Getting Smart With a Smartphone

Monday, 24 October 2022
by Reginiana Dosvia
By Reginiana Dosvia.           


Hearing the word technology, what comes to our minds is the technological devices we use, such as cell phones, television, computer, tabs, and other devices. Technology has a broad definition, from Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), 'technology' means the scientific method to achieve practical goals, applied science, or all the means to provide goods needed for the continuity and comfort of human life. From this definition, technology is a tool used by humans to facilitate their activities.



Human life cannot be separated from technology, so Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu chose the theme "Education in an Advanced Technology Era: No One Left Behind" for the October-December 2022 period. The activity took place in Arga Indah II village, Central Bengkulu (23 /10/2022). Huanius, the trainer, works at a big smartphone company in Indonesia. As a trainer in their companies, he has experiences regarding the role of technology, and the positive and negative impacts of technology and explain how to use smartphones as educational media.


In the opening, Huanius revealed the fantastic number of smartphone sales in Bengkulu province, which showed the vast number of smartphone users. The smartphone is seen as a technology and information tool that people need in this era because human activities require a smartphone. Smartphones give a positive impact to the user by simplifying communication through social media, showing talent, sharing knowledge, expressing opinions, gaining knowledge, doing assignments, and others. However, it brings negative impacts if misused, such as expressing bullying opinions, mis-democracy, disorder time management, watching violent videos that damage mentality, dealing with illegal drugs, and so on. The source person emphasized the participants to be wise youths by committing not to abuse their smartphones because of the bad impact that damage their character and future.




Then, Huanius explained the benefits of applications on smartphones as educational media. It brought a new experience for participants by inviting them to play games on smartphones by answering general questions, Bengkulu regional arts, geographical knowledge, biology, mathematics, English, inventors, puzzles, and other school subjects. In this game, Huanius played as a host and participants must answer 20 questions. The activity made some fun when they answered the questions according to the allocated time. The atmosphere is full of laughter and joy, but it became noisy when some of the participants could not answer questions because of the unstable signal. But it was still a lot of fun.


Hopefully, the next activity can be more interesting because it is directly related to the condition of the Central Bengkulu regency. Young people, let us be more advanced and wiser with technology! ***




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