academies. Those educational institutions mentioned above are clearly places where the youth are gathering as potential human resources for the progress of Bengkulu development who will give contributionnationally.
Stube-HEMAT Multiplication Program in Bengkulu has been running for two years and the last six months focused in Bengkulu city to greet students there more optimally. On Friday, October 12th 2018, precisely at Lesehan Intan, behind Bengkulu University, multiplicator of Stube-HEMAT, Yohanes Dian Alphasa socialized Stube-HEMAT to students in that city. In this socialization, the multiplicator invited them to practice writing news and opinions that aimed to inform something both notions and ideas. Ideas can be explored and found based on the existing problems of community social life, that are expected to be able to answer and to give solutions. Bengkulu still needs ideas to answer problems such as price fluctuations of Palm Oil and rubber, poverty, injustice, educational inequality, early-age marriage, global challenges, politics or even how to prepare Bengkulu Human Resources to welcome technological advances and digital economics.


Yohanes Dian Aphasa as Multiplikator of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulusaid, “ Stube-HEMAT program is aimed for youth with hope that youth of this city can see chances around them and be able to change and show their creative thinking in the midst of increasingly diverse and more sophisticated information flow". Students’ critical writings in various scientific aspects are awaited to contribute to the progress of Bengkulu. (Multiplication Program)

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 Cultural Interaction  Among Bengkulu, Indonesia and The World

Tuesday, 31 July 2018
by adminstube


The blessing of bread for the world is also felt by the youth of Bengkulu. The activists of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu were invited to an international student meeting in Yogyakarta. Stube-HEMAT Indonesia welcome a visit ofinternational youth studying in Germany and they had oneopportunity to experience training atmosphere in Stube Indonesia. On this occasion, Hosani Ramos Hutapea became a youth representative from Stube HEMAT Bengkulu.
The training ofStube-HEMAT Yogyakarta entitled "Hand in Hand For A Better World" striving to introduce cultures among countries from various parts of the world. For three days started on 27 till 29 July 2018, participants were given the opportunity to interact both formally and informally. Information exchanges took place there. Hosani claimed to be awkward when she wasdealing with international students. It might also be experienced by other friends. However, the atmosphere did not dampen the enthusiasm of friends to know and greet each other.
The first day began and Stube Indonesia's friends introduced themselves. They can use English and Indonesian. Yohanes Dian Alpasa from Stube HEMAT Bengkulu Multiplication programfound a language gap. International student friends were flexible in English and German. While Indonesian friends use Indonesian-style English with a very typical local accent. From the many students participated, one third of them wasstill unable to speak English. This gap must be reduced, said Yohanes, therefore Bengkulu should have an English language training facility in the future. On that occasion, Yohanes also conveyed the achievements that had been achieved by Bengkulu and several things that still had to be fixed.
The second day was used entirely by international students. Hannah shared Nationalism and things related to the dynamics of German history. Prapti Maharjan, a participant from Nepal, spoke about the Indonesian palm oil industry whichwas claimed to be "unsustainable" and there must be new varieties that can guarantee the sustainability of Indonesian agriculture. Carlos from Cuba talked about global communication and cultural adjustment, a competency that must be possessed in global era. While Onno Hofmann spoke about interreligious dialogue, an important factor to maintain mutual understanding towards a peaceful life.
The second day in the program went smoothly. Indonesian friends show hospitality in amid language awkwardness. On the second day, it turned out that the International Student friends tended to observe the situation first and then triedto build communication. Perhaps that was the reason why they seemd to be silent and observed the situation on the first day and then reactd on the second day.
For Bengkulu youth, it takes efforts to reach language fluency. English is rarely used. Indonesian language only applies to formal events. Moreover, even in the dialogue of government agencies, we use local languages. To be able to interact with foreign world or out of the region, we still need more efforts.
The values of each country are certainly valuable and should be respected. Everyone should be proud of the noble valuesgiving prosperity to the community.  Returning from Yogyakarta, fresh ideas come to encourage young people tolearn their own culture while to be able to understand the challenging world outside.
Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu Multiplication Program is intended to assist youth recognizing potencies and problems in Bengkulu. So far, the current program has involved church youth. In 2018, the program will involve many more young people and students. Hopefully Bengkulu youth can feel the same blessings so that they can be leaders of their community. (YDA).


