Alor Creative at the Class IIB Kalabahi Prison

Saturday, 16 December 2023
by Petrus Maure

A Lifeskills Assistance



Alor Creative made a breakthrough to reach out brothers legally held in prison for crimes they have committed, by carrying out coconut shell craft workshop for the resident inmates at Correctional Institutions (7-14/12/2023) located in the BINKER PRISON building. This activity is important to provide skills after the detention so they can survive and continue living wisely. Finally, there are four people having a hobby to make craft.



Apart from improving skilled craft workers, in the future, it can support creative businesses and Alor Creative is ready to accommodate them to produce crafts in large quantities. Craft businesses in Alor have large market opportunities because they have a very wide tourism area, ranging from natural, cultural, religious, and underwater tourism.

During the mentoring activities, 4 brother whom were accompanied felt very happy, because they could do their hobbies while eliminating fatigue and boredom during the detention period. They chose coconut shells craft because the material were easy to get. They made crafts such as cigarette ashtrays and candy holders. It helped them to get used to the principles of making crafts.



During the activity, the Head of Jail House and several employees came to visit as a form of support and appreciation. Many suggestions were given so that more forms of crafts could be done by inmates. "They hope that when they are released from the prison they can change the stigma attached to them, that they always commit crimes," said the head of the prison.

A good adaptation process in society will change the existing negative stigma. Having a harmonious life and good relations with society is everyone's hope, especially ex-prisoners. It is desirable because as social creatures, they need recognition for their existence in society.

Alor Creative hopes that prison residents can become reliable workers to meet market demand, in addition to earning money as extra income even in prison. ***

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Women & Christian Perspective, and Problems In Alor

Sunday, 30 April 2023
by Petrus Maure, S. Kom


The understanding about women and children is still low for common people, and theological explanation is also limited. It is problematic because many problems occur in Christian-majority areas, as several times the cases of sexual violence against women and children in church work areas have become increasingly widespread this year. It must be a serious concern from church institutions and all elements in society to prevent cases of violence against women and children (KTPA) increasing in Alor Regency.

As a concern to this problem, the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Alor collaborated with the Theology Study Program of Tribuana University build a deep understanding for the students about violence against women and children. The inclusive discussion with the theme "Women and a Christian Perspective" (29/04/2023) was held at Kevinda Café – Mali.



Eunike Molebila, M.Th, a lecturer in Theology and head of the UNTRIB Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) ithe guest speaker. In the opening, the activities of introduction, the students were directed to be able to recognize their potency through the meaning of the names given by their parents.



In a further presentation, Eunike shared an understanding of women and gender. The discussion became lively when students were allowed to define women and gender. Based on their understanding, the participants expressed their opinion, Eben said, "Women are patient and good advisers." Meanwhile, Semu said, "Women and men are the same, only sexual identity differentiates." Furthermore, as a basic understanding of violence against women and children, Eunike explained four things, such as sex, gender, gender standardization, and gender inequality.



According to the theme (Women and a Christian Perspective), the presentation discussed the role of women in the Bible. There are two different things in the Bible about it. There are female characters who are mentioned and not mentioned. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, there is a woman mentioned, namely a prostitute, from whom David and Jesus were born. It can be seen here, there is a positive role and there are also female figures who are not mentioned. Speaking of women in Christianity, women used to take the role behind the pulpit, but we are grateful that the GMIT Synod (Evangelical Christian Church in Timor) has changed, women have been given equal opportunities. Women in the Christian tradition have progressed, but why certain churches have not given opportunities to women is still a question? They reasoned that women should be silent. Furthermore, the resource person allowed the participants to express their hopes as Christian men and women, written on a piece of paper and then attached to the wishing tree.



More detailed material regarding violence against women and children was conveyed by Therlince Loisa Mau, S.Pd, a female activist and disaster-resilient church facilitator. She explained that several things must be maintained, namely thoughts, words, and deeds. If these three things are not maintained properly, it will become a form of violence. Participants who have been divided into five groups explain the meaning of the words that have been distributed.



The first group got the word ‘physic’. According to the first group it relates to the body from head to toe, strong and weak. Strong, for example, a father commits physical violence to his child or wife. Weak, for example, women are deceived by sweet promises, immediately weak, and tempted. Relating to the physical, kick, hit, grab, pinch, reject, push. The second group with the word ‘psychologic’, and the following groups received words, such as Human Trafficking, Economic Violence, and Sexual Violence.

These words are closely related to the problems that occurred in Alor. At the end of the discussion, the resource person hoped that the participants who attended this activity would become living letters to remind each other about violence, when they found cases of violence that occurred in the community or those who experienced it, they could immediately report directly to the authorities. ***

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Woman and Democracy

Saturday, 25 February 2023
by Petrus Maure, S.Kom.


Women and democracy are hot topics, especially in the time leading up to the general election in 2024. This political event as a party of democracy really requires women's participation. It was the topic of discussion, that took place in the office hall of North Central Alor District with Setia Budi Laupada SH., M.Hum, as the speaker, entitle 'Encouraging Women's Participation in Democracy, Facing the General Election 2024 (24/2/2023).



The discussion began when resource persons delivered material about Democracy, Human Rights and Law, which became the main topic by exploring important elements in democracy, covering power comes from the people and every citizen has the same opportunity to be a leader. Democracy also means talking about people’s sovereignty who have full sovereignty with equal values without any priority for certain people, also the value of freedom by giving full rights to everyone for democracy, and there are also values of protection, values of diversity, justice, and tolerance.


How are democracy and women related? Theological perspective. Taken from Genesis 1:26-28, the speaker named it as the "Politics of Human Creation", both men and women planned to rule the contents of the earth.  Philosophical perspective. Men and women are created equal to complement each other without discrimination. Sociological perspective. The patriarchal culture glorifies men while women only involved in domestic affairs of the household, while public and political affairs can only be carried out by men. In the Alor community if a baby is born, the father will ask the baby shaman whether the bow of the arrow (male) or the basket (female) is born, because what is much expected is the bow of the arrow. In the organization there is also unexpectedly discrimination in women's rights by not giving opportunities to become leaders. Sociological reality. The daily life at home, it is the sister/daughter who washes the clothes and the culture has been formed a long time ago. Such patriarchal culture that discriminates against women is untenable.




Legal bases such as the International Convention on the position of women, the construction of national laws, the 1945 Constitution, the Human Rights Law, the Law of the Protection of Women and Children, and the Law of political parties that the quota of women is 30%, become the basis for women to take the opportunity. What about the context of Alor? The results of a research conducted by students stated that women’position in political parties were only to meet the formal demands of the 30% quota, not as the way of struggle.



When female cadres are not given many opportunities to occupy strategic positions, this means that politics still makes women as objects. Women's struggles such as, Kartini, Megawati, Khofifah (Governor of East Java), may become the trigger for women of Stube HEMAT, and SEMATA (Tatakata Student Association) to enter public spaces, especially politics. ***


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