Seventeen of July 2019 is the deadline to send the draft made by Voluntary National Review or VNR which contains the review of Indonesian government’s achievement regarding the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to UN in New York. Before the date, the government collected the achievements in 2018 related to the issue to be reviewed in 2019.
There are five big objectives that will be reviewed, including the 4th goal of SDGs about education equality, the 8th goal regarding the decent job and economic growth, the 10th goal of reducing inequality, the 13th goal relating to the handling of climate change and the 16th goal on peace, justice and strong institutions.
These five objectives are the focus of Sayangi Tunas Cilik Foundation or Save the Children by conducting several dialogues with young people in Soppeng, South Sulawesi and Yogyakarta, in the middle of March 2019. The dialogue called ‘Youth Consultation for the SDGs’ was accomplished by sending several representatives to Jakarta to have an audience with the National Development Planning Institution (BAPPENAS) with a hope to deliver the results of consultations that have been carried out for two days in each cities.
The meeting with BAPPENAS in Central Jakarta was held on Thursday, May 16, 2019 and the representatives were Debbi and Adi from Soppeng, Sarloce (Stube-HEMAT) and Ferdi (Gusdurian) from Yogyakarta. The representatives from Sayangi Tunas Cilik Foundation were Tata Sudrajad (Director of Advocacy and Campaign), Ratna Yunita (Advisor of Children’s Rights Management), Nurma Nengsih (Program Officer, Soppeng) and Ryan Febrianto (Youth Consultant). While BAPPENAS was represented by several members, namely Dr. Ir. Arifin Rudiyanto, MSc (Deputy for Maritime and Natural Resources), Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti, ST, MSi, M.Eng. Ph.D (Expert staff of Minister of National Development Planning for Economic and Financing Synergy), Ir. Wahyuningsih Darajati, M.Sc, (Director of Forestry Water Resources of Ministry of National Development Planning).
Dr. Ir. Arifin highly appreciated what Sayangi Tunas Cilik Foundation did in efforts to provide inputs on the VNR draft. Five major objectives are discussed with the challenges being faced, along with the recommendations. One of aspects voiced by Sarloce, the participants from Jogja, is related with land conversion in Halmahera and its recommendation that in the future the government should ensure legal status for the land that was forcibly taken on behalf of the state, but 2-3 months later the land was opened for mining. It happened in Halmahera region without exception. In addition, Sarloce suggested the efficiency use of village fund by sending expert staff to assist village head to distribute funds to the right target, and to avoid corruption because of the village head's inability in distributing funds for job creation at the village.
In the meeting, the government was asked about its efforts regarding the preparation of VNR draft. Ir. Wahyuningsih Darajati, M.Sc said that the government had communicated with all stakeholders, also collaborated with several campuses through their SDGs Center that focused on solving problems for each goal. For example, University of Bengkulu focused on poverty, University of Hasanudin focused on health issues and so did some other campuses. These efforts were done to involve academics in solving problems faced by the nation, especially in vulnerable areas and limited infrastructure. Those were campus’ initiative if they were eager to be involved in reducing poverty and health problems. The government makes every effort and opens input from all parties to reduce problems currently faced.
The audience was expected to bring benefit for both parties and ended by gratitude closing from Tata Sudrajad, the Director of Advocacy and Campaign, Sayangi Tunas Cilik Foundation and then they took pictures together. (SAP).