Being Politically Literate  Based On Information Literacy

Wednesday, 13 March 2019
by adminstube
Media becomes very important in the globalization era, especially for young milenials who are politically literate. Because, media is very helpful and simplify people to access information quickly. But, there is something to be aware while accessing media, because there are often found false news or often called ‘hoax’. Along with democracy party or general election this year, all stakeholders needed to anticipate false news (dis-information) and news that is not complete (mis-information) that divisive, confusing or even build hatred.

A follow-up group of students called Sumatera and Purworejo movement (GSP), located in post-graduate hall at STAK Marturia Yogyakarta (12/03/2019), held a discussion which delivered four topics related with  political education based on information literacy. Information literacy itself is the ability to know when information is needed, identified, and evaluated effectively. Furthermore, the information is used to understand issue or even problem at hand.

Twenty two students of STAK Marturia attended the discussion. Four speakers, namely Christian Apri Wijaya (Vice secretary of DPD GAMKI DIY) delivered a topic on ‘Understanding Politics’; Sari Dwi Kristianto (STAK Marturia Yogyakarta Theology student) with a topic on ‘Church and Politics’; Erik Sihombing (Cadre Education Department of GMKI Yogyakarta) with a topic on ‘Election Socialization’; and Astiwijaya Setiandari Salmon (STAK Marturia Christian Education Student) with a topic on ‘Anticipating Hoax in Political Year’.
Previously, they had attended a training on Church and Politics with a theme "Young, Millennial, and Literate in Politics" carried out by Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta (15-17/ 02/2019). The discussion went well, the participants enthusiastically participated in every session by involving actively in Question and Answer session.

The participation of young generation in General Election on April 17, 2019, can be realized by voting for candidates for Indonesian leaders. As the closing statement of the discussion, the GSP group emphasized, ‘One voter greatly determines Indonesia to be more advanced in the future, and be sure to check the truth of the information obtained from media to avoid hoaxes’. Let us enjoy the democary party of Indonesia. (FAT).

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