A region cannot run alone without the support of the local or central government, both facilities and infrastructure, as well as budget to realize the regional development goals. Once talking about the budget, the term Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) will often be found. APBD is actually showing the regional government's work plan in the financial sector for a certain period. A budget plays a significant role for a region or organization because it drives the development of economic potencies, and entrepreneurial activities to realize prosperity. Has the realization of the APBD been fulfilled by each region?
Students need to know regional budgets because it will equip them to understand how to step when they return to their hometown. Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta held a discussion on Mapping Regional Potency and The Potency of Local Government Budget Support with George B.L Panggabean, a practitioner who has experience as a member of the house of representative (31/01/2022). Dozens of students with various study backgrounds enthusiastically participated in this discussion because they did not know the details of budget management in their area, and this discussion became an opportunity to ask questions. From this point, the students expressed their observations about the region and activities related to the government budget.
The speaker explained that all government's budget management system from the center to the regions level had guidelines already issued by the finance minister. The guidelines themselves often become different from year to year, so the dynamics of the government budget also refer to the latest one or the current year. There are several types of APBD utilization, for example, regional revenues from Regional Original Revenues, from the center, and other legitimate income, while expenditures consist of routine, goods and services, capital, and others. Then, how can the community access this budget for development in their area? In essence, the community or organizations/institutions can access the budget, because the development is also for society. Not everyone knows the steps of proposal submission, meanwhile, the program is proposed through the proposal process, planning in the development planning deliberations (musrenbang) starting from the lowest level covering RT, RW, Kelurahan, District, and so on. Then, it enters the budgeting process. So it does not mean the proposal to be immediately approved. In addition, APBD planning can be proposed according to the procedures based on the regional development goals, legislative's allocation, and executive funds.
Musrenbang and public hearings are an opportunity for the community to campaign for the program aspirations with organizational leaders, institutions, members of the representatives, and executives. If the aspiration is approved, it will be included in the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget Plan (RAPBD). Submission of this program would be better in the form of an activity proposal. Examples of programs that are commonly proposed by the community include improving the quality of roads in villages, supporting agricultural facilities, and other programs for the benefit of society.
In this discussion, the students found new things related to the budget and steps to access regional budgets to take part in their regions development. As young people and pioneers for the future of the nation, being proactive through various organizations and involvement in self-development through either small or large forums is very crucial, as it will contribute to the development of local regions.***