Campaigning Protection for Those at Risk

Sunday, 12 May 2024
by Alor Creative 100%



As a real action and concern for climate change and the related problems, Alor Creative 100% participated in the 1st youth action in NTT on climate issues with the forum KOPI (Youth Coalition for Climate) under the supervision of Hutan Itu Indonesia Foundation and Terasmitra. The collaboration for the event has been going on since the end of 2021. It was actually the 4th jamboree with a theme Gotong Royong for Flobamoratas (GRUF) – Mutual Cooperation for Flobamoratas. Flobamoratas itself is an abbreviation of the names of the islands of Flores, Sumba, Timor, Rote, Alor, Lembata, and Sabu. It was carried out for 6 days (1-6 March 2024) at Londalima Beach-East Sumba. Three previous jamboree activities were held in Ende, Larantuka, and Kupang.



Jamboree participants came from 12 regions in NTT with a total of 152 participants with various backgrounds of community and individual activity issues, not only the environment but also arts and culture, education, agriculture and animal husbandry (local food), children and women's issues (gender equality).



The 4th GRUF jamboree presented a little difference because it accommodated a special opportunity for 20 selected artists in NTT to display their works. The concept is "ARTIVISM" or campaigning for climate and the environment through works of art, with the concept of sustainable productions.





Representing Alor craft artists, I am here with the brand "Alor Creative 100%" by bringing accessories in the form of Dugongs and Rat Sharks (Threshershark) to campaign for the protection of endangered marine species. There are also ‘moko’ (traditional ornament) and traditional Alor cultural houses. For this accessory work of art to be sustainable in the manufacturing process, it only uses natural materials and the processing process has low emissions or absorbs less electrical energy.



On the 2nd day, I had the opportunity to share stories and to discuss with participants the work that I made, starting from the principles and concepts of making this sustainable craft artwork. In the question and answer session, many participants asked serious questions which I had to answer seriously and based on my experience while working. The questions came up covering; "Why did you choose to survive with craft art, what are the reasons for choosing sustainable accessory craft art, what are the current product marketing opportunities and challenges, how has the management worked so far, so that it can run for approximately 5 years".



There is a message and a hope emerged at the end of the discussion, hopefully, young people in NTT will be more creative in developing their potencies, both personal and natural, so that, they can bring a good impact to many people and the environment.***

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