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Looking at the Potency of Northern Bengkulu

Sunday, 24 June 2018
by adminstube

A workshop program with the theme of “Youth and Village Economy” has been done at the end of May 2018. Attending the workshop is the Stube board and executive director of Stube HEMAT, Dr. Murti Lestari, M. Si., and Ariani Narwastujati, S.Pd, S.S., M.Pd, and during the breaks of the program both of them takes time to have the first experience of the potency that Stube HEMAT has in Northern Bengkulu.
Potency in the field of livestock has been developed since April 2017, starting from a single female cattle which is then successfully traded with two cattle of Balinese race in November 2017. The goal of this cattle farm is to support the needs of organic manure from animal waste. These cattle are expected to produce around 25 to 40 kg of waste every month. Because the majority of land surrounding Margasakti village is used for palm oil plantation, then the demand of manure is a very high. With the organic manure now available, it is expected that the expenses for manure will be more efficient.
Palm oil plantation that is currently managed contains 102 trees of 9-year-old palm oil trees. The land itself is 7500 m2 in size and is located in the Hamlet VII region of Margasakti Village (around 800 m from the Secretariat of Stube HEMAT Bengkulu Multiplication Program). The existence of swamp area in the middle of the plantation coupled with active river streams sparked an idea to construct a fishing pond for the local occupants. It is known, that the majority of swamps surrounding Margasakti Village has been transformed to freshwater fishponds. On the further development, this plantation will eventually be used for training area or agriculture tourism complex that is expected to attract local occupants.
Northern Bengkulu never experiences drought due to the rice fields in this region receives irrigation water from Air Lais dam that could irrigate about 4000 hectares of rice fields. The water for irrigation flows through irrigation channels that spread to six villages in Padang Jaya district, Northern Bengkulu. In addition to irrigate the rice fields, water that flows from this dam is also used to provide water to freshwater fishponds of the fish farmers. Although it has been 36 years since the dam was officially opened by Adam Malik, Indonesian Vice President of 1982, Air Lais dam structure is still well maintained.
Three places went by, and the last one is a visit to Mujiono’s house, the person which all this time became a driver that faithfully escorts and accompanies during the visits, even to Manna City, Southern Bengkulu. Mujiono is a self-taught skilled man which masters many skills in the field of agriculture, craftsmanship, and fishery. Before returning to Bengkulu City, both of them takes a stop in the house of Stube HEMAT Bengkulu Multiplicator in Arga Makmur, around 17 km from the Secretariat.
After seeing the potency that exists, there is a hope that those above can be further developed for youth and the surrounding community. Indeed, it is easier to be said than done because doing something meaningful needs a great effort. (YDA).

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Create Your Own Opportunity (a workshop on youth and village economy)

