Who does not know technology? Technology has spread throughout the world, including Indonesia. It must be admitted that human life is unseparated with technology, including education. Is the presence of this technology good news, or a challenge? Have you ever thought that this issue is important? How is the condition of our education with the presence of technology? Therefore, Stube HEMAT invited young people, especially students in Yogyakarta, to be sensitive to this issue.
Stube HEMAT, as a student mentoring service, conducted training about Education in Advanced Technology: Leaving No One Behind to challenge students from various regions in Indonesia to be more sensitive to education issues in Indonesia which are struggling with education policies that often change, the search for an ideal curriculum, the gap in access and facilities, increasingly unaffordable costs and the quality of human resources as educators. The discussion took place at Wisma Pojok Indah (Saturday, 30/04/2022).
In the introduction, Rev. Bambang Sumbodo, M.Min, Board Stube HEMAT reminded participants about the story of Alfred Dreyfus, a French officer who became a victim of injustice because he was considered a traitor by providing information to the opposing party. When he was found guilty it seemed that it was an attempt to uphold the truth but the truth in question was not the real truth. "The challenge in the scientific world now is to put forward rational truth because it is sometimes unreal," he said. "Be a young man who uses common sense in any case, clever as a snake but sincere as a dove, do not be easy to be a short fuse," he continued.
In the next session, participants explored the basics of educational philosophy with Yoel Yoga Dwiyanto, S.Th, one of the Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta team. "Education would not exist without humans, and education will always change," he said. The participants were very enthusiastic about finding answers to what kind of educational philosophy and educational philosophy. Then, they presented the educational philosophy, namely Idealism (education helps the development of thought and personal self, because human talents are different, the education given must be based on their respective talents to develop ratios and morals). Realism (education shapes each individual into what is considered good, so that education given to educated subjects is similar to obedient robots). Pragmatism (education is based on the fact that the subject is not an object, but a subject that has experience. Each subject is an individual who has experienced so that they develop and have the initiative to act). Progressivism (education aims to train thinking skills by applying ways of free, analytical, scientific, natural, and consideration to produce advanced thinking). Essentialism (education glorifies past cultures that have strong values and has been tested to provide stability). Perennialism (education that generates the ability to think constructively to adapt to changes and developments in science and technology). Existentialism (education encourages each individual to develop all his potential continuously to achieve self-fulfillment and full awareness to imagine what is possible and what can be done). Reconstructionism (education that guides the human soul to understand rational life orders, and to think about what needs to be changed for the future). From the deepening of the philosophy above, it turns out that it has influenced the practice of education to now.
Regarding the topic of Education in the Technological Era, Dema Mathias Lumban Tobing, M.Kom, called Dema, explained the theme of Your Digital Life. With the skills of information technology, computers, gamers, and game developers, Dema explained that the presence of technology is increasing every year and even exceeds the human brain. “Our challenge today is not between humans but, humans and computers. So, what happens if the human brain does not keep up with the era?” he challenged the participants. He also warned of some endangered-deleted jobs. In addition, participants also gained experience on how to use their gadgets to be more productive. Several participants told how they planned in the future to use gadgets with their respective backgrounds.
The presence of increasingly rapid technology in the education world cannot be avoided. It means that as the year changes, changes will continue to occur and humans will go hand in hand with change, including the presence of technology. As a young person, you must take advantage of your gadgets or technology for a better career and future. ***