Stube-HEMAT Encourages Young People to be More Creative

Saturday, 29 October 2022
by Felix Grace Tyas Moro

By Felix Grace Tyas Moro.          


The HEMAT Stube Multiplication Program in Lampung held a seminar with the theme ‘Children and Women Friendly Church' at GKSBS Batanghari, Kutosari area (28-29/10/2022). The activity became a learning forum for young people to have awareness and care for social humanity issues when carrying out activities in church and society.



In the seminar, the participants were invited to know Stube HEMAT, its history, and its activities. Ariani Narwastujati, S.Pd., S.S., M.Pd, the Executive Director of Stube-HEMAT, conveyed them interestingly through an introduction video and several Stube-HEMAT videos on YouTube. The institution is a student assistance program with the motto H-Hidup (live), E-Efisien (efficient), M-Mandiri (independent), A-Analitis (analytical), and T-Tekun (perseverant). Its logo is taken from a Bible story about a pottery maker who works to form various containers, such as jars and cauldrons. Through trainings, the participants are expected to be formed into qualified individuals. From the presentation, it was known that initially Stube was in Germany and it was brought to Yogyakarta. Currently, the program is developing in Sumba, Bengkulu, Alor, Raja Ampat, and Lampung.



From the videos, the participants learned one of the topics discussed at Stube HEMAT related to food security. Based on the Global Food Security Index (GFSI), Indonesia's food security was in a level of 61.4 in 2020 and decreased to 59.2 in 2021. For this reason, young people must play an active role in agriculture, because who will work as farmers if not them as the next generation. Without farmers, there will be a food crisis because young people are rarely interested in becoming farmers. Ariani asked one of the students at the training, "How much land do you have?" He replied, "Half an acre." Then Ariani asked again, "Who processes it, yourself or someone else?" He replied, "Someone else, and the harvest is divided two." If the land is cultivated by yourself, the harvests will be more. There is a saying that if one seed is planted, it will multiply.



There is a video about the process of local food such as sorghum into cakes, aloe vera into drinks, and cassava into various foods. Furthermore, the participants also watch the utilization of cacao/chocolate pods into quality derivative products. Cocoa plants are easily found in Lampung and have great opportunities to be processed into creative businesses. Chocolate can be processed into chocolate drinks and chocolate dodol  (dodol is a sweet toffee-like sugar palm-based confection). In addition to the world of agriculture, the livestock sector offers the potency for Ettawa goats to produce quality milk, both liquid and powdered milk, as well as milk candies. Apart from the food security video, the participants also watched a video on rainwater for drinking water and how to process it through water electrolysis to increase the water’s pH (power of H) good for health.





Some participants had experience starting a small business by processing local food and how to market them. These two things are not easy, but the experience is a provision for the future. Snack products in the form of rolled pancakes made from rice flour are packaged using mica plastic and marketed from class to class in schools. With small amounts of capital, the sales can cover the expenditures and produce more.

From the videos, presentations and sharing, it turned out that Stube HEMAT activities in Yogyakarta and Lampung were quite interesting and encouraging for the participants to be more creative. ***



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