Tuesday, 29 May 2018
by adminstube
Stube-HEMAT Multiplication Program in Bengkulu with Yayasan Bimbingan Mandiri (YABIMA) Indonesia arranged a workshop for youth with a topic ‘Creating Your Own Opportunity’ asthinking ignition for young people in village to revive village economy. YABIMA itself is an institution owned by GKSBS Synod and is based in Metro, Lampung.
The workshop was held on May 26-27, 2018, at GKSBS Kurotidur. The first session was facilitated by Ariani Narwastujati, S.S., S.Pd., M.Pd., with a headline "Discover and appreciate our own potency as village youth". In this session participants were asked to rethink some interesting experiences when living in village. Amid their doubt they gave their answers, such as 1) easy to get water, 2) know how to farm, 3) no pollution, 4) the citizens love to share, and 5) the people are friendly. The participants then learned what Nawacita was and understood what village was and why village was the focus that was promoted to be built. Participants were also pushed to explore their own potencies that is then used to develop their village both natural and human resouces.
The second session was facilitated by Dr. Murti Lestari, M.Si., with a headline "The Advantages of working in village". The agricultural sector remained primary sector in village. Any plant can be planted and can be the living source for farmers. From these reasons, let no soil unabandoned because a span of soil is so valuable. The benefits of working in a village are simple expenses as someneeds can be replaced with other items. The people who live in a village can find alternative to fulfill their needs that do not have to buy such as vegetables or side dishes as daily needs.
The third session was held by Pdt. Eko Nugroho, S.Si., (theol) with a headline "The Practice of village organizing and mapping". In his session, Pdt. Eko Nugroho said that the Synod of GKSBS wanted to serve people in southern Sumatra. In serving the community empowerment, the Synod is working through an institution, YABIMA Indonesia. The topics promoted around ecology, gender, justice, and education. The cooperation with Stube-HEMAT became more interesting because YABIMA also involved in the field of youth education services. He admitted that it was difficult to serve South Sumatra with only a few people (8 members of YABIMA working team). Therefore, the cooperation with Stube-HEMAT can be a strategic cooperation for the future in strengthening youths in the southern Sumatran region. It is also a part of organizing forces to serve the community.
The fourth session is the follow-up planning by Pdt. Eko Nugroho, S.Si. (teol) and Yohanes Dian Alpasa, S.Si. (theol). In this session, the participants were invited to redesign their upcoming meeting plans. The youth of North Bengkulu, Stube-HEMAT, and YABIMA Indonesia will meet again to deepen social issues that should be mutually discussed. (YDA).

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A Pray, From Bengkulu For Surabaya

Tuesday, 15 May 2018
by adminstube
Sunday, May 13, 2018, a quiet situation covered up eachheart of believers. It was the day when we came together tothe church to praise the Lord. It was not almost noon whenwe heard news from mass media that three churches in different place of Surabaya were attacked by terroristbombardment. The tragedy was fervented by friend from Surabaya. He is a theologian alumnus of Duta WacanaChristian University in Yogyakarta (UKDW). A quiet momentchanged into a deep sorrow, moreover we heard that many victims were wounded and dead, covering children, teenagers, youth and adult.
There are many ways to express our solidarity. Spontaneously, we brought the sorrowof people in Surabaya inpraying during the church service. Next, the youth of Marga Sakti also wanted to say their solidarity for all victims in Surabaya. Taken place at Mr. Miskan Budoyo’s house, on Monday, May 14,2018, youth of Marga Sakti sent a silent pray for them inthe dimly lit of candles at 06.30 P.MBy lightening the candle and listening to God’s will, guided by Multiplication Program of Stube–HEMAT Bengkulu, they tried to show their condolence and wished love and compassion for betterIndonesia.
Multiplicator of Stube as a leader in this eveningreflection said,”We know that in that tragedy there are three suffering church communities namely; Indonesian Christian Church (GKI) Diponegoro, Pentecost Church ofArjuno Surabaya, and Catholic Church of Paroki Santa Maria Tak Bercela. What do we have to do in that sorrow?”

“....we feel deep condolence”, said a youth at that night. He was sad but he thanked God too for peace in Marga Sakti village where he lives in. “....grateful for the secure in this village”, he added.
“May God give a powerful strength for their family”, said other youth. He hoped that such tragedy will not happen again in the future.
Everybody has his/her own way to express their feelings.Those who are still do not mean ignoranceWcan see our social media and find many kinds of solidarity expression.Next, we heard that more than thousand people from variousorganisations come to GKI Diponegoro. They are from inter-denomination and inter-faith activists.
Multiplicator of Stube is trying to train the youth to show their solidarity. A quiet pray become one way to make youth sensitive towards the surrounding social problems.

We thank God for peace and harmony in the land of Rafflesia with hope thatmore and more people live in harmony and tolerant without discrimination experienced by the youth at work places and educational institutions.(YDA).

