The richness of Indonesia in local food crops become an innovation opportunity to process local food having added value. The people in the rural area need to discover the natural potencies to be optimized, especially by young people. The question is whether we know the potencies in our own area? What can young people do? It is ironic if young Indonesians do not know their-own local potencies.
As a response to local food, Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta held a training on Biodiversity: Local Food Initiatives. Students learned biodiversity including identifying and mapping local food in their respective areas. They followed activity from brainstorming about local food until knowing the food security index in Indonesia. In addition, students also visited an inspiring local food processing site, namely UKM Putri 21 in Playen, Gunungkidul, which processes Mocaf flour (Saturday, 08/27/2022). UKM Putri 21 started as an initiative of the Women Farmers Group (KWT) which wanted to do innovation by processing cassava into other long-lasting products. The name of this group is taken from 21 women who are passionate to start processing cassava into Mocaf flour (*Mocaf – Modified Cassava Flour).
The fermentation process of Mocaf uses microbes to produce white flour and less cassava aroma. In the early stages, weigh the required cassava, peel, and grate. Then, in the fermentation stage, soak the grated cassava for 3 days and replace the water once a day. The next stage is drying the grated cassava under the sunlight. Once dry, grind the dry grated cassava and sieve. Finally, the Mocaf flour is ready to be processed.
UKM Putri 21's persistence in processing Mocaf led UKM 21 to get a Small Industry Registration Certificate from the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia with the business name 'Putri 21'. Currently, UKM 21 produces mocaf noodles, ‘analog’ rice, and mocaf cookies, while other cassava products are instant gathot, instant thiwul, then products other than cassava, namely banana flower chips, telo skin chips, banana hump chips, pia with purple sweet potato and others.
The study visit enriched students' insights and experiences about the local food process, including tasting processed products from cassava-based ingredients, namely analog rice, which is made from cassava, sweet potatoes, and corn. Students admitted that it was the first time they tasted analog rice. "It turns out that it tastes the same as the taste of the ‘real’ rice," said some of the participants. After that, students listened to the explanation from the head and pioneer of UKM Putri 21, Suti Rahayu, who experienced many failures but she did not give up but worked hard instead to fulfill the market demand, and eventually the business developed. Further, the participants observed the process of making mocaf flour, and UKM Putri 21 products at its shop. UKM Putri 21 designed fine packaging for the products which have been marketed in several network stores, online market, and outlets at YIA airport.
So, the local food process begins from the willingness and persistence to start, which can open up opportunities for the community to get added economic value by doing product innovations. Don't wait any longer, students and young people soon step up to map local potency of each area and to process it into potential and commercial products. ***