Initiating the Development of Laiuhuk Hill, Wairinding

Monday, 5 August 2024
by Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta.



The virtual discussion of Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta is a learning space for students and activists to share and equip each other with knowledge and information (Sunday, 5/8/2024). This discussion provided participants with  a comprehensive understanding to see the potencies around them, initiative steps, and how to start finding suitable partnerships for networking.





Rudyolof Imanuel Malo Pinda, S.Sos, M.A, an activist of Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta who has just completed his Master's studies at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) is happy to share the results of his research on tourism development in Sumba, using Community-Based Tourism (CBT) approach in Laiuhuk Hill, Wairinding for other fellow students. His research is a kind of contribution to develop his region, especially East Sumba, in which along with the development of technology, various information is easily to be accessed while public knowledge is growing, including tourist appeal for accessible  area that the public may know easily, one of which is Laiuhuk Hill in Wairinding, East Sumba.



In his presentation, Rudy revealed his starting point entering Laiuhuk Hill, such as, tourism is an asset that yield benefits for the community if it is managed properly for the social welfare, not negative effects as conflicts among communities regarding tourism management rights, environmental damage, even the marginalization of the local communities because of their limitations, and worst, tourism facilities are not  complete yet. For that, it is important to implement CBT in its management.

Laiuhuk Hill is 25 kms away from the center of Waingapu City to the West. This hill has its uniqueness for its shape of winding hills with vast savanna grasslands, a distinctive atmosphere at sunrise or sunset, green  landscape during the rainy season and then brownish during the dry season, and the location is on the edge of the inter-regency road. Further, Rudy reminded the participants about the tourist appeals covering four aspects, namely Attraction, Accessibility (ease of access to the location), Amenities (availability of supporting facilities), and Ancillary (as an official institution that supports tourist attractions). Currently, the area's management is the responsibility of the local BUMDes, after receiving assistance from the Tourism Office. The future development process is still needed to attract more tourists to come and to give more benefit for the local community.



Attraction needs to be performed sustainably while access is already quite good with public transportation, main roads, visitor stairs, and footpaths to the location. There are also ‘loko-loko’ or gazebos and bathrooms for visitors, horse rentals, and typical Sumba cloth. Interesting ideas emerged during the discussion, such as the need to involve local craft groups that produce woven fabrics, accessories, local food, or various trinkets as souvenir. There are also several other ideas for a cultural festival in that place, tour guide training, and quaint-developed tour packages in collaboration with related agencies and tourism agents in Sumba.



In this case, young people need to participate actively to develope local potencies around them by taking real steps to start and finding suitable business partners as a network so that the potency of Laiuhuk Wairinding Hill can provide social and economic benefits optimally. ***

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