Come, Learn, and Harvest the Oyster Mushrooms

Sunday, 28 April 2024
by Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta.



The Stube HEMAT Garden in Gunungkidul received a visit from a group of youth from Surakarta, precisely from the youth GKJ Gebyog (Javanese Christian Church). They were interested in observing oyster mushroom cultivation, from how to pioneer and start an oyster mushroom business, as an alternative activity they could do both collectively in their community and individually. Actually, it answered their curiosity because for some time they had seen posts about oyster mushrooms and the Stube HEMAT garden on Instagram and WhatsApp. Finally, they realized the study visit on Saturday, April 27, 2024.



Trustha Rembaka, the manager of the Stube HEMAT Garden and the owner of the ‘Mas Koko Mushroom’ of the oyster mushroom house, warmly welcomed their arrival. From the introduction, it was revealed that they often held culinary sales and the profits were for youth community activities. Well, who knows, oyster mushrooms could be an alternative that they would try in the future. Trustha explained the concept of the Stube HEMAT Garden as a learning medium for anyone interested in food and integrated food availability or integrated farming.



Regarding oyster mushroom cultivation, Trustha revealed that this business is still in a small-scale, as there are still baglogs under 1000. Oyster mushrooms are the choice because they are easy to grow and simple to care for, the local market share is still open and tends to increase; and healthy. The oyster mushroom planting medium or baglog contains soft powder but non-sap wood, bran, and mill lime with a certain composition, put in Polypropylene (PP) plastic, then install the baglog cover ring. The sterilization process by steaming the baglog for 6-8 hours. After cooling, the mushroom seeds are inserted into the baglog through the neck of the baglog and then just let it incubate to fill the baglog.



For the mushroom houses, you can use an idle room or build a room to place the baglog to grow. It is important to maintain the condition of the mushroom house at the temperature of 22-28° C and a humidity of 70-90% by fogging the floor or ground and on the baglog. If the mycelium has filled the baglog, it is time to open the baglog cover and make additional holes for the oyster mushroom growth path. Oyster mushrooms can be picked 3-5 days after sprouting and the oyster mushroom harvest only lasts 10 hours at room temperature, and 2-3 days in the refrigerator. Oyster mushrooms themselves can be marketed in the form of fresh mushrooms, or processed such as mushroom satay, mushroom soup, mushroom meatballs, crispy, chips, and other processed products.





The discussion became more interesting when discussing budgeting, outside of the construction needs and equipment, the cost per thousand baglogs is IDR 2.5 million, while the potential harvest per baglog is 3 ounces / 0.3 kg (minimum). With a 10% risk of failure to grow, the calculation obtained from 0.3 kg x 900 baglogs is 270 kilograms. With farmer prices in Yogyakarta ranging from IDR 15,000, the results per two months are IDR 4,05 million. Regarding marketing, of course, producers do various sales methods both offline and online orders, product promotions from the closest environment, community, and network, and distributing to markets, small-scale vegetable sellers, and nearby restaurants. The next activity is harvesting oyster mushrooms. One by one, they observed the mushroom house, mushroom racks, and baglogs, including how to harvest oyster mushrooms. Some of them were skilled at picking but some seemed hesitant to pick the mushroom, but it did not reduce the excitement of the current study visit.



At the end of the visit, Eunike Sari, one of the participants expressed her impressions, as follows "This is my first time visiting the ’Mas Koko Mushroom’ of mushroom house, the first impression I felt was that it was very nice to have a large garden like this, so that, it can be used as a business field that generates income in addition to meeting the needs of my own family. I am grateful to be able to come directly so that I can pick my oyster mushrooms with the best choices of course. Thank you Stube HEMAT mushroom house and garden, for allowing me to visit and harvest oyster mushrooms with good quality."

A new step has its challenges, by opening the mind more broadly and finding various alternatives to work on, someone will dare to step forward to take opportunities and do them with sincerity.***


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