Cocoa: Brown Gold From East Lampung

Monday, 31 July 2023
by Rev. Theofilus Agus Rohadi, S.Th



Caturswako village and Sukadanabaru village are the two villages where the GKSBS Batanghari congregation is living, with the majority of the population being cocoa plantation farmers. The type of cocoa developed in these two villages is MCC (Masamba Cacao Clone), from North Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi. This type of cocoa has high production potential and good quality beans, it has large fruits and its seeds are as big as a thumb, it will be reddish when it starts to ripen on the stem. There are two types of MCC cocoa, namely MCC 01 and MCC 02. Residents and church members in these two villages plant this type of cocoa with a planting period of 3 years, the cocoa fruit can be picked and make money to meet daily needs. Church residents in these two villages are quite helped by this cocoa plant, even they are able to send their children to college in Lampung or in Java Island and several other areas from cocoa products.



The Stube-HEMAT multiplicator in Lampung together with church youth made observations and studied together, in order to be able to process cocoa beans into derivative products such as products consumed in daily household. (30/07/2023). First, it began by directly reviewing cocoa plantations owned by residents of the GKSBS church in Batanghari, East Lampung and owned by residents of the community around the church in Caturswako and Sukadanabaru villages. This field trip showed that it is true that cocoa beans grown by church residents and communities have super quality. It can be seen from the large enough of a cocoa fruit weighing approximately 0.5 kg to 1 kg per fruit, and when it is peeled, the cocoa beans appear as big as an adult's thumb. Cocoa beans in East Lampung area are picked every 2 weeks and farmers can get a bumper harvest about 3-4 times annually. During ordinary months, farmers can harvest 30-50 kg per 1/4 hectare, at a price of 16,000 rupiah per kilo after drying it under the sun for 2 hours.



Multiplicator Stube-HEMAT in Lampung and church youth found that farmers were quite satisfied with the sale of wet cocoa beans, without any further processing. When compared to the marketing of cocoa that has been processed, for example by fermenting, the economic value will increase to 40-55% per kilo. Especially if this super cocoa bean is processed into processed sweet chocolate sold in markets and supermarkets, of course farmers will get better revenue. It has not been thought by farmers to be able to process their cocoa products into processed materials having more economical value.



How to get a "fair price" for farmers, drives Stube-HEMAT Multiplicator in Lampung to be able to learn to process cocoa into processed household products for farmers in Caturswako and Sukadanabaru villages. The learning experience together with STUBE-HEMAT Yogyakarta that facilitated studies in Nglanggeran village, Gunung Kidul which was able to process chocolate into derivative products in its "Griya Coklat", greatly inspired the youth and community members in East Lampung. With the potential of cocoa gardens in these two areas reaching approximately 10 hectares, it certainly promises prospects for the welfare of residents, churches and local communities.




With the congregation and community members, we continue to learn to process cocoa into derivative products in East Lampung, by seeking information, reading, networking and collaborating with any parties who know about it, until finding the expected results. East Lampung cocoa is like brown gold that decorates beautifully in our garden, unfortunately we have not been able to manage it optimally. ***


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