Inovation of Mocaf Tiwul by HASTANI Group (East Lampung)

Tuesday, 24 October 2023
by Rev. Theofilus Agus Rohadi, S.Th.




The HASTANI working group, which was formed in August 2023, as the initiation of the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung continues to progress in the midst of the dry season in regions in Indonesia, including Lampung. The drought has been felt by people in East Lampung for approximately 4-5 months. Moreover, the current situation is more difficult, especially the economic problems of the lower class. Agricultural products, such as rice and others have a good price but not enough to meet their daily needs. How comes? Because they have to face the increasing costs of daily necessities, although agricultural products are good, the cost of living is expensive, so nothing has changed. In October 2023, farmers were still experiencing problems because they could not plant crops in the fields due to the scarcity of water and rain.



In Tanjungharapan village, Marga Tiga district, East Lampung Regency, there is a group of women and men who are active in processing their agricultural products, one of the products is "Tiwul" from Mocaf flour (modified cassava flour). The making of tiwul from mocaf is relatively similar to the making of tiwul in general made in the household. However, the difference is in the way to treat the cassava material that will be made into tiwul. The HASTANI community, which is still in its early work, is in the process of developing to process their agricultural products into derivative products, for example, cassava material is processed into flour called Mocaf flour, and then further it is processed into tiwul. If you look at their tiwul, theirs is very different, as it is clean, the natural color is brighter, and it has no smell. The tiwul that we usually find is commonly pale in color, it has the smell of soaked cassava, and it is not pure because there are fibers of the cassava that are also processed.



In two weeks, the HASTANI group can process at least 100 kilograms of cassava which can be processed into 70 kilograms of mocaf flour. Next, it will become at least 60-65 kilograms of tiwul. Although the process is simple, it yields quality products. If we read the Mocaf tiwul literature, it is fermented cassava productthat’s good to be consumed by people with diabetes, because of its low sugar content. The enthusiasm of women and men including youth who want to learn and join the HASTANI community has not been widespread known and neither has their products. However, their enthusiasm for processing their agricultural products needs to be appreciated. Apart from being able to provide alternative sources of food and ingredients for making processed food, the group can increase the value or price of their agricultural products. Even though it is not directly commercialized, they can experience the results of their hard work by selling their tiwul innovation to friends, church members, and others who need tiwul for consumption and resale.



Currently, in East Lampung, the price of tiwul is able to equalize itself with the price of rice in the range of IDR 11.000-13.000. Even, one can get more profits by making tiwul as a snack in the form of savory tiwul with a sprinkling of grated coconut and tiwul chips. Tiwul is no longer the lower classes food, as tiwul is also found in supermarkets consumed by the upper middle class. There are more and more tiwul innovations that can be enjoyed and found anywhere. ***

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Strategic Plan for the Community

Saturday, 30 September 2023
by Rev. Theofilus Agus Rohadi.



There is a simple saying that "everyone must have a goal, if there is no goal, one is not living", the expression is kind of a motivation to encourage someone to have a passion for life through a life goal to achieve. By setting a goal, someone will enjoy living the life, so that, he will not easily give up when facing the life difficulties or challenges. Likewise, a community, activity group, and workgroup need to have goals and dreams that will be achieved over time, years, and an unlimited period.



Considering the importance of a strategic plan, the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung held a discussion on preparing a strategic plan for a community, so that it has the enthusiasm to continue moving towards achieving its dreams, at GKSBS Batanghari church in the Banarjoyo area (30/09/23). The discussion presented by the speaker Rev. A.T Hariyanto, S.Pd. M.Div, a pastor on special duty of Education from GKSBS Batanghari at Lampung State University, usually accompanies churches, social institutions, and communities to develop strategic plans to achieve their desired dreams. The activity was attended by 20 people from churches, community groups, and independent groups (one of them was the HASTANI working group initiated by Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung).





Rev. A.T Hariyanto said that planning may be categorized in several criteria, as Long Term Plans [RJP], commonly known as Development Main Plans [RIP], strategic planning [RENSTRA], and tactical planning or operational plans [RENOP]. Main Development Plans are usually prepared for more than 20 years, strategic plans for 5-10 years, and operational plans for one year.