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Contemplation about ‘Saradan’ Teak Gathering moment with Youth Group "ANDALAS"

Wednesday, 28 March 2018
by adminstube
Teak trees are known as wood with strong resistance so that people are willing to appreciate them with a high price. The older the wood, the stronger they become and the more expensive the wood will be. Teak Saradan is a type of teak tree from Saradan Magetan area, East Java. This type of teak is known very strong and will not be destroyed just because of wind or storm. But the teak tree can also fall down if it is gnawed inside. Likewise the existence of a youth group or organization, first they must be strong and compact within whenever wind or storm blows them, as the explanation of Yohanes Dian Alpasa, the multiplikator of stube in Bengkulu when he got opportunity to give explanation about an ideal organization among “ANDALAS” youth groups in Village IV, Margasakti, North Bengkulu.

Stube HEMAT multiplication program with various activities for youth has been felt benefits and the program has been heard by other neighboring youths from other hamlet. Some Stube HEMAT activities are also active in other youth organizations including ANDALAS youth group that engages in sports. The meeting was initiated by Dwi Pranaditya who invited multiplicator Stube Bengkulu to come to this youth group meeting on 26 March 2018 to facilitate a discussion about organizational order, organizational structure and discipline.
The rainy situation that night did not dampen the youth's spirit to meet at Dwi Pranaditya's house. Started with the preface from Yunus Eka Prasetyo, the eightteen youth gathered that night discussed the independence and organizational strength with Stube HEMAT multiplication in Bengkulu. A strong organization must be able to support itself. Members raise fund by collecting their money in a certain period of time. Youth must ‘rise up’ with their own efforts and spirits. Outside support from other parties is just an addition. They must be independent with their own strength. They must be strong spiritually, financially and intellectually when they want to be a compact youth group. Stube HEMAT will support with ideas, time, and opportunity. All is dedicated to the development of youth's ability.

This explanation is positively responded by youth and they plan to hold a monthly meeting. Multiplicators are expected to be able to give time to accompany this association to be stronger in organizing and networking. Keep spirit to consolidate and to grow like teak trees of Saradan and become a strong youth of ANDALAS (YDA).


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Computer, Internet and Its Utilization

Tuesday, 23 January 2018
by adminstube
Actually, there is no matter to stay far apart if it isstill possible to be connected, to have access information,and to work from afar. Now, many things can be done without travelling far away to meet each other. Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu multiplicator also does the same thing, that is, always be connected  with Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta.
The visit of Stube-HEMAT board in supervision program and workshop tocelebrate 500 years Church Reform in October 2017,brought special blessing to Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu multiplication program. Rev. Dr. Tumpal Tobing, Mag.Theol., board and pastor of Tirta Marta-GKI Pondok Indah Foundation, said that although the program is located between palm and rubber plantation, as far as internet network is provided, there is no difference between Bengkulu and Jakarta even other places around the world. The gap is due to facility gap. Currently, internet access is limited only at Margasakti village office, Bengkulu.
As service for church in remote areas, the collaboration of SMPK Tirta Marta & Indonesian Christian Church (GKI)Pondok Indah Jakarta granted a set of Wi-fi and portable computer in December 2017. Stube Multiplication Programgives positive response to the grant by giving computer course and internet utilization for teenagers and youth. This program is very important because based on observation and dialogue with local youth, it can be concluded that many of them have not been able to take advantage of internet access. They used the access just to download songs, watch movies and other less useful things. This condition can not be ignored and should be improved.
The first thing to do is designing a specific topic for youth discussion about internet and its benefits. It is true that the village youth far from books and libraries, but internetaccess can make the distance less. All can be easy to access, like books and video recordings. Many data are available and they must short them to find useful and appropriate ones to their needs. Recently, they have also been equipped to be able to operate Microsoft Word andsimply Excel.


January 2018 was a turning point for the youth to learn computer and internet, from the process to turn on and shut down the computer properly. Their skills should be improved until they become aware and independent to gain their own significant progress for development. (YDA).

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