Civil Society Program in Stube-Sumba

Monday, 7 September 2009
by adminstube


Need for Civil Society training programs in Sumba for the students and youth of the church who are actors that can contribute to regional changes can lead participants to understand about what it means civil society. Because building a civil society in the context of Sumba, need to understand what will be built to connect with community needs. Participants need to know what the problem is, what the objectives and how to achieve that goal.
Civil society program is accomplished from 4 to 6 September 2009, located in Melolo Sumba Christian Church at East Sumba. The student participants and the youth of the church are 36 people consist of 16 female and 20 male.

Based on the dialogue with several community leaders in Sumba, the main challenging factor faced by Sumba is cultural factors, character and mentality. Eastern Sumba security level is better than West Sumba. West Sumba is very vulnerable to theft cases of livestock and agricultural products, which have become hereditary culture and even the practice, want to show the power of the actor's ability. The worse is the practice is usually done by people having authority and power. Such practice was carried out in groups consisting of more than 10 people.
The motto addressed to the victim is "Our first loan", and the owners can just resign because opening the door of the house to defend will endanger themselves with fatal consequences as the perpetrators had surrounded the house and ready to do anything for any obstacles. There is also a theft for revenge. Most stolen animals are used to dissipate, gambling or sold. Amazingly, market does not reduce the price although it is stolen cattle.
Seeing a lot of cattle roaming the streets or fields, it ends on conclusion that they are usually owned by perpetrators of theft. The perpetrators are organized and have skills and strength either visible or not. For example even if the cattle were not theirs, but the cattle will follow the perpetrators.
Sumba culture perceived in daily life and social structure is constructed by the three identities namely: Marapu (tribal religious beliefs), Kabihu or Clan, and Paraengngu or village. They still affect people's lives. For example, though a person is a Christian, he stores food for ancestors. Although people who have lived Sumba cities, but they will return to indigenous issues when they go home. Although one is already married to someone else but he must have a wife from his clan.
These are three characteristic of Sumba people, collectivity, not live independently but in groups and classes. Low class did not have a better chance in central and south region; however eastern part of Sumba gives better chance to survive. It happens because the eastern region gets a better information flow. Unluckily, when the lower strata have a good education, it is usually difficult to get a good position.
Culture also limits a person although he has good knowledge and well educated in Java, but when he returned to the original community, he can do nothing and have no bravery to challenge the culture current. For example in a marriage, a man must carry out the customary request for a large family on both sides. Family’s bridegroom must give a lot of number of cattle based on agreement of both parties. More impressive woman more expensive the purchase will be. Customs of sacrifice during the grieving time also make families lose number of cattle.
Role of the Sumba Church in Developing Civil Society
Viadolarosa Sony Sony King, a political practitioner of a party, delivers his session with a statement that life actually begins at 40 years old. Further is how to maintain life. “I work since I was young as a young entrepreneur and actively involved in any organizations and churches. Primary education until university is early stage of education and the real one is in the midst of society. The idea to have activities like Stube HEMAT is a brilliant one because the activities are not only theoretically but also confronts the reality of the participants directly in the community through follow-up activities”. 
Viadolorosa then asks participants their understanding about civil society.  "What is Civil Society?" Some participants say that; (1) civil society is an independent social institutions without interference from other institutions, 2) a collection of groups / communities that are not affected along with the interests of the government, 3) Civil Society is a society that is formed in an independent organization fighting for the commons good and to be able to control the government through any media. These opinions are nearly correct; Viadolorosa adds that Civil Society is a community having no direct deal with governance but Civil society is how society in the context of Sumba thinks about Sumba.
Sumba Island is in the row in NTT and sometimes it is forgotten. Technology developments will affect the development of society as information gaps cause less ability to follow current information.

