Be Alert, Bullying is also violence

Sunday, 30 October 2022
by Yolanda Egistia
By Yolanda Egistia.          


Starting the second day of the Seminar on Church and Violence against Children and Women held by Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung (29/10/2022) participants learned about bullying as explained by Ariza Umami, S.H., M.H., a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Muhammadiyah University of Metro, Lampung.




According to Ariza, the term used is 'abuse' which means violence and persecution, wrong treatment to torture. Violence against children is intentional and dangerous behavior for children physically and psychologically. The impact of bullying is not only a day or two but can affect the whole life. Disliking something or someone is normal, but dislike is not expressed through bad behavior, and disturbing others, including bullying. Bullying can be in the form of verbal or physical behavior to annoy other weaker people, verbal teasing and calling names you do not like, pushing and hitting, rejection, and discrimination from the social environment. The perpetrator wants to control, dominate, and disrespect others, usually as revenge. Families that are not harmonious trigger bullying behavior. Even, it’s often carried out by their parents or those closest oneto them. Child abuse ranges from neglect to rape and murder.




Bullying has a negative impact not only on victims but also on perpetrators and those who witness it. Perpetrators will tend to be socially problematic and even criminal. Witnesses also experience unpleasant feelings and psychological pressure and have the potential to become victims and even perpetrators. So, you can imagine the complex long-term impact of bullying. Parents must be role models for their children and understand and protect them by not being silent when their children become perpetrators, victims, or witnesses of bullying.


As a material for vigilance, the resource person presented data on bullying cases, and violence against children and women in Lampung for the January-November 2021 period, and there were 542 cases and the highest cases were in Bandar Lampung City with 149 cases. Furthermore, Central Lampung regency had 113 cases,  East Lampung with 44 cases, Tulangbawang 38 cases, Lampung Selatan 35 cases, Pringsewu 23 cases, and Pesawaran 21 cases. Then, Tanggamus 18 cases, Way Kanan with 18 cases, Metro 17 cases,  North Lampung 16 cases, WestPesisir 16 cases,  West Tulangbawang 16 cases, Mesuji 10 cases, and West Lampung 8 cases. She also reminded me that in 2022 there is a tendency for cases to increase.




In this session the participants asked if I see someone is being bullied and I report it, will I be punished? She answered, "No,because the status of a witness is protected by law. So do not be afraid to report bullying. Another question sayswhen a friend is doing a joke bymentioning the name of friend’s parents in the form of ridicule, whether it is also an act of violence.” She answered, "It depends on whether the victim feels andaccepts it or not. If he does not accept it, it can be considered as committing an act of violence."


The discussion equipped the teenage participants to know which actions or behaviors are bullying or not, and how to behave if bullying occurs around them by reporting these actions as a form of concern and an act of love to others. ***


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How to Become a Child and Woman-Friendly Church?

Sunday, 30 October 2022
by Egis Apriyani
By Egis Apriyani.          


Young people need to understand themselves and others because it will help them behave towards other people, especially children, and women. As a young Christian generation, their attitude reflects how the church plays a role in the growth of youth’s faith and character. For this reason, Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung encourage young people to increase their understanding through training of Child and Women-Friendly Church, which took place at GKSBS Kutosari, a branch of GKSBS Batanghari (28-30/10/2022).




Rev. Theresia T. Tahulending from MPS GKSBS delivered material about the position of children and women in the church (Saturday, 29/10/2022). She explained that the church was called and placed by God in the world for justice, peace, and the restoration of creation asthe calling of the church. The church has a significant role in providing education on parenting patterns in families and is a place for church youth and children to use their spare time positively, innovatively, creatively, safely, and comfortably. The church is also responsible to protect children, women, and families from acts of violence. From the explanation, it can be understood that a child and women-friendly church is the embodiment of the Triduties of the Church and every child and woman has the right to receive protection of obscenity, violence, sexual harassment, discrimination, and so on, whereas, this is in line with government program for child and women protection. Likewise, the church becomes a church that is open to witness and to build networks.




The resource person continued that in church history, the position of women and children is vulnerable because the Bible and church tradition contain imbalance roles and positions between men and women. Women are considered lower, second class, weak, less capable, and easily controlled, while men have a higher position and power, so that men have more opportunities to hold power and leadership. For centuries, the church tradition used concepts derived from several scriptures and became the basis for understanding the position of women, which is different from that of men. However, if we review the position and role of women in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, there are two ideas. Genesis 1 and 2 state that God created women and they have the right to participate, and to regenerate, it also states that children do not belong to their parents but to God, as God's people and children are fully human and created in the image of God.


Rev. Theresia conveyed the appreciation for children and women to develop a faith education for children, providing facilities or worship rooms for children to make them comfortable, involving children and women in events or worship according to their capacity, and ensuring guarantees equal rights in the church.


From the training, participants gained a new understanding of children and women, besides their right to get protection of acts of obscenity, sexual violence, discrimination, and so on. Children and women also have the right to receive spiritual services in the church. Youth, women, and children, keep moving forward and doing church work and ministry. ***


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Dare to Report If Violence Against Children Occurs

Sunday, 30 October 2022
by Marsya Indri Yani
By Marsya Indri Yani.          


This article is my experience participating the activity of the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung about ‘Anti Violence Against Children and Women’ at the Kutosari, a branch of GKSBS Batanghari (29/10/2022). I am Marsya Indri Yani from North Lampung and currently live in Pondok Diakonia. Besides multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Lampung, Rev. Theofilus Agus Rohadi, S.Th. and young people from Pondok Diakonia and other church members, from Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta, Rev. Bambang Sumbodo (board in charge Stube HEMAT) and Ariani Narwastujati, S.Pd., S.S., M.Pd. (Executive Director of Stube HEMAT) atended the training.




The material on Legal Advocacy Against Violence was delivered by Martin Tri Widodo, S.H., from LBH Rakyat, East Lampung regency. He explained that children are a mandate as well as a gift from God, to which dignity and rights as human beings are attached and must be promoted. Children are an inseparable part of human survival, as the next generation of a nation and state, including the continuity of the church to spread kindness and good news. So, every child has right to get the broadest opportunityas possible as she/he can, to grow and to develop physically, mentally, and socially. For this reason, maximum efforts to protect children are needed. The rapid flow of globalization and the development of information and communication technology has led to a new phenomenon, namely sexual violence against children. Sexual violence against children is a serious crime and the number of cases has increased significantly, which threatens and endangers the child's life and damages the personal life and development of the child.




There are basic principles in protecting children, including (a) non-discrimination, respecting differences or not discriminating based on religion, race, ethnicity, ethnicity, skin color, social status, ideology, and so on, (b) priority to the best interests of the child, (c) the right to life, survival and development, and (d) respect for children. The resource person reminded the participants that the responsibility to protect and guarantee the protection of children from violence is not only for parents but also the state and society. So, what to do if there is violence against children? The incident must be reported to the authorities and those who have the right to report are the child or victim, the parents of the victim, the guardian of the victim, and the public who saw or knew the violence against children. However, we cannot report incidents of violence carelessly, as there are several conditions to report the perpetrators, those who are proven to have committed violence against children, those who order others to commit violence against children, those who participate in violence against children, and those whoallow violence against children.




Talking about children who experience violence, there are children's inherent rights,  to be treated humanely, and to be placed separately from adults, to get legal assistance or to be accompanied by an advocate or legal adviser, to defend themselves, and to obtain justice before an objective Juvenile Court and to be closed to the public. The resource person reminded that there is a prohibition but it often happens and we don't even realize to do it, such as, (a) Discriminatory Treatment, discriminating against ethnicity, religion, race, class, gender, ethnicity, culture or language, child's birth order, child's legal status, physical condition, and mental condition of the child; (b) Exploitation, using or extorting children for personal, family, or group benefits(c) Treatment of neglect, deliberately ignoring the obligation to take care of the child properly; (d) Cruel treatment, committing heinous, cruel acts, not showing mercy to children; (e) Treatment of Violence and Abuse, injuring a child, both physically, as well as mentally, and socially; (f) Unjust treatment, in favor of one child against another, or arbitrary towards children.


One participant asked, “What should people do when they saw violence or experienced violencebut witnesses and victims were afraid to report it because they received threats from the perpetrators?” Martin answered that people should not be afraid to report because they are protected by law, and the perpetrators will receive additional punishment because of threats, so people do not need to be afraid anymore to report.


The session enlightened the participants and provided them with the tools to appreciate children's lives, and know how to act if they find incidents of violence against children, or have experienced of act abuse themselves. Let's protect young people as the next generation of nation and church! ***


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Stube-HEMAT Encourages Young People to be More Creative

Saturday, 29 October 2022
by Felix Grace Tyas Moro

By Felix Grace Tyas Moro.          


The HEMAT Stube Multiplication Program in Lampung held a seminar with the theme ‘Children and Women Friendly Church' at GKSBS Batanghari, Kutosari area (28-29/10/2022). The activity became a learning forum for young people to have awareness and care for social humanity issues when carrying out activities in church and society.



In the seminar, the participants were invited to know Stube HEMAT, its history, and its activities. Ariani Narwastujati, S.Pd., S.S., M.Pd, the Executive Director of Stube-HEMAT, conveyed them interestingly through an introduction video and several Stube-HEMAT videos on YouTube. The institution is a student assistance program with the motto H-Hidup (live), E-Efisien (efficient), M-Mandiri (independent), A-Analitis (analytical), and T-Tekun (perseverant). Its logo is taken from a Bible story about a pottery maker who works to form various containers, such as jars and cauldrons. Through trainings, the participants are expected to be formed into qualified individuals. From the presentation, it was known that initially Stube was in Germany and it was brought to Yogyakarta. Currently, the program is developing in Sumba, Bengkulu, Alor, Raja Ampat, and Lampung.



From the videos, the participants learned one of the topics discussed at Stube HEMAT related to food security. Based on the Global Food Security Index (GFSI), Indonesia's food security was in a level of 61.4 in 2020 and decreased to 59.2 in 2021. For this reason, young people must play an active role in agriculture, because who will work as farmers if not them as the next generation. Without farmers, there will be a food crisis because young people are rarely interested in becoming farmers. Ariani asked one of the students at the training, "How much land do you have?" He replied, "Half an acre." Then Ariani asked again, "Who processes it, yourself or someone else?" He replied, "Someone else, and the harvest is divided two." If the land is cultivated by yourself, the harvests will be more. There is a saying that if one seed is planted, it will multiply.



There is a video about the process of local food such as sorghum into cakes, aloe vera into drinks, and cassava into various foods. Furthermore, the participants also watch the utilization of cacao/chocolate pods into quality derivative products. Cocoa plants are easily found in Lampung and have great opportunities to be processed into creative businesses. Chocolate can be processed into chocolate drinks and chocolate dodol  (dodol is a sweet toffee-like sugar palm-based confection). In addition to the world of agriculture, the livestock sector offers the potency for Ettawa goats to produce quality milk, both liquid and powdered milk, as well as milk candies. Apart from the food security video, the participants also watched a video on rainwater for drinking water and how to process it through water electrolysis to increase the water’s pH (power of H) good for health.





Some participants had experience starting a small business by processing local food and how to market them. These two things are not easy, but the experience is a provision for the future. Snack products in the form of rolled pancakes made from rice flour are packaged using mica plastic and marketed from class to class in schools. With small amounts of capital, the sales can cover the expenditures and produce more.

From the videos, presentations and sharing, it turned out that Stube HEMAT activities in Yogyakarta and Lampung were quite interesting and encouraging for the participants to be more creative. ***



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Clauses to Protect Women and Children

Saturday, 29 October 2022
by Griya Y. Pratiwi
By Griya Y. Pratiwi.          


Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung held an activity with the topic of Peace and Justice in Kutosari, a branch of GKSBS Batanghari in East Lampung (29-30/10/2022). It is very important for young people to understand violence against women and children and what are the impacts on people suffering fromviolence. They suffered not only physical impacts but also psychological or mental ones causing trauma. Cases of domestic violence (KDRT) can be in the form of sexual violence such as rape, physical, verbal, or economic violence by not providing a living.




The topic of Violence Against Women and Children was explained by members of the Women and Children Protection Unit (UPPA) of the East Lampung Police by giving an understanding of violence and what is meant by 'victim'. The meaning of violence is an act of physical abuse bringing a bad impact to the victim, such as a child, teenager, adult, or violence against the elderly. Then what is the meaning of the victim? From a general understanding, a victim is a person, an individual, or a group who suffers losses, including physical injuries, mental, and emotional suffering, economic losses, or human rights obstruction, through intentional or unintentional actions against the law.


Concerning violence against women and children, the resource person revealed that if women and children experience violence, there are clauses or criminal acts against the perpetrators. Yes, there are articles to protect victims and strict sanctions for the perpetrators, for example in Article 1 (12) of RI Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning changes to RI Law no. 23 of 2002 concerning to child protection, "Children's rights are part of human rights that must be guaranteed, protected and fulfilled by parents, families, communities, the state, government, and local governments." Furthermore, article 76 C says, "everyone is prohibited from placing, allowing, doing, ordering, doing, or participating in violence against children." In this article, it is clear that there is protection for children from violence if they are treated not according to the law.


If the victim suffers physical injury, the perpetrator is subject to punishment and fines determined by law, as in Article 80 (1), "Anyone who violates the provisions referred to in Article 76 C, shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 3 (three) years 6 (six) months and/or a maximum fine of Rp. 72.000.000,00 (seventy-two million rupiahs)”. Paragraph 2, "If the child referred to in paragraph (1) is seriously injured, then the perpetrator shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 5 (five) years and/or a fine of up to Rp. 100.000.000,00 (one hundred million rupiahs)”. Paragraph 3, "If the child referred to in paragraph (2) dies, then the perpetrator shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 15 (fifteen) years and/or a fine of up to Rp.,00 (three billion rupiah). Paragraph 4, "Criminal plus one-third of the provisions referred to in paragraph (1), paragraph (2), and paragraph (3) if the parents who did the abuse."




The resource person reminded stakeholders to continue promoting socialization on anti-violence against children and women so that the community understands and takes responsibility for looking after each other so that violence does not occur in society. The session became a lesson and knowledge to the participants about laws related to violence against children and women. Thank you, Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung for continuing work to develop the community. ***


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Understand And Respond To Violence

Friday, 23 September 2022
by Naptania Rouli Sihite
Seminar on violence against children and women in Lampung.


By Naptania Rouli Sihite.   


Violence still occurs in Indonesia, including in Lampung. Young people need to have an understanding and awareness about violence, so Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung equipped young people to know the types of violence and its effects through a seminar at Pondok Diakonia, Batanghari, East Lampung (22/9/2022). All the members of Pondok Diakonia participated in the seminar.  There are several speakers included Iptu Erson, the Head of the Batanghari Police, and Syahrul Fadhol and Vivi, members of the Batanghari Police.



In the seminar, the speakers explained that the government keeps trying to prevent violence against children. Violence cases caused victims and frequently the victims are children. According to the definition of a child as a victim, a child who becomes a victim of a crime is a child under the age of 18 (eighteen) years who experiences physical, mental, or economic loss caused by a criminal act, by Article 1 point 4 of Law no. 11/2012. While a 'victim' is a person, either individually or collectively, who has suffered harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or injured human rights, through intentional or unintentional actions that are contrary to the applicable criminal law.


Next, the question arises, what is meant by violence? Violence is any act against child that results in physical, psychological, sexual misery or suffering, or neglect, including threats to commit acts, coercion, or unlawful deprivation of liberty. (Article 1 verse 16 of RI Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to RI Law No. 23 of 2002 on child protection). There are four forms of violence according to Law no. 23 of 2004: physical violence: physical violence is an act that causes pain, falls ill, or seriously injured. Psychological violence is an act that results in fear, loss of self-confidence, loss of ability to act, feeling helpless, and/or severe psychological suffering in a person. Sexual violence is any act in the form of forced sexual intercourse, forced sexual intercourse in an unnatural and/or unwelcome way, or forcing sexual relations with other people for commercial purposes and/or certain purposes. Abandonment of the household: neglect of the household includes two actions, namely: 1) a person who has a legal obligation or because of an agreement or agreement to provide life, care, or maintenance to that person within the scope of the household but does not carry out these obligations. 2) any person who causes economic dependence by limiting and/or prohibiting proper work inside and outside the household so that the victim is under the control of that person.



In particular, the speaker encouraged if we find out violence against children and women, we can handle cases by reporting to the officials or police and be not afraid. After reporting, the police, especially the PPA unit, will carry out investigations, fingerprints, prosecution, and trials. Parents and families should do positive activities that can increase the closeness in the family, for example watching movies, exercising, playing with children, recreation, and so on. Although legal protection for children and women who have experienced violence has been pursued through legal protection efforts, parents and those closest to the child need to be proactive in playing a role in good parenting, and related parties join hands in efforts to prevent it.



The current socialization enlightened the participants as stated by Griya Yolanda, “I am very happy for the socialization about violence against children and women and its regulations. I've never had any information about it before, so I can be wary of violence and know a little bit about the law."


From the seminar, participants found out that efforts to prevent violence against children are the responsibility of parents, families, communities, government, and the state continuously for the protection of children's and women's rights, and dare to report violations in the form of violence.***

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Violence against women and children: Be Alert & Care

Sunday, 14 August 2022
by Melita Magdalena
By Melita Magdalena.          


Violence against children and women is increasing, not exception in Lampung province. Cases in East Lampung regency itself reaches 44 cases in 2021. The violence against children and women is mostly done by men. People need to know the reality to make them aware that people must care and protect each other.




Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung initiated socialization on violence against children and women in Iring Mulyo village, Metro City, Lampung (Saturday, 13/08/2022). This activity motivated the community, especially young people, to improve services for complaints about acts of violence against women and children, eliminate discrimination and improve the prevention of violence against women and children, facilitated by Nitaria Angkasa, SH., MH, a lecturer at the University of Muhammadiyah Metro. The pastor of GKSBS Batanghari and Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Lampung Rev. Theofilus Agus Rohadi, S.Th, accompanied twenty young people from Pondok Diakonia GKSBS Batanghari and Lampung University students in the discussion.



Nitaria explained bullying, human rights, and sexual harassment, where children and women tend to be the victims by revealing the KUHP (Criminal Code) and KUHAP (Criminal Procedure Code). The discussion started by responding to the participants' question: were the suspects of violence against children and women sentenced to life imprisonment or the death penalty? She answered that it all depends on the crime committed by the perpetrator. If the perpetrator commits violence to injure or beat until a disability occurs, the perpetrator is subject to multiple punishments.


Another question came, “When we see our neighbor, the husband committed violence against his wife or child in his family, and we are as the neighbors saw the incident of violence and reported it to the authorities. Are we threatened by punishment because of interfering other people's affairs? Is there a law that protects the witness? She replied that the witness would not be threatened but would receive legal protection. Based on the report, the authorities can follow up the cases of domestic violence (KDRT) because the victim was afraid to report directly, perhaps because she gets threats from the perpetrator.




Violence against women and children is becoming more and more, so the officials must work hard to promote human rights to eradicate these acts of violences. There are various regulations regarding acts of violence and institutions that are engaged in the protection of violence against women and children. Legal sanctions will be taken as a consequence of the acts of violence committed by the perpetrators. Currently, thandle cases of domestic violence (KDRT) is not only from a legal approach but involves other aspects and competent parties because there are many possible triggers of domestic violence.


The presentation and the dynamics of the discussion in Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung enriched the insight and knowledge of young people and studentsso that, they knew about acts of violence against children and women, including how to make complain report and to proceed it. Hopefully, young people and students will be aware of not committing violence against others and be willing to care of violence cases. ***





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Generation Aware of Personal Health

Monday, 11 April 2022
by Marsya Indri Yani
By: Marsya Indri Yani.         




I am Marsya Indri Yani, from North Lampung and currently living in Pondok Diakonia, Batanghari. I participated in a training of the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung on 'Personal Health Aware Young Generation' at GKSBS Batanghari, Tanjung Harapan (9-10/04/2022). Those who attended were Rev. Theofilus Agus Rohadi, pastor of GKSBS Batanghari and multiplicator of Stube HEMAT, youth at Pondok Diakonia, youth and local church members, participants of exploring Lampung from Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta and some other guests.



The training discussed four materials. The first topic revealed dangerous diseases threatening young age by Sartono, S.K.M from the East Lampung Health Service. He explained about HIV, a virus that attacks the immune system, and AIDS, a collection of symptoms due to a weak immune system. HIV is transmitted through the blood, vaginal fluids, semen, and breast milk of an infected person. HIV can infect anyone regardless of age, race, or gender, including babies infected by mothers who are already infected by HIV. HIV/AIDS cannot be cured but there are Anti Retroviral (ARV) to control the virus from spreading in the body. Behaviors that can lead to HIV transmission are sexual intercourse, injection sharing or unreplaced syringes, blood transfusions, and changing sex partners.



The second topic about 'Good Friendship and Maintaining Health' was presented by Syarifudin, from Tanjung Harapan Health Center. He explained about good friendship and maintaining health. A good friendship does not lead to negative things, such as invitations to use narcotics, free sex, or promiscuity, however, it brings a positive impact to both parties, such as encouraging, loving, and trust each other.



Furthermore, Widodo Jatmiko, S.Kep., a nurse from the Trimulyo Health Center conveyed the third topic about The Dangers of Sex at Early Age. Currently, early childhood easily views adult content (pornography) because of technological developments. It can drive them to have sex at early age. Cases of pregnancy before marriage or early marriage in Indonesia are caused by sexual intercourse at early age. The negative effects of early sex are: children are not ready to get pregnant and to give birth, so they are vulnerable to do abortion, to be shy and difficult to socialize, to be vulnerable for sexually transmitted diseases, to suffer from depression because they are not ready to become parents, and are not economically independent which are also the reasons for triggering baby abandonment. Widodo provided alternatives to prevent the cases, such as monitoring the use of gadgets among children, socializing the dangers of early sex, and strengthening spirituality.



Dr. Andri Susanto from Mardi Waluyo Hospital was the last resource person to present the fourth topic, Human Reproduction. He conveyed that human reproduction is the exchange of male and female egg cells to form a fetus in the womb. A person's maturity is marked by menstruation, bigger hips among adolescent girls, the growth of Adam's apple and moustache among boys, the heavier voiceand wet dreams. Dr. Andri also reminded the audience how to maintain reproductive health by not smoking, not consuming alcohol, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and maintaining the cleanliness of intimate organs.



The various knowledge from the training enriched participants' understanding of personal health and sparked their awareness of the importance of maintaining health from early age, having good friendships, and being responsible to take care of themselves.***


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'Literate' to Stunting: Preparing a Healthy Generation

Monday, 21 March 2022
by Mega Friska Andini

By: Mega Friska Andini.

According to the health standard, the Indonesianhave not reached it yet, so it needs to fight for and strive for the standard to be well-achieved. There are efforts to improve health through raising awareness, especially among young people through education and training. One of the efforts was held by Stube HEMAT in Lampung with a discussion to equip young people with health awareness, especially on the stunting topic at Pondok Diakonia Batanghari (20/3/2022).



The discussion began with an introduction of Stube HEMAT by Rev. Theofilus Agus Rohadi, S.Th., The Multiplicator of Stube-HEMAT in Lampung. Sulistiyani, a field health practitioner in the Marga Tiga district, explained that stunted children have short stature and growth disorders due to nutritional problems. Stunting is a chronic malnutrition condition characterized by short stature in toddlers. Children with stunting are seen at the age of 2 years with a height and body length of minus 2 cm of the Multicentre Growth Reference Study standard or the median standard deviation of the WHO child growth standard. Stunting is determined at the beginning of life, influenced by the first 1.000 days until the age of two years. Growth disorders will be detrimental to children. In Indonesia, the condition of children with stunting is the second worst in ASEAN.





She conveyed that malnutrition in pregnant women and infants is the main factor that causes children under five to experience stunting which has a permanent impact. Stunting is influenced by environmental and genetic factors. Environmental factors include lack of education about nutritional intake during pregnancy, lack of nutrition when the baby is born until 2 years, poor maternal health conditions, poor environmental sanitation and hygiene, and infectious diseases. Although stunting cannot be treated, environmental factors can be intervened, so that short stature can be avoided, namely by checking pregnancy regularly, avoiding cigarette smoke and nutritional adequacy during pregnancy, routinely monitoring the health and condition of the fetus until postpartum, participating in the program immunization, especially basic immunization regularly and providing exclusive breastfeeding until the child is 6 months old, and providing adequate complementary foods (MPASI). It is understood that genetic and hormonal factors also have a role in human stature, but stunting is due to malnutrition.



In 2019, more than 27,7% of Indonesian children under five were stunted. This condition can be caused by various aspects, from the economy, health, and education. While in 2021 it improved because it decreased to 24,4%. Regarding the program of Stube HEMAT in Lampung, Listiyani appreciated it, as Health awareness must be introduced from early age considering that the young people will have families and children.



Health programs discussing the stunting problems among young people, especially in Pondok Diakonia Batanghari will have a big impact to the growth of future generations because young people and young families, and even parents have contributed to prevent stunting. It is necessary to design regular health programs so that stunting can be prevented, children are healthy and families are happy. ***


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