Be More Competitive with Video Editing Skills

Monday, 24 August 2020
by Thomas Yulianto

The world is developing to be digitalized and cyber-based so that students are required to keep up with the era, one of which is the skill of making videos. The use of video is not new things for students, especially since the pandemic of Covid-19, because it changed the lecture system through online and video. Ironically, not every student know and master the video-making techniques due to various reasons, such as no recording device or never use video editing application.

Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta gave attention to this situation and responded with One Day Workshop #2 on Saturday, 22 August 2020 at the secretariat of Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta, as part of Cyber Awareness program. This activity answers the needs of students in video editing skills, both participants who have experience in video editing and those who have never ‘touched’ video editing at all. They hoped that they can carry out this editing process to support their skills in the future. The participants of Workshop #2 are students from various regions in Indonesia and various campuses in Yogyakarta, such as Eri Kristian, Yuli Triyani and Daniel Prasdika, are from Lampung and currently studying at STAK Marturia Yogyakarta; Sarlota Wantaar from Southeast Maluku, studying in Physics Education at UST, Irene Zalukhu and Putri Laoli both from Nias and currently studying at APMD; Nona Mariani from Adonara, a Biology Education student at Sanata Dharma University, and Satri from East Sumba, a Theology student at STAK Marturia.



Trustha Rembaka, the coordinator of Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta, opened the event by playing several videos produced by Stube activists during the previous training. “Marriage or Continue Study” video, by Linda from Bengkulu and “Physical distancing doesn't mean away” video by Satri from Sumba, and a video on the 75th anniversary of Indonesian independence about Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta and the work of Multiplicators in various regions in Indonesia. These boosted the participants to learn and to produce their own videos.


In the video editing process, they were divided into three groups assisted by Trustha, Thomas and David according to their interest based on the application they want to learn. In addition to explore video editing applications, they also learned recording devices, both cameras and smartphones, as well as other supporting tools such as tripods, speakers and microphones. At the end of the process, participants produced a short free-themed video as a result of today's workshop. Some participants expressed difficulties in adapting when using the application, others still learned its features and some others were skillful in editing videos.

During the sharing of experiences, Nona Mariani wanted to explore video editing skills related to Biology based on her study background, which can be used when presenting lecture materials, while Daniel Prasdika expressed the need for broader insight and complete picture for the video to be made. Unlike the others, Irene Zalukhu said that it takes patience and extra time to produce good quality videos, but the process is fun. Generally, for those who did not know about editing, now they know finally, and those who already know will be more skillful and were committed to share their skills on video processing with others.

This workshop is not the final step, but a starting point for practicing personal skills and producing better video works. Come on, students, let us equip ourselves with various technology-based skills to respond technology developments and compete in digital era.

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