During the session, the participants were invited to be directly involved in developing a strategic plan for their respective groups or communities. The interesting point about the activity was they are thinking about how to ensure their group continues to exist and be sustainable in the future, depending on the dynamics of development and changes in their respective conditions. Therefore, a goal that is interesting, fun, affordable, and tangible according to the circumstances and needs of the group becomes a strength or driving force so that the work programs that are handed down will be easy to carry out. Rev. A.T Hariyanto, as a facilitator, accompanied the learning with patience because most participants had long left school and had to struggle with systematic planning. The activity was not in vain, as the evidence showed that a simple strategic plan could be produced during the process that actually it was not easy for the participants.



Even though they need to learn more deeply in detail to produce a strategic plan for a group or community, at least that day the participants were able to see an overview of the preparation of a strategic plan for their community. Knowing one's strengths, knowing one's weaknesses, seeing opportunities outside, and seeing threats from outside are the first steps in finding a vision and mission, which can be formulated as big issues for each community. The annual program preparation was the final part of finding daily activities that would be carried out by the community or group as a movement to work on the community's journey. The discussion activity for preparing a strategic plan for the community was exciting, tough, and intense, but interesting. ***

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Creativity Raises Prices

Monday, 28 August 2023
by Rev. Theofilus Agus Rohadi S,Th




Who is not familiar with cassava or wood tubers? In Latin cassava is called manihot esculenta. The average cassava yield per-hectare per-year is approximately 30 tons. According to Lampung government data, cassava land both managed by farmers and limited liability companies (PT) is approximately 366.830 hectares, and half of them belong to farmers. With a long planting period between 6-8 months to get the best cassava, farmers have to work hard when their cassava has not been harvested. The phenomenon of farmers who then work odd jobs and migrate to other areas to earn for their lives, often occurs in rural areas in Lampung.



Cassava harvesting is a great hope for farmers, but not all farmers can enjoy their agricultural products completely, because in general farmers have spent out their money before harvest by making farming capital loans, as well as for daily needs. Sometimes cassava products are only enough to pay debts, if there is positive balance, it will be used as capital to plant cassava stems again. So, in fact, many cassava farmers are less successful if all processing requires funds or capital. It becomes worse because the price is very unstable when it is sold to cassava factory and middlemen.



Seeing this condition, the Stube HEMAT Multiplication Program in Lampung in collaboration with the GKSBS-Batanghari Women's Commission held agricultural product management activities to have better economic value, especially cassava agricultural products (27/08/2023). Accompanied by Utik Suarsih, S.PKP, from the East Lampung Regency Agriculture Office, and Astrid Sianipar S.P, agricultural extension worker of Sekampung district, East Lampung Regency, participants were given insight the potential of processing agricultural products to have higher economic value than untreated cassava. The resource person said the need for creativity so that the agricultural potency owned, has a better price. On this occasion, the two speakers, who often accompany farmers, provided education and training to process cassava into Mocaf (MOdified CAssava Flour). This flour is made from cassava and has advantages compared to other flours for example; the ingredients are easy to obtain, easy to process, and healthier because the sugar content is very little and it can even be said to be gluten free. Mocaf can be used as a processed ingredient for various pastries, cakes, and it can also be used as processed ingredients such as Tiwul rice and several other food creations.



Participants learned to make Mocaf by choosing the best type of cassava, then peeled cassava clean until the epidermis that coated it like mucus was removed, then sliced thinly, soaked in water for 12 hours, mixed with special ingredients to produce clean and white Mocaf. Furthermore, cassava is dried to dry with a moisture content approximately 0.3%, then ground to become flour. It is very simple to make and the participants can already enjoy Mocaf at home to make various processed foods.

At the stage of becoming Mocaf, has increased the price of approximately Rp 20.000 per kg, so, if it’s processed food at a later stage, it must add value or higher prices. The activity carried out by Multiplication Stube-HEMAT and GKSBS Batanghari Church started from 12.00 to 17.00 Western Indonesian time, providing provisions for the participants, especially church women in utilizing the potential of agricultural products. Creativity adds value, especially price. Have a nice creativity. ***

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Cocoa: Brown Gold From East Lampung

Monday, 31 July 2023
by Rev. Theofilus Agus Rohadi, S.Th



Caturswako village and Sukadanabaru village are the two villages where the GKSBS Batanghari congregation is living, with the majority of the population being cocoa plantation farmers. The type of cocoa developed in these two villages is MCC (Masamba Cacao Clone), from North Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi. This type of cocoa has high production potential and good quality beans, it has large fruits and its seeds are as big as a thumb, it will be reddish when it starts to ripen on the stem. There are two types of MCC cocoa, namely MCC 01 and MCC 02. Residents and church members in these two villages plant this type of cocoa with a planting period of 3 years, the cocoa fruit can be picked and make money to meet daily needs. Church residents in these two villages are quite helped by this cocoa plant, even they are able to send their children to college in Lampung or in Java Island and several other areas from cocoa products.