The role of the Church of the Civil Society
What is Church? Church is a group of believers believing in Lord Jesus.  The Church of the ecclesia, calls people out of darkness to the light of Christ.
There are 2 responses Church:
1) Church as a building and a person is called out of darkness; into the light belong to Jesus.
2) Church is a spiritual institution.
Church has heavier duty than other institutions. Government has responsibility to humans; church has been accountable to God. Church in the ministry has a holistic task. Unfortunately church tends to save money having balance of millions dollars. Do not store money! But how use it to answer the needs of the congregation. Further, what the role of the Church of the Civil Society in the context of GKS likes? They are testifying, fellowship and serving and they are our task to be a messenger of change bringing innovation.
Actually, it is still concerned on the Christians practice in Sumba since many young people do not follow confirmation class to learn Christianity. Many churches have no critical ideas on the current regulation issued previously. Many churches have no strategy and sensitivity on real problem faced by the followers. Although Sumba is Christian majority, culture practice is done faithfully. Church does not strong policy to reduce the practice even compromise with such practice.
Church of Sumba is required to understand the issues of the Church itself. Many best sermon themes derived from the Church, set out of local context. Church should understand the community struggles and teach the congregation. The main task is to understand how the church does the responsibility.
Further, how does the role of civil society build a church with custom background? How to implement church teachings to response life reality with various issues? It is the important of understanding local context. Jesus being born in Palestina has different context with Sumba. Cultural approach must be done by the Church. It is so creative! As long as no worship to other gods, except Jesus, church lets it go. As a church all of us must think of creative programs for economic empowerment. The church should not only hoard money, but how funds are used in services including economic empowerment.
Role of Civil Society in Promoting Regional Economic Growth
Umbu Ara Ho, SE, Msi. a vice chairman of student affairs of Economics Institute of Waingapu delivers this session. This topic is very interesting since Civil Society has related with his competency in economy. Economy grows when economic growth rate increased. Economic growth is the value of goods and services produced within a certain period was used. The value used in Indonesia is rupiah.
The progress of an area measured from the development of goods and services. However, economic development is not only viewed from economic growth but also 3 points as follows;
1. Primary needs: clothing, food, shelter. That is how someone can sustain a living
2. Development should ensure one’s dignity.  Development was to humanize person. Not because of economic development, self-esteem a person then deprived / abused.
3. Freedom for everyone to think, grow and behave.
However, under New Order era, the freedom of people and thought are very limited because of military abuse. So, talking about development should cover three points above.
In local context, conclusion on economy growth should be drawn from the bottom since the high rate of growth or high per capita income can not reflect the actual fact. Under the President of SBY government has made more attention by giving cash aids for the poor. However, it then makes quarrel among people causes horizontal conflicts. People become spoiled and have high dependency to the government. It will be better to empower people by opening chances for business loan or credits.  
Farmers and agriculture need attention since imported rice is cheaper than domestic rice produced by Indonesian farmers. While corruption is also haunted this nation. It is problem and facts as the next generation task to solve. Hopefully Stube HEMAT accommodates all students in Sumba to learn such reality to encourage them for real action. At least they will be critical people when giving their votes in general election; not to elect people without spirit to make social welfare for the marginal.
It is still open a chance for students to ask the government responsibility on what have done for the people as reformation in this country began by students. Student movements must revive by doing any activities such as talk show with government about social welfare through any mass media.
Functions of the Legislative to Formulate Policy Become Public Regulation

