A Talk with Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta

Saturday, 9 April 2022
by Multiplication Program of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu
Multiplication Program of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu.          


It was a good opportunity for colleagues in Central Bengkulu because they met the team from Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta, with Ariani Narwastujati (Executive Director), Rev. Bambang Sumbodo (Board in charge), and Isna (a student, a work team) on Saturday, April 8, 2022.



Some topics discussed were the themes of the Stube HEMAT meetings in the last few months, especially related to sexual violence against women and children. The meeting opened insight because of the in-depth discussion and sharing of experience and information regarding cases of violence and harassment, especially those that occurred in Bengkulu. It is very concerning that cases of violence and harassment still happen. From the discussion, several breakthroughs came up in methods, anticipation, vision, and commitment to minimize cases and problems.



Four students from Central Bengkulu expressed their opinions on their experiences joining the Stube HEMAT program. Tenti said, “In my opinion, Stube HEMAT is good to be held in Bengkulu because the activity brings enlightenment to the community, especially young people. After I joined the activities, I learned many experiences, such as materials about sustainable villages or sexual violence. Hopefully, Stube HEMAT can be known more and more in Bengkulu so that many more young people will learn about social issues around them.



Fenti, a student majoring in economics said, “With the Stube HEMAT team from Yogyakarta, we discussed many interesting things, such as comparisons of life and issues concerned by society. This conversation taught me that caring for the community in one's environment is very important. It is important to share the knowledge gained from the lecture when returning to the origin area. Hopefully, there will be another opportunity to discuss with the team from Yogyakarta.”

Sintia, a student at the State University of Bengkulu commented, “Even though the meeting was brief, the Stube HEMAT team from Yogyakarta provided new insights that can be applied in Bengkulu, especially Central Bengkulu. This area needs attention from all aspects and requires the presence of young people who want to move through a forum and Stube HEMAT is a good place to carry out this movement.”

In addition, the topic of children and their development has become a topic that is needed in Bengkulu because juvenile delinquency and violence against children and women are relatively common, and Stube HEMAT has this topic to provide correct understanding and insight. Rangga, a student majoring in health, stated, "Participating in a small discussion with Stube HEMAT sparked and motivated me to move forward to convey good things to the community."

From Central Bengkulu, there is a hope that the connection established can be maintained and Stube HEMAT program continues to provide opportunities for young people to gain knowledge and insight which can then be returned and developed for the community. (RGA).




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