Rapid Test: Observing Understanding about Diversity

Monday, 27 July 2020
by Yohanes Dian Alpasa
The term of ‘rapid test’ became popular in Indonesia during the pandemic. It has happened for four months and everyone is doing activities according to the health protocols. The result and documents of rapid test are the requirements for someone to travel outside of a region. Life begins to run again especially in Bengkulu. 
On July 25, 2020, The Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu held a meeting to prepare a discussion program on 'Multicultural and Interfaith Dialogue'. The participants in the discussion took a rapid test to find out their experience when visiting places of worship of other religions or interacting with other believers. The results were unexpected because from the six participants who filled out the metaplan card, none had ever gone to Catholic church, even though they have Catholic friends but never talk about the teachings. 
The second question, "Have you ever visited a Hindu temple?" The neighboring village of Margasakti is the Kurotidur village and there is the closest Hindu temple. They had never entered the temple area, talked about Hinduism, but knew the location of it at Rama Agung, Argamakmur, North Bengkulu. 
The third question was about the Vihara, a Buddhist place of worship. No one has ever visited it and even no interest or need to find out it in internet. 
The fourth question, "Did you have gone to a mosque?" Five out of six answered that they did, and one did not. It stated that they sometimes watched spiritual channel on television or Islamic religious lessons at school. So, the first conclusion, the teaching of Islam is familiar to them. 
The last question was, "Have you heard about the local beliefs, like Kejawen, Kaharingan, Sunda Wiwitan, or Marapu? Even though most of the participants' parents were Javanese who knew about the local beliefs, they had never transferred the teachings or the rituals of Javanese. 
Based on the results of this quiz, it is concluded that program on Multicultural and Interfaith Dialogue is an urgent program to be carried out to provide a space for interaction among different religions believers. Of course the chances will be good for the participants as a step to broaden their horizons, provide communication and network space.
In the context of socialization a head, the Multiplicator opens opportunities for students to join the discussion and training program in the middle of August. Be ready to join us! 

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