Independent & Active Young People of Pantar Island

Friday, 15 October 2021
by Bernard Weniliwang

By Bernard Weniliwang.          


Talking about the village, the assumption is that village is far from development, life is still natural, culture is still strong and social intimacy is close. Some people think that village is a comfortable and pleasant place to live, but others think that life in the village is difficult due to limited job opportunities, business opportunities, and regional access, so that it is reasonable for people to leave the village and live in a city. Referring to Law number 6/2014, a village is a legal community unit that has territorial boundaries that are authorized to regulate and manage government affairs, the interests of the local community based on community initiatives, origin rights, and or traditional rights that are recognized and respected in the government system of Republic of Indonesia.





A similar thing happened in the Delaki village, a small village on Pantar Island, Central Pantar  district, Alor regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province which can be reached only by motorboat from Kalabahi or Alor Kecil across the Sawu Sea and the Ombai strait. It must be admitted that the condition of the damaged road becomes a challenge in itself when traveling overland using a motorcycle or other vehicle. Apart from being located on a small island, this village is also often considered an undeveloped, poor, and abandoned village, even though it has potencies that can be developed but have not been optimized due to limited human resources.



Responding to the situation, I and the head of the youth organization, Deriko Wabang, S.Pd., took the initiative by mobilizing young people in the village, mapping the village's potencies, and having  coordination with the Delaki village government. Then, we discussed the youth work program in 2021, including the production of candlenut oil, with Petrus Maure, the Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Alor, how to cultivate vegetable fields, initiating an English study group and reading group for children, and having a photo spot on Delaki beach. For the vegetable garden, we started by clearing the field near a well. At the same time, we prepared the mustard seeding and plant beds. A few days later the seedlings were moved to the beds, and we distributed the tasks of watering and caring for the plants. About 40 days after planting, we harvested good quality vegetables and market them directly or through social media. The candlenut oil production itself has entered the second batch by processing 50 kg of candlenut and producing 73 bottles. We are currently building a reading group and photo spot on the beach. Going forward, we are preparing to plant 1.000 trees for reforestation in November.



The success of the youth of Delaki village received appreciation from the local village official, James Boling, “I’m as the village government of Delaki feel proud to have young people who are passionate about building their village. Even with a limited budget from the village government, the young people made many changes in the village. We guarantee that we support, and next year there will be a budget”. Aksa Dati, a member of the youth group, admitted, “This activity brought something new because it has never been there before. This is the first time we have planted vegetables and have succeeded, producing candlenut oil, building reading groups and photo spots on the beach.”





Our struggle to start all this is not without challenges, most of them support but not a few who sneer and underestimate. But we still move with good intentions and focus on the goal, making changes is not an easy thing, but good intentions and real actions will pay off. This is the challenge for young people, to be productive and to have a hope for a better change.***

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