Delaki Village fermented Cashews into Wine

Friday, 5 August 2022
by Bernad Liwang, S.Pd.K.
Oleh: Bernad Liwang, S.Pd.K.          


Delaki Village, in Center Pantar District, Alor Regency, has sufficient natural resource potencies to fulfill the welfare of the people. One of the most promising potencies is abundant cashews.



Most people in Pantar work as farmers, and the others are fishermen and civil servants. It means they live from fields products by planting rice and corn for their daily needs. While for the commodity products, they grow cashew, candlenut, coconut, and several others. The large cashew products on Pantar Island is in the Central Pantar district, including Delaki Village. Delaki village itself is in the southern part of the Central Pantar district, facing the Ombai Strait – Flores Island.

Currently, most people have cashew trees in their gardens. The cashew cultivation area cover from one to four Ha, with age ranging from 8 – 20 years. Every year, 1 Ha produces up to 2-3 tons of cashew nuts. From the sale of cashew nuts people can finance their children's tuition for school and for other needs. So far, they just process the cashew nuts and leave the fruits.





Seeing the situation the youth of Delaki village realized that processing the cashew fruits will be profitable and be an added value for them. Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta as a human resources development support Delaki’s youth to process the cashew fruits. The cooperation will process cashew nuts into wine or syrup as refreshing healing syrup. The youth of Delaki responded well to it.

Then, Stube HEMAT Alor initiated training in making wine from cashew fruits in Delaki village (Friday, 05/08/2022) and presented Veronika Farida, a Chemistry lecturer at Tribuana University. The training was carried out in Betel Alimake church yards with the pastor of GMIT Betel Alimake, the Delaki village officials, Alor youths, KBPM students, and several women. In another activity, Petrus Maure, Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Alor produces Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO).



The Delaki village official motivated the youth to stay optimistic in processing cashew fruits wine. He emphasized that he will support the program even if they produce in large quantities. He hoped in the future by Delaki’s village enterprise, the cashews wine will become a flagship product from Alor and its surrounding.***


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