VIADOLAROSA SONY Radja still delivers this session. He reminds that the function of legislative body is closely related with the concept of democracy. The term of democracy comes from Greek, demos (people) and kratein (rule). So democracy means people govern.
For this topic, democracy in the context of Sumba is unique. Why? Majority people occupying the House of Representative are not fit. Why? They are elected because charismatic factors or royal family. When the House of Representatives can not do anything, it always becomes a discourse. Sumba has unique context compared to other places. The democracy concept of people by people and for people is not longer necessary. Public regulation cannot help.
There are 3 parties in the democratic system in Indonesia.
1. Legislative
2. Executive
3. Supreme Court.
Before the decision of any policy, the stake holder should know the problems of community. Live with them understand characters and find the root of the problem is very important to bring to our representatives.
As long as a regulation still relevant, it can be used any longer. There may be any revision.  Religious leaders should not be afraid to talk to convey a prophetic voice against bribes attitude and corruption, not only money but also time and law. Woman role is very important in the House of Representative since 30% of opportunities have not been fulfilled. Every Christian should look at the predecessors being brave for justice. Speak constantly to change bad behavior and character. Woman is long neglected and culture contributes to that.
However, it is not necessary to change the culture but change the mindset on woman participants. Actually, 30% is so limit as normally 50% is the standard of balance. It is so ideal that young people conduct as people representatives as they are strong and still full of spirit and innovation. Unluckily, family or clan will be ashamed when the senior of the clan is not elected although the ability and competency is doubted. Such system weakens ideal criteria.
Civil Society from the NGO movement toward People's Movement

Kabuwang Rudi Yanto Hunga, SH.MH, a legal practitioner delivers this session. He says that civil society has an aim to make people participate to know rights and obligation in the relation with government.
Building Civil Society, in the context of Sumba will touch the needs of the community such as human rights, their status before the government, economic needs or equal rights before the law. These rights are associated with other institutions to fulfill their rights. Civil Society also makes people appear reasonable in relation to society and government. We always live in balance between the rights and obligations. There are many non-governmental organizations in Sumba accommodate people aspiration to government. The main thing is people know what they need, objectives and solution. Non-governmental organizations can implement persuasive activities in their movement. They must know how the government's objectives, how the government and government’s management.
People can do:
1. Direct persuasive interaction with government
2. Following procedures to achieve goals by simply pressing through meeting or dealing directly with the purposed institutions
3. Having legal effort to the addressed institutions
Having community aware to the importance of organization is difficult, so how can Sumba have civil society movement? What are the tips? Sometimes a social movement is just lasting for a rainy season then comes to end.
First, people must understand their rights then achievements can be done. When they know exactly their right, they will strive to gain it although pressure and obstacle hinder the way. They will not come to end easily before achieving the goals. If government can fulfill people’s right, social movement strive for the right will not emerge. However, sometimes a certain interest from a certain people mixed with student movement. The weakness of young people is not able to rebuild and construct the damage. Then, further question is where the role of the church is? Church can not be separated from humans. Church is also people community who think about the rights and obligations.  Church is able to perform a movement to create a conducive atmosphere for people to work in any fields. A priest should not only pray for it even sometimes allergic to politics. Politics is often considered evil. People should understand church as an institution that pray, think and dream of a better life.
Politics is dirty still questionable. People need a legal institution through the aspirations of the people to organize life. Election means that we are unifying ideas, desires and hopes. We achieve what we want; we unite and fight for our political rights. Leader is chosen not because of human, but whit criteria. Dirty politics begins when people tarnished their political rights through the practice of buying votes.
Frankly, there are many organizations in East Sumba, but less voicing people aspirations. Further, we need a strong leader, decisive, intelligent and understand the law. Leaders are dreamers and hope creators. It is OK to fight for right alone, but preferably through an institution is better. Take a case of unfair punishment in a court. Community will participate to have advocacy organization concentrating on law. This institution together with other institutions may provide guidance and assist the community. Law programs among community can work together to socialize the legal issues.
One problem in Tarimbang (one village in Sumba) must be viewed with democratic process analysis. Democracy should respect those who give an opinion. Democracy also teaches us to accept either win or lose.
Sumba is an agriculture area with potency of animal husbandry. However, economic actors in the agricultural sector are in small number. It must be a concept of how to empower communities to expand their land for agriculture or animal husbandry potency, improve the quality and marketing. We must create the market and the government should interfere. Habit to commit on routine, quantity and quality must be the value. Policy must be open opportunity for the people to have market since market is very important to protect and distribute the products.
Movement of Civil Society in the Context of Sumba