The Stube-HEMAT multiplicator in Lampung together with church youth made observations and studied together, in order to be able to process cocoa beans into derivative products such as products consumed in daily household. (30/07/2023). First, it began by directly reviewing cocoa plantations owned by residents of the GKSBS church in Batanghari, East Lampung and owned by residents of the community around the church in Caturswako and Sukadanabaru villages. This field trip showed that it is true that cocoa beans grown by church residents and communities have super quality. It can be seen from the large enough of a cocoa fruit weighing approximately 0.5 kg to 1 kg per fruit, and when it is peeled, the cocoa beans appear as big as an adult's thumb. Cocoa beans in East Lampung area are picked every 2 weeks and farmers can get a bumper harvest about 3-4 times annually. During ordinary months, farmers can harvest 30-50 kg per 1/4 hectare, at a price of 16,000 rupiah per kilo after drying it under the sun for 2 hours.



Multiplicator Stube-HEMAT in Lampung and church youth found that farmers were quite satisfied with the sale of wet cocoa beans, without any further processing. When compared to the marketing of cocoa that has been processed, for example by fermenting, the economic value will increase to 40-55% per kilo. Especially if this super cocoa bean is processed into processed sweet chocolate sold in markets and supermarkets, of course farmers will get better revenue. It has not been thought by farmers to be able to process their cocoa products into processed materials having more economical value.



How to get a "fair price" for farmers, drives Stube-HEMAT Multiplicator in Lampung to be able to learn to process cocoa into processed household products for farmers in Caturswako and Sukadanabaru villages. The learning experience together with STUBE-HEMAT Yogyakarta that facilitated studies in Nglanggeran village, Gunung Kidul which was able to process chocolate into derivative products in its "Griya Coklat", greatly inspired the youth and community members in East Lampung. With the potential of cocoa gardens in these two areas reaching approximately 10 hectares, it certainly promises prospects for the welfare of residents, churches and local communities.




With the congregation and community members, we continue to learn to process cocoa into derivative products in East Lampung, by seeking information, reading, networking and collaborating with any parties who know about it, until finding the expected results. East Lampung cocoa is like brown gold that decorates beautifully in our garden, unfortunately we have not been able to manage it optimally. ***


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Waiting for Young People's Participation in Village Development

Monday, 13 March 2023
by Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung

The young generation in the village tends to be less proactive in being involved in development in their area because they prefer to migrate to other areas for seeking a better life, even though the village has great potency of natural resources that can be managed to fulfill their daily needs. Related to this issue, the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung held a workshop at Pondok Diakonia GKSBS Batanghari by inviting Sugianto (head of village financial affairs) and Dendy Setyo Harjo (head of Karang Taruna Banarjoyo village) (Sunday, 12/03/2023). The workshop aims to: (1) Participants know the direction of village development; (2) Participants know how the young generation contributes to village development; (3) Participants have an overview of their roles and functions in development in their village.



The workshop was hosted by Yesaya and Griya from Pondok Diakonia who started the event by describing the village's uniqueness and interesting things, as well as observing village developments in an increasingly modern era. The first question asked to Sugianto was how the development of the village in this advanced era. “We should be grateful that now the village is quite advanced, both in facilities and infrastructure, compared to several decades ago. In the past, you had to go to the market to go to Metro City, now it's close because it's in our village. In the past, we had to wait for public transportation for hours, now many people have private vehicles. In the past many street were dark, now almost all corners of the village are lighted with electricity,” he answered.


"Furthermore, for economic issues, currently there are many creative people. In the past, people only thought about how to grow rice, but now they are more innovative by planting various plants, so there is a great chance of getting profits, especially supported by good road access. In this digital era, I feel left behind with young people, communication and information are fast and widely available, but it makes people reluctant to gather, so there are only a few young people who are active in Karang Taruna of Banarjoyo village," Sugianto added to his explanation.



Regarding the role of young people in the village, Dendy Setyo Harjo said, “Young people are a village's great potency, if a village wants to have progress, it must involve young people in development. Most people think that young people don't know anything, or they can't do anything. As a young person, do you want to accept such a statement?” Several participants stated that they did not want to be seen as incompetent, because they could form sports groups, develop study groups, or farming and livestock entrepreneurship groups, although Banarjoyo village has 160 listed young members and just 7 people were active. The most common activities carried out are meetings, commemorating independence day, and taking part in security service during religious celebrations. Dendy admitted that young people have not been much involved in village development because they do not know where they are going. It’s admitted that the village apparatus several times called for a joint meeting, but it was limited to carry out the village government policy to hold celebratory activities. He also complained that there was no special fund that Karang Taruna could manage. So far, if the Karang Taruna plans a program, the members propose or collect funding by themselves.


Responding to this, Sugianto explained that actually there are village funds that can be budgeted from the village government, but so far they have not been specifically allocated because still no proposed programs to be discussed during the budget planning. Till now, youth activities of Karang Taruna have been included in the village's general activity fund.


In closing the workshop, Dendy emphasized, “Young people don't have to travel far to become successful people. It cannot be avoided that the demands force children who are smart and have sufficient abilities to leave their villages. In my opinion, there needs to be cooperation and openness involving young people in village development. Young people need to be asked what they want, so they can be actively involved in the village where they were born and raised.” While Sugianto added, “For me, young people are village potency that must be managed and empowered for village development. Youth is needed in the village, if the youth are not active then the village will not develop. Young people have a better future, and they also have enough energy to make changes in the village. The village government needs to be more open and proactive in involving village youths so they know the direction of village development and are willing to be involved in the development.” ***


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Get to Know All about Village

Monday, 27 February 2023
by Multiplicator Stube HEMAT Lampung

Nearly 70 percent of Indonesian people live in villages. With such a large percentage, the village has great potency to support the progress of a country. Unfortunately, many villages have not received attention from the government for development, so the participation of the community, especially young people, is needed to develop villages. The discussion 'Getting to Know All about Village' became an important activity held by the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Lampung (Saturday-Sunday, 25-26/02/2023). ‘The participants of the discussion are expected to have a correct understanding of the village, have an overview of the importance of the village in nation-building, and have knowledge about the role and function of society," Rev. Theofilus conveyed his hope in the opening of activity held in the Catur Swako village, East Lampung.


Moderated by Cahyo from the Pondok Diakonia (Diaconal Dormitory) of GKSBS Batanghari, and resource person Sukadi, SP., this activity was designed in a presentation and a question and answer session. As a resource person, Sukadi has an educational background of Agricultural Social Economics and works as a village assistant in a village in East Lampung. As a village assistant, he manages the village potency having hilly topography used as tourism objects in collaboration with the Youth Organization and the local Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes). "Village is a legal community unit with household administration based on origin rights and customs recognized by the central government and domiciled in the district area. Etymologically the word village comes from Sanskrit, namely Deca which means homeland, hometown, or birthplace. Geographically, a village is defined as a group of houses or shops in a country area, smaller than a town," said the source person opening the discussion. The village has great potential if it’s managed properly and by having a good understanding of the village will help someone not to underestimate the village anymore.



Sukadi appreciated the multiplication of Stube-HEMAT in Lampung which initiated a learning forum so that children from the village have an experience of knowing themselves, including getting to know their village. He hoped that many village children will make progress so that they can develop, and then manage the potency of their village. Furthermore, he explained the village as an administrative area under the regency, leadership, and ranks in the village government, village structure, and village supervisory bodies. All of this is to make the village self-sufficient, capable of developing villages, and able to empower village communities, having the ability to see and manage existing resources, both natural and human resources. Sukadi encouraged the participants to take part in village development. If there is open access from the village, young people can propose positive activities to be implemented in the village.

Next, Sunday's activity was a workshop with the church members to see their own and regional potency led by Rev. Theofilus A.R. and Thomas Julianto. Most church members are farmers, so they produce agricultural products such as coffee, cocoa, ginger, turmeric, bananas, and cassava. In the workshop, they hope to increase their income, but they were powerless because agricultural products had very low prices, far compared to the increasingly high living needs. There are two things that they hope for, namely being able to manage products so they have high selling value and finding the right buyers/markets. They complained that the market often gives no appropriate reward for the efforts of the farmers.

The workshop identified business potencies and opportunities that can be initiated and the need for community and church community empowerment. So for the follow-up, the need for training and coaching to manage agricultural products, and a need for networks to bridge farmers and the right market. In addition, the activity stimulated participants to have a sense of belonging to the village where they live and encourages young people not to feel inferior but optimistic that they can also be successful. ***

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