Student Talks: Indonesian-German

Monday, 27 July 2020
by Linda Titiwijayanti


The Multiplication program of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu through ‘Simple-B Editorial Programs’ held a live broadcast via Instagram (Sunday, 26/07/2020). It lasted 45 minutes (14:00 – 14:45 WIB) hosted by Linda Titiwijayanti, editor of Simple-B, presenting the speaker, Lidia Hotmaida Naibaho, S.P. Lidia is a student from Sidikalang, North Sumatera who is currently pursuing a postgraduate education program at Georg August Goettingen University, Germany. She took a program of Sustainable International – Agriculture. She has completed her undergraduate program at Sriwijaya University majoring in agriculture.



At the beginning of the broadcast, Lidia said that currently lectures in Germany are being conducted online to avoid the spread of Covid-19. She also shared the differences of student life in Germany and in Indonesia. She admitted that lectures in Germany are more relaxed, the interaction between lecturers and students is like friends, when lecturers cannot answer the question from the student, they will apologize. The living cost in Germany is clearly higher. For non-scholarship students, at least they must have a savings around 130 million rupiah per year. The monthly cost of renting a boarding house reaches 4 million rupiahs, and it is very different with in Indonesia. However, no need to worry about food as there are several Asian shops that provide foods from Asia.


Lidia then explained how to get a scholarship. The very important thing is always maintaining enthusiasm because there are many processes that must be passed, being confident and optimistic about success, and trying to meet the requirements made by the scholarship provider such as a minimum IELTS score of 6 (scale 0-9), having work experiences, and being active in organizations or as volunteer. To add to the assessment, Lidia suggested that before applying for a scholarship, it would be better if you take a short course. Short-course is a type of course usually lasting 1 to 8 weeks, such as student exchanges, training on certain scientific studies, and introduction to culture and education in host countries or universities around the world. Lidia also advised Indonesian students to use smart phones to hunt information about scholarships such as from the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) and DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarships which support the mobility of international students who wish to continue their studies in Germany.


At the end of the conversation, Lidia emphasized again that pursuers of scholarship, never be afraid to try, we have nothing to lose because we will gain experience and learn from the experience itself. Before moving on, of course, we must have clear plans and goals and prepare long-term and short-term plans.


The Live program on Instagram by the Stube-HEMAT Multiplication program in Bengkulu started in July 2020 and it expected that more participants will participate in every discussion because there will be always interesting topics discussion. ****

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