Inorganic Waste Management: Realize It

Tuesday, 22 March 2022
by Yoel Yoga Dwianto, S.Th.

A Reflection          

By Yoel Yoga Dwianto, S.Th.          




The universe is considered the architecture of civilization, a source of comfort, and a speedy space that can bring humans into the Paradise garden of pleasure. However, the reality is the opposite, where the universe is just a giant tunnel filled with parasites. Unfortunately, the parasite is a human who is easily moved by fascination, arrogance, greed, and ecstasy and expends a lot of energy to exploit the smallest parts of the universe for the pleasure of the body. People dredge too much from the universe for the sake of enjoyment of the body, but forget to care for and fill the body of the universe. Instead, humans let the universe starve, full of garbage, and polluted with waste. Now, the universe is on the verge of collapse and neglect.



It must be admitted that historically, the universe is a giant machine that can also be damaged over time if humans continue to exploit it irresponsibly. Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta as a student assistance institution took a step forward to start campaigning for students and young people to have the awareness to preserve the environment. Yogyakarta as a student city is inhabited by students from outside the area and students who live temporarily in this city, of course, they produce waste. Then, what can students do to help the universe? Not a few students ignore the waste they produce and leave.



In a series of training and exposures, the writer and thirteen students from various regions, various majors, and various campuses in Yogyakarta visited a place to observe, to dig up information, and to study the utilization and management of anorganic waste based on digital technology, namely Rapel (Rakyat Peduli Lingkungan or People Care for the Environment, in English)) in Sendangadi, Mlati, Sleman (19/3/2022). We had a dialogue with the initiator of Rapel, Yudho Indarjo. He explained that Rapel was established in April 2019 when Yogyakarta experienced a waste emergency. Rapel itself is a waste utilization and management industry under the supervision of PT. Wahana Anugerah Energi (WAE), established in 2012.



A study visit to Rapel was full of reflections and educational space, where Rapel can be a millennial solution for managing inorganic waste in Yogyakarta and its surroundings, even in 34 provinces in Indonesia. In addition to the solution, it is a breakthrough to minimize the footprint of ecological sins by 3R-reduce, reuse, recycle, using the Rapel application. Interested people can download this application on the Playstore and register as a member. Through the apps, he can sell waste according to its type without leaving the house. They just upload photos on the apps and Rapel partners will take, weigh and pay for waste according to its type, including paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, plastic buckets, scrap metal, milk packaging boxes, used cooking oil, used electronics, copper, and aluminum.



As a theology student, I learn the relationship between humans and the universe and reflected on how the church could be theologically and ecologically responsible to maintain the universe that God has given for human survival. Regarding anorganic waste, I learned to equip myself to serve the church and society in the future. Like Rapelthat’s emerged from the idea of ​​people who care about the environment. As a breakthrough, the church is on a mission to restore creation, church can organize and educate the congregation through various services to build awareness and understand the threat of waste, sort waste, and distribute it to waste banks or waste managers, such as Rapel. If so, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the church has acted pro-environmentally. I dream to realize a church that cares about the environment, especially waste. ***


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