Strawberry Farms Are Prepared for Climate Change

Monday, 6 June 2022
by adminstube


Climate Change refers to changes in temperature and weather patterns over the long term. Actually, this shift is natural and it has been going on since the 1800s. The human activity becomes the main factor of climate change, especially the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas, which produce the greenhouse effect.



The cases of extreme weather in some places due to climate change made us from Stube-HEMAT in Central Bengkulu interested to learn more about the impact of climate change on agricultural areas. On Sunday, June 5, 2022, we visited a strawberry plantation at Family Garden Strawberry in Simpang Nangka Karang Jaya Village, Kec. Selupu Rejang, Rejang Lebong Regency. The journey took 4 hours from the departure point, Arga Indah 2, Merigi Sakti district, Central Bengkulu. The view of the hills, protected forests, and the Bengkulu indigenous stilts houses were easily found during the trip.

At the farm, the interview with local farmers and the owner of the plantation business became an interesting activity. Meli, one of the plantation managers conveyed some important information, such as strawberry plants need cool weather, the air temperature is around 22-25 C. Strawberry plantations need humidity for the fertilization process.

Related to climate change, we asked if climate change occurs, what should farmers do to keep their strawberries growing? Strawberry plants need humidity from the local air temperature, but if there is a change in climate with hot temperatures, they should be watered frequently. However, it should keep the soil media not too wet (muddy), because it slows down the growth process and makes the fruit rot. Then, put the plants in a shady place to avoid direct sunlight exposure during the day.



The owner of the plantation has experienced a loss due to hot weather, such as the strawberry leaves drying up, and not producing fruit optimally. Through well watering, the plants can be saved. It means, that during the dry season, this plant can still produce fruits as long as the watering and soil moisture are well-maintained. Even in the dry season, the strawberry can produce fruits bigger and sweeter than in the rainy season which causes the fruit rotten and small.

The exposure produces several insights, such as climate change can happen anywhere and harm humans, however, with the right education and learning from experience, humans can anticipate the changes, including reducing the risk of loss from the business they do. This situation pushes the farmer’s creativity in adapting as above.



Climate change cannot be avoided and we all have to be ready for it. The self-readiness can be obtained by increasing information about efforts to prevent negative impacts and implementing them in daily life, such as reducing carbon dioxide emissions by minimizing the use of private vehicles, avoiding burning trash, doing reforestation, saving electrical energy, using goods with recyclable materials, etc. Let's work together to minimize the negative impacts of climate change. (RD) ***

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