Stepanus Makambombu, S. Kom, Msi. ex-activist of Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta delivers this session. He says that actually the concept of civil community is still in debate. Civil society is not part of a political organization. Civil society is outside the area of state, market (capitalism, socialism). What are meant by civil society are the people who clustered because there is mutual interest. For example related to public services, clean water, education is not satisfying as well as government services, the people gathered to fight for their rights. That is what civil society is. How do the ways to do fight. 
If we want to build civil society in East Sumba, we must look at context. Is the atmosphere matched? Understanding economic indicators is important to have analysis. Seventy five % of people are living in villages while the rest are spread out in cities.  The capita income of Sumba in NTT is in 4th rank but ironically the human resources quality is low.  Is poverty the only problem? No! The consumer price index in Indonesia is quite high. Provincial BPS data shows that people spend Rp 600.000/ month.  But the reality shows much lower Rp. 28.000. It is such contradiction. Statistical data shows that only 2% of the population enjoys the results of development. What about education? Indicator index illiteracy rates of 40% means that conditions are not good for civil society. Sumba has 14.45% illiteracy rate.
Social aspects of Sumba daily culture are shaped by three identities that form social construction.
1. Marapu.
2. Clan/ kabihu.
3. Paraengngu.
Intentionally or not, three things still affect people's lives. For example, we are Christians, but there are still storing food for the ancestors. Although people have moved to live in Sumba cities, they will return to indigenous issues. If there are customs problems they must return to clan. Although people are married to someone out side Sumba, they must also gather with clan.  
The three substances construct Sumbanese character; living in collectivity and groups not living independently. Sense of collectivity may suppress the occurrence of social conflicts in the community.
So the conclusion will be:
1. Civil Society movement has not emerged, since people are busy to care their living not thinking of movement.
2. Lower class group must strive to reach their right.
3. Illiteracy rates and low education levels affect the movement of civil society.
It is admitted that three substances weaken social conflict, but the other side weaken civil society movements.
Thus, it is our duty to strengthen the network work by encouraging political parties to have good performance.
How Social Strata is criticized? What is the advantage of moving in groups like civil society? Income per capita of East Sumba is very high, but why it can not make social aware among society?

Anyone from lower classes does not have a better chance. Eastern region is more open to development and progress for lower classes but not in central region and the south. Why? Eastern region has a better information flow. If lower strata have a good education can not have a good position. Why? It is caused by culture that limits it.
Having movement by yourself is easily broken, but if you move in a group it will be more powerful.
Problem of poverty is due to inflation. When prices soar, government must interfere, to control. Government must reveal if there is monopoly practice controlling the prices. However, when such practice is done in corporation with the government, people will be suffering. It is the role of the Parliament to fight for people’s aspirations. It will be so strange that we still choose in general election people that do not talk anything.
Exposure to Stimulant Institute
Stimulant Institute is an independent institution to watch public policies as an example of real application of civil society in Sumba. The director is Stephanus Makambombu. He is ex-activist of Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta. He completed his study in Yogyakarta and Salatiga, then he came back to work for his local region. Since established, Stimulant Institute has made some advocacies to public policies that are not in side with people such as policies of public water, electricity, public health and so on.
During discussion process, a student named Yonathan T, says that it is the first time he knows such institution that making advocacy on public policies. He admits that people of Sumba really need such institution since generally people do not care about the policy and just suffer from injustice police without knowing to do.
Arniyani L.Nau, a participant asks to Stephanus about the obstacles faced by this institution to make fair play regarding the tight kinship / relationship of Sumbanese. Stephanus answers that his institution will handle any problems professionally without considering kinship of the involved people. Fair play and justice are the basic policy of this institution. Another participant named Nadus asks the problem of frequent putting off the electricity in Waingapu causing damaged of many people’s soft ware. Stephanus declares that now STIMULANT institution is investigating such case that happens frequently in Waingapu. Not only instruments damage but also losing income of people rely their business on electricity. However, it is not only problem of Waingapu city but also Sumba even as a whole country in Indonesia.

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