Beware of Disaster and How to Survive

Monday, 18 April 2022
by Regina
By: Regina.         


We all still remember the floods and landslides happened in Bengkulu in 2019. One of the triggering factors is extreme climate change. Natural disasters are detrimental to many parties. The data on April 2019 recorded 29 victims died, 13 people were missing, 2 people were seriously injured, and 2 people were slightly injured, explained Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, the head of the Center for Data Information and Public Relations of the National Agency for Disaster and Mitigation (BNPB). In detail, Sutopo said that the most victims were in Central Bengkulu Regency with 22 people died due to landslides that occurred at the slope of Mount Bungkuk, Central Bengkulu regency. Meanwhile, 3 people died in the Kepahiang regency, 1 person in the Lebong Regency, and 3 people in Bengkulu city.



Central Bengkulu is the most affected by natural disasters. It happened because the geographical location and land structure are vulnerable to landslides as well as the many creeks in the area. Seeing these problems, Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu presented a diving trainer and professional swimmer, namely, Huanius Jastino Tresavaldo, an alumnus of State University of Bengkulu marine major (17/04/2022).



The training is important as an effort to equip students to help drowning victims. The resource person gave the material first before the participants were invited to practice in one swimming pool in Bengkulu city. He explained that the waters are divided into three, namely sea, river, and lake/pond. Each of these waters has its level of difficulty in the process of rescuing drowning victims.



When you are an almost drowning person, what you have to do is stay calm and not to be panic. Panic will make your body sink worsely. If you cannot swim, let your feet hit the bottom and push to the surface with your feet. This was done continuously, but even then it was still difficult, then he advised them to try to float in the water and make life jackets from the pants or clothes they were wearing.

The thing that must be underlined when helping drowning people is saving lives, so if you are not good at swimming then it is better to seek help, do not endanger your own life. Next, make sure that the drowning person is not in a panic condition, because when he/she is panic, he kicks reflexively which will drown the rescuer. Tell the drowning person to stay calm and trust the rescuer. Bring him with a hand around the drowning person’s back neck. Avoid pulling the drowning person face to face because he can make it difficult for the rescuer to swim, or bring him side to side. If the drowning person drinks a lot of water, it is important to place him not to sit or place his legs higher than the head but to lay him down, place one hand on his chest and tilt his body, the water will automatically come out of the mouth.

The activity ran nicely because the participants learned many new things, and the trainer taught various swimming styles. The material and knowledge are so useful in flooding or drowning conditions. Be happy and be spiritful to survive. (RGA) ***




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