Open New Network and   Be Sensitive to Conflict

Saturday, 30 September 2017
by adminstube
Students are groups of people having opportunities to develop intellectual abilities to explore their interest in college. They are also known by society as intellectual candidates who are energetic, passionate and dedicated, critical, intelligent and knowledgeable. They need to establish network to strengthen their influence and impact to society.


As realization to open and strengthen the network, a group of students activists Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta consists of Robertus Letigalli, Siprianus Ndawa Lu, Anna Astri Don and Redy Hartantoinitiated to hold a discussion with KMK Unriyo students on Friday, September 29, 2017 at Unriyo campus, Kledokan with a topic on “Student andConflict Mapping”.
There were twenty-six participants attended this discussion, consisting of KMK Unriyo students, STAK Marturia, follow-up group and Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta team. Yulius, the chairman of KMK Unriyo in his opening greeting expressed his joy and grateful for the cooperation. He hoped that this discussion would run well and all participants were able to learn together. In the introductory session, the participants introduced name, origin area and field of study. Apparently, almost 90% of participants came from outside of Java island.
Next, Trustha Rembaka, thecoordinator of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta introduced Stube-HEMAT and its activities that build awareness of young people and students to understand the surrounding social issues. He invited students not to 'separate themselves' from the surrounding community, but to be 'involved' in thecommunity dynamics wherever they lived. He added that this discussion was a follow up of Peace Studies training followed by Robertus and his friends a few weeks earlier.
Redy Hartanto, one of the member of the follow-up group, delivered atopic of Student and Conflict. During the process,participants were asked to give opinion about what causes conflict. In fact, student may be a cause of conflict or may be aconflict resolution actor. He explained thatalthough conflict is negative and disadvantageous,it still has positive side. Is it true? Yes! Negative impacts of conflict are disputes, hatred and even violence, while the positive sides of conflict are both parties in conflict will sharpen mind and deepen knowledge to recognize and to map the conflict to find various solutions of theirconflict.
In the process, the participants were divided into small group of four people and shared each other about the conflict in their areas. Then each group chose a conflict and found out its cause root,those who were involved, what the interests of each side and the impact of the conflict were. It is possible for them to formulate alternative solutions for the conflict. The members of follow up groupincluding Robertus, Cyprianus, Astri and Redy and the Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta team facilitated the discussion in each group.

After thirty minutes, two groups shared the outcome.First, a conflict between groups of people that led to fights and violence. The group found that an easyway to buy and drink alcoholic beverages and low levels of educationbecame one conflict cause. The proposed solutions of this group were agelimitation of buyers and increasing social awareness through education improvement. Second, the latent conflict that occurred in an area in Central Kalimantan due to unclear ownership of land for oil palm plantations. The group mapped out those who wereinvolved, what their interests were and what the students in the area could do.


As the conclusion, Redy reminded participants thatafter participating this discussion, they begin more calm to respond and smarter to find alternative solutions for conflict resolution. In addition, he hoped that such meeting can be held continuously. (TRU).

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