Digesting the Running of Current Democracy

Sunday, 18 April 2021
by Yonatan Pristiaji Nugroho

By: Yonatan Pristiaji Nugroho


The question that often arises in our minds is, are we already democratic? ‘We’ is defined as the people, the government, political actors, the system, and the established democratic policies. Each country uses a different democratic system, such as Indonesia with the largest and heterogeneous archipelagic country, both population, and culture, the democratic system adapts to the situation and conditions in the society, because, basically in a democracy the highest position is the people so that the goal of democracy is aimed to the people, through the rights of every citizen, to express opinions independently.



It must be admitted that the discussion about democracy will never end and democracy is not only about elections, but also includes the fields of economy, technology, and socio-culture. Seeing the current dynamics of democracy brings up curiosity about how democracy is applied in this country. It is the starting point for Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta to hold a discussion on democracy with one main theme 'Democracy from age to age' (Saturday, 17/04/2021) in one discussion 'Digesting democracy and its dynamics in the development of digital technology and the challenges of the pandemic' which was attended by dozens of students from various regions studying in Yogyakarta. The presence of one experienced resource person in  politics, George Bungaran Laurenzes Panggabean, is a special moment in this discussion.



In his presentation, the resource person explained the democracy phase (1945-1959) was a parliamentary democracy because of the parliamentary system of government, and at that time the cabinet was responsible to the parliament. The Reformation Era became a milestone for the implementation of Pancasila Democracy as a correction to the Soeharto era which was known to be authoritarian. From this explanation a question came up, 'Is it true that today's democracy put the people  at the forefront, or on the contrary that the political elites are at the forefront?’ At present, the reality shows that 'money politics' has become a habit, and it is no longer consider one’s capacity, quality, and competence that will become standards for a representative candidate. Here comes the money speaks, whoever pours large amounts of money opens the opportunity to get votes and get elected. Democracy is not only in the political field, but can also include the economic sector such as Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and Credit Union as community development efforts.


Rev. Bambang Sumbodo, Board of Stube HEMAT, responded that (1959-1965) was a guided democracy marked by a presidential decree. In the religious field, under the New Order era, all religions, including churches, had to contain Pancasila as the only principle, otherwise, the state will not admit the organization. Shifting to the current era, money politics again play a role in the democratic system. Ir. Hero Darmawanta M.T, Board Stube HEMAT, said that the form of democracy in Indonesia is the result of a process taken from the problems and dynamics of the nation. A relevant democracy must adapt to the actual situation and conditions so that it can find a proper democratic system to stay along with the world dynamics, including digital technology.


The role of the young generation is very important to promote democracy through the implementation of elections. From the discussion, the participants were invited to think about whether the current democracy is what actually people want? A wise democracy is a democracy that prioritizes the interests of the people. Let us fight for it together.***

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