Not To Judge: The True Christian Character

Monday, 6 March 2017
by adminstube
Leadership is still an interesting theme and quite urged in Bengkulu. Every youth has a hidden potential which is not managed maximally yet, while communities and church need them as the main generation of the future.
One effort that we have to do to make an ideal leadership is by forming their character beforehand. In this matter, training the youth becomes an effective strategy in forming the future community. Youth had a lot of time, power and opportunities in developing themselves in the community. Therefore, the role of youth becomes vital.
However, it is a fact that youth is still reluctant to take part in internal church service. They are not only reluctant, but also they do not much understand either about church service. The ability of speaking and expressing opinion must still be developed. One way to train youth to speak up is in discussion. Discussing Bible passages is expected to stimulate their Bible understanding and ability to speak up.
On Saturday, March 4th 2017, located at consistory room of GKSBS Kurotidur, MT service area, six youth have gatheredagain to fill their weekend time by discussion. It is not discussion out of Bible topic, but about the content of the Bible itself. It is aimed to provide understanding among youth of the church in Margasakti neighborhood not to rashly judge other people. A good leadershould act rationally with logical sense and head cold.
A passage taken for discussion is from Matthew 11:24-30 which is according to Indonesian Bible Ministry is entitled “The Parable of Tames among Wheat”. It tells that aworker may not clean thatch among wheat before the time of harvest.
Yohanes Dian Alpasa leads the discussion by collectingopinions from the participantsThe discussion becomes interesting because every one can express his opinion. One interesting opinion says that it is difficult to distinguish thatch from wheat, if a worker pulls up the plants he may dowrong repeal. Indeed, it is the truth, when we think that we are right and try to find the others’ fault whereas wecannot prove it. Even if we can prove the errors, it is not our authority to judge as only God  will judge it.


Yohanes closed the discussion with reflection that we live not for ourselves as there were others who also need life. Thus, all of us learned to be able interacting and cooperating with others. ***

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