Bengkulu Stays Alert to Corona

Sunday, 21 February 2021
by adminstube

Workshop on Health Problems




The Health Challenge in Indonesia is an interesting topic to discuss. Health challenges and infectious diseases is a relevant topic when the Covid-19 pandemic hits Indonesia and the world. The one-day workshop was held at the Tris restaurant, Pantai Panjang, Bengkulu City (Saturday, 20/02/2021). The workshop was attended by 23 participants from various communities, such as students from the Catholic Youth organization, Vihara Buddhayana Bengkulu, Pura Rama Agung, and Stube activists of the Margasakti church youth. The event consisted of four sessions. Even though they looked tired, the participants were enthusiastic to join the process until the end.



The first session was an introduction of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu. Yohanes Dian Alpasa, the person in charge of the Multiplication program of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu introduced Stube-HEMAT to the participants. Stube-HEMAT itself is a student mentoring institution based in Yogyakarta through discussions and training. Through the programs, the students will be more confident and well-equipped to return to their regions to develop regional potencies and to solve problems that occur. Stube-HEMAT was present in Bengkulu in early 2017. Its activities began in Margasakti, North Bengkulu with local church youths. Then in 2018, Stube reached Bengkulu City and succeeded in sending four students to Yogyakarta through an exchange program. In 2021, Stube-HEMAT will intensify its activities in Bengkulu city. Welcoming the face-to-face lectures in the campus which will be opened in March 2021, the number of the participant of Stube-HEMAT is increasing.


The second session was facilitated by the Head of the Puskesmas (public health center) in Bengkulu Tengah, Yayat Suhendra. At the beginning of the presentation, he criticized the room space for the meeting that does not fit to maintain physical distancing, inadequate handwashing facilities, and some participants wore improper masks. A scuba mask, worn by motorcyclists is a mask to filter dust and not to hold viruses and droplets.


The local government provides the website ( to monitor the latest update of the outbreak. Through the website, everyone can see the number of infected people in Bengkulu. Up to the date of the workshop, there were around 4.000 positive cases in Bengkulu, while in the Special Region of Yogyakarta reached 26.000 cases. Some Bengkulu people seem to underestimate the spread of the virus, no matter the danger. It can be indicated from the way they wear improper masks and hold events that create crowds.


In the middle of the session, the presentation was complemented with a live interview by phone with Indah Theresia, an RRI broadcaster who was infected with Covid-19 and had to be treated at Harapan dan Doa Hospital, Bengkulu City. Recovering from Covid-19 is like a second chance for her after seeing a colleague died by Covid-19. The dangers of this virus can be anticipated through discipline health protocols.


Washing hands with soap in flowing water and wearing a mask properly are important, but the most important is recognizing the function of health equipment and health protocols, such as the use of a hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer is a poison to kill germs, so it will be dangerous when it is inhaled. Many people sometimes inhale the aroma of hand sanitizers that contain aromatherapy ingredients.


The third session discussed Nutrition and Sanitation. Yayat summarized the techniques for maintaining body fitness by eating nutritious foods, having enough sleep, and regular exercise. Six-hours sleeping is sufficient for adult people.  Actually, nutrition does not have to be expensive but the important point is sufficient vegetables and protein. Exercises make us in the strongest endurance because all cells are burning fat deposits for energy, and when doing exercise we need oxygen so we do not need to wear a mask.


The fourth session was facilitated by Ariani Narwastujati, the Executive Director of Stube-HEMAT. She admitted that Bengkulu seemed to underestimate the virus outbreak. This is the task of young people to raise public awareness so that the public is more aware of Covid-19. There have been many family, friends, and relatives who have been threatened by the virus, so we must be careful. She also practiced the use of thermogun to screen participants who will come to us. The maximum limit for human body temperature is 37,40C, so those who have a body temperature above the limit need to rest. The second device that was introduced was the measurement of heart rate and oxygen levels. A person who is ill gets decreasing in oxygen in the blood. This tool can be the first tool used to determine whether the body is fit or not.


The fifth session was led by Rev. Em. Bambang Sumbodo and Hero Darmawanto, the board members of Stube HEMAT. The character of young people is determined by discipline and honesty. Nowadays, there are many challenges as technology and information advances that eliminate many jobs. Young people must have the courage to develop their talents because there are many forms of talent possessed by young people, because everyone has a lot of intelligence, such as linguistic, logical, intrapersonal, interpersonal, musical, spatial, kinetic, and naturalist. The more young children stimulate themselves with various kinds of things, what intelligence will stand out. The task of young children is to develop it.



The workshop was ended by the Multiplicator by forming four writing groups. The writings from the groups will be the result of the workshop. Next week, the participants' writings from Pura, Vihara, Parish, and Church can be submitted and distributed to other young friends to read. (YDA).

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