Tambur: building togetherness of life

Sunday, 8 August 2021
by Stube HEMAT

By: Stube HEMAT



Tambur (drum) is an acoustic musical instrument usually used during traditional events such as welcoming guests coming to the village or when the government officials visit. This musical instrument is a typical musical instrument from Raja Ampat Regency and has been designated by the government as part of the annual Flute Tambur festival. This festival reveals the exotic sea of ​​Raja Ampat and the strong influence of the traditional culture of Raja Ampat.



Starting on July 21, 2021, the youth of Kapatlap village, North Salawati district, began to work on this traditional drum instrument. This activity is one of the positive and productive efforts during the pandemic because the work related to the tourism sector has not yet been revived and can be said to be dead. The making of the instruments became a preparation for the Flute Tambur festival which will be held when the situation becomes conducive.



The initial process begins by selecting several large trees to be cut as the base material for the large-sized drum. After that, the drum logs were soaked in the river for almost two weeks. While waiting for the process of soaking, the youth of Kapatlap started hunting for Lao-Lao animals, a type of kangaroo, of which leather would use as drum covers. The hunting activity was done in Wayar forest for two days (29-30/07/2021), so it was necessary to stay in the beachfront forest using a practical tarpaulin tent. The Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat, Rev. Grace Eirene Nanuru was also involved in these activities to ensure that these actions did not damage animal habitats for the balance of the forest environment by hunting sufficiently, not an exploitation.





The work on making drums came to the third step (4/08/2021), namely lifted the drum logs from the river. After being lifted, the drum logs entered the process of scraping, trimming, motifs drawing, and painting. The last process is the sewing of the kangaroo leather on the drum, the process is carried out after the leather is completely dry.

After every step is done, there will be a parade or carnival of drums around the village as an expression of joy and to revive the sense of brotherhood as the people go out and dance together. Building a sense of togetherness is very important to unite the vision and mission of life in the future. 


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