Generation Aware of Personal Health

Monday, 11 April 2022
by Marsya Indri Yani
By: Marsya Indri Yani.         




I am Marsya Indri Yani, from North Lampung and currently living in Pondok Diakonia, Batanghari. I participated in a training of the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung on 'Personal Health Aware Young Generation' at GKSBS Batanghari, Tanjung Harapan (9-10/04/2022). Those who attended were Rev. Theofilus Agus Rohadi, pastor of GKSBS Batanghari and multiplicator of Stube HEMAT, youth at Pondok Diakonia, youth and local church members, participants of exploring Lampung from Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta and some other guests.



The training discussed four materials. The first topic revealed dangerous diseases threatening young age by Sartono, S.K.M from the East Lampung Health Service. He explained about HIV, a virus that attacks the immune system, and AIDS, a collection of symptoms due to a weak immune system. HIV is transmitted through the blood, vaginal fluids, semen, and breast milk of an infected person. HIV can infect anyone regardless of age, race, or gender, including babies infected by mothers who are already infected by HIV. HIV/AIDS cannot be cured but there are Anti Retroviral (ARV) to control the virus from spreading in the body. Behaviors that can lead to HIV transmission are sexual intercourse, injection sharing or unreplaced syringes, blood transfusions, and changing sex partners.



The second topic about 'Good Friendship and Maintaining Health' was presented by Syarifudin, from Tanjung Harapan Health Center. He explained about good friendship and maintaining health. A good friendship does not lead to negative things, such as invitations to use narcotics, free sex, or promiscuity, however, it brings a positive impact to both parties, such as encouraging, loving, and trust each other.



Furthermore, Widodo Jatmiko, S.Kep., a nurse from the Trimulyo Health Center conveyed the third topic about The Dangers of Sex at Early Age. Currently, early childhood easily views adult content (pornography) because of technological developments. It can drive them to have sex at early age. Cases of pregnancy before marriage or early marriage in Indonesia are caused by sexual intercourse at early age. The negative effects of early sex are: children are not ready to get pregnant and to give birth, so they are vulnerable to do abortion, to be shy and difficult to socialize, to be vulnerable for sexually transmitted diseases, to suffer from depression because they are not ready to become parents, and are not economically independent which are also the reasons for triggering baby abandonment. Widodo provided alternatives to prevent the cases, such as monitoring the use of gadgets among children, socializing the dangers of early sex, and strengthening spirituality.



Dr. Andri Susanto from Mardi Waluyo Hospital was the last resource person to present the fourth topic, Human Reproduction. He conveyed that human reproduction is the exchange of male and female egg cells to form a fetus in the womb. A person's maturity is marked by menstruation, bigger hips among adolescent girls, the growth of Adam's apple and moustache among boys, the heavier voiceand wet dreams. Dr. Andri also reminded the audience how to maintain reproductive health by not smoking, not consuming alcohol, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and maintaining the cleanliness of intimate organs.



The various knowledge from the training enriched participants' understanding of personal health and sparked their awareness of the importance of maintaining health from early age, having good friendships, and being responsible to take care of themselves.***


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