The Cyber ​​Development Among Youth

Monday, 5 July 2021
by Reginiana Dosvia



It is undeniable that technology development grows rapidly. People’s daily activities cannot be separated from technology, from simple activities to professional works, almost all require technology. The speaker of the Stube-HEMAT discussion session (4/07/2021) held in Taba Gemantung village was Huanius Jastino, a trainer at a technology company and a smartphone technician and programmer in Central Bengkulu.  That’s why he has the competence to be the facilitator in the meeting with the theme of 'Cyber ​​Technology Challenge'.


In his presentation, Huanius said that the word 'cyber' cannot be separated from any things related to the internet, computers, and cyberspace. A wise youth needs a good understanding to recognize and to respond the current cyber developments. The youth can take a significant role and bring positive influence as social media users, so it is hoped that youth become the good example and the guide for the community.


According to Huanius, there are several benefits by knowing cyber: 1) Enriching insight and knowledge. 2) Having new friends and expand friendships, 3) Being understand to protect privacy in cyberspace by knowing and understanding how to maintain personal identity so that it is difficult to be hacked by other parties, 4) Being a role model for other social media users.


In addition to the benefits, however, some losses can come when users are not wise in using social media, including accounts that can be stolen, the occurrence of criminal cases on social media, bullying, and so on. When the loss occurs, there are two ways to resolve it: the first having win-win solutions; the second is having legal process because all social media users has been protected by the Information and Technology Acts.


The activities ran well and the participants seemed to pay attention that signs a pleasant meeting. Lots of knowledge gained. Besides conveying the materials, the resource persons allowed the participants to express their opinion and suggestion related to cyber problems.

Reginiana, the discussion coordinator, was so proud because the youth were eager to study with Stube-HEMAT. Yohanes Dian Alpasa welcomed the meeting in Central Bengkulu and hoped that students and youth  in Central Bengkulu support activities of friends in Bengkulu City so that the discussion will run more exciting.***

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