Involving Students     To Make Campus Regulation   (Jitro Tamu Ama, Mathematics, Unkriswina-Sumba)

Wednesday, 24 April 2019
by adminstube
Pro and contra will always appear toward new policies issued by a party that bind others. It is natural dynamic. