Boar Meat Floss: Creativity in Processing Local Food

Saturday, 12 August 2023
by Trustha Rembaka.

Making boar meat floss in Sorong, Southwest Papua



Humans have the potential to be creative, and to develop something for their survival. Creativity itself, according to Britannica literature, is the ability to create or realize something new, whether a solution to a problem, a method or device, or a new object or art form.



The demand for self-development and independence encourages the spirit to find a way out by utilizing one's potency and the various potencies around them. This is the starting point for the Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat to map out the potencies that exist in its service area, both in Raja Ampat and Sorong and its surroundings. There are various findings such as human potency who have a high enthusiasm for learning new things, the diversity of marine and agricultural products, and the profession of local people, some are fishermen and others are hunting wild boar.





One of the steps taken is processing wild boar meat into floss. This idea came up because boar meat was processed for consumption in a day or two, while there had been no efforts to process the remaining meat in other forms, so the idea of making pork floss came. Rev. Grace Nanuru, S.Th., the Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat initiated training on making wild boar meat floss in August in twice meetings, on 7 and 11 August 2023 in Majaran, Sorong regency. Women, both housewives and young people, took part in the training. The floss product targets local households, people in the Aimas and Sorong as well as tourists who need typical Southwest Papuan culinary delights.



In practice, it used wild 3-5 kgs boar meat, with basic spices of shallots, garlic, galangal, turmeric, candlenuts, brown sugar, lemongrass, tamarind, lime leaves, and typical local spices besides coconut milk and cooking oil. The meat is shredded and mixed with grinded spices then fried over low heat so that it cooks evenly. The final step is to drain the cooking oil using a spinner. This recipe produced 40-50 packages of 50 grams floss with selling price of IDR 20.000 per package.



Some buyers claimed that they like the original floss with its distinctive sweet and savory taste and others like the spicy floss variant. These two variants are an alternative for consumers to buy according their taste.

The breakthrough of Multiplication Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat by producing floss, creates a new spirit for development, even targeting local culinary-based entrepreneurial opportunities in Southwest Papua. Let's show creativity based on local potency! ***

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Stube HEMAT: A Learning Space For Everyone

Friday, 17 February 2023
by adminstube

PowerPoint training in Majaran, Sorong


Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat.         

The issue of education in the West Papua region became an interesting topic to discuss when news emerged that 68.988 West Papuan kids were out of school due to various reasons. It must get serious attention, not only for schools and students but also for families, churches, the community, the government, and institutions or individuals having concerns to improve the quality of education in West Papua.



The concern for the world of education is part of the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat as a movement to improve the quality of Human Resources, especially young people. This semester, the multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat launched an Education program: Leaving No One Behind. The program refers to technology that changes the way of human life and plays an important role in every aspect of life. It must be admitted that technology makes work easier and more efficient, but not everyone in Raja Ampat can easily access the technology due to economic, communication, and facility barriers.



One of the breakthroughs from the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat is providing PowerPoint learning assistance to answer the demands of making presentation skills at school and work. The activity took place at the Evangelical Christian Church in Tanah Papua (GKI Papua) Marthen Luther Congregation, Majaran, Sorong, Southwest Papua (Thursday, 16/2/2023). Initially, the target participants were young people, it turned out that several twelve junior high school teachers, extension workers, church activists, and employees participated in the mentoring guided by Patrick Sarwom, Ando Korwa, and Trustha Rembaka.



In the first part, Patrick Sarwom guided the participants to observe the menu functions commonly used in making PowerPoint presentations from basic functions, choosing a template, entering text, and modifying the appearance of colors, images, and animations. At this session, it was revealed that the participants were using the old version application because there were menus that were not yet available. In the process of making the presentation, Ando Korwa guided the participants to design a church liturgical presentation for Easter. The participants competed to find the right picture, type, and size of letters, color composition, and animation so that the presentation would be interesting. The third part is a presentation that displays the results of each participant's PowerPoint designs and Trustha Rembaka played a role as the responder. In general, the content must appear by covering the name of the activity, the theme of the activity, the place, the time, and the image presented. He provided input such as writing that must be easily read and understood by the reader by using a bold typeface, choosing a contrasting color, and placing the writing according to the template so it will not block the image.



Rev. Grace Nanuru, the Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat, and the church pastor appreciated the participants' PowerPoint designs. She said that all activities of the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat became a learning space for everyone, so that the existing inputs became the basis for designing the next presentation better, she even opened the chance for the participants to design a church liturgy PowerPoint to be displayed at church services.




Motivation becomes a person's basic strength to develop and to adapt technological advances. Such training can be a learning opportunity to improve self-quality for the future. ***

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Meet Stube HEMAT and Gain Entrepreneurial Spirit

Friday, 17 February 2023
by Tiara Gamalia Sangadji
By: Tiara Gamalia Sangadji.          


In the beginning, I did not know Stube-HEMAT, so I did not know its activities. When I heard my friends talk about Stube HEMAT and its interesting activities, I became very curious. Finally, I decided to join the Stube HEMAT activity in November last year (2022). I was so happy at the meeting, even though it was only two days but it made me excited to make progress.




I am Tiara Gamalia Sangadji, a young girl who was born and grew up in Yenanas village, South Batanta District, Raja Ampat Regency. I studied from elementary to high school in Yenanas. After graduating from high school in 2022, I continued my study outside the island, exactly in Sorong, at Papua Christian University (UKIP) in Christian Education (PAK) study program. I have the passion to go through the learning process for the future. I joined several activity groups but in the Stube HEMAT activity that I participated in, namely the Multiplication of Stube-HEMAT in Raja Ampat which was coordinated by Rev. Grace Nanuru, I found something different because students are encouraged to be independent and express ideas, one of which is entrepreneurship. The participants had the opportunity to express their ideas and dreams about entrepreneurship, we even met directly with the Stube-HEMAT board and executive director from Yogyakarta.




From the Stube-HEMAT activity, several students including myself had the opportunity to start a business. Each participant received a capital loan to start the chosen business. Then the loan is returned in stages according to the agreement. I chose to have a donut cake business that is marketed in South Yenanas because no one sells cakes yet in my hometown. In running the business, I involve my mother to make donut dough, frying it, and selling it to buyers. My mother and I can make donuts, so even though I have to go back to Sorong to study, my mother can still run a donut business in the village. My mother is happy when I work on selling donuts and its market is good.


Thank you Stube HEMAT for the activity which gave us progress, and enthusiasm to develop the entrepreneurial potency of young people in Raja Ampat. ***

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Raja Ampat Youth: Creativity for Being Independent

Saturday, 28 January 2023
by Yuliana Mambrasar



This article tells about my experiences, Yuliana Mambrasar who was born and grew up in Yenanas, South Batanta district, Raja Ampat regency.  Since elementary school to high school, I was at Yenanas. Then, I continued to study theology in Surabaya, but I did not complete it because my parent did not permit me for some reasons. However, the situation did not stop me to join organizations and to serve people through prayer group activities for evangelism in Raja Ampat area, Sorong, and its surroundings, covering cities and  rural areas.




I participated several organizations, then I finally met Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat, which Rev. Grace coordinated. At Stube HEMAT I learned some topics such as Youth Entrepreneurship, Gender Equality, Public Health, and others. Those topics lead young people to be more familiar with their area and the problems. Raja Ampat Regency itself is one of the regencies in Southwest Papua Province with Waisai as the capital  located in Waigeo island on the bird's head peninsula of the island of Papua. Raja Ampat Regency has an area of 67.379,60 km2 consisting of 7.559,60 km2 land area and 59.820,00 km2 waters. The regency includes four main islands, Waigeo, Misool, Salawati, and Batanta. Among 610 islands, only thirty-five are inhabited; the rest are uninhabited without names. The regency has much potency covering sea, its islands, beaches, and coasts, caught fish, ornamental fish, seaweed, coral reefs, and other marine biota. Currently, Raja Ampat islands are a destination for divers to witness the beauty of the sea.




In the Entrepreneurship program, three students and I got business capital loans from Stube HEMAT. The capital will be paid in installments based on the commitments made. The business venture that I do is making crown crafts and selling salted fish. I moved from Sorong to Teminabuan, South Sorong regency, precisely in Sira village, Saifi district, to live with my family. It is still a rural area here and some of the people are not as advanced as in Sorong. Here I have opportunity to start a small business by providing the needs of the local community. Because the place is near schools I sell donut cakes, juice drinks, cherry cakes, and pastries in addition to produce traditional crown crafts and salted fish. I am currently building a small kiosk to market food, necessities, and handicrafts.



I, who already know Stube HEMAT, have practiced the knowledge I got and felt its benefits. Let’s help our people who are still left behind and have not received attention from the government, neither the environment, education, health, nor housing. I hope that in the future Stube HEMAT can reach a wider area of Raja Ampat's rural area because young people need positive activities like trainings done by Stube HEMAT, as they do not know how to develop themselves and manage profitably the natural potencies around them.


For young people in Raja Ampat and its surroundings, let’s develop our Human Resources together so that they can manage the existing potencies for the people welfare. One of the programs is Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat which is ready to assist the development of mindset and life. Jou suba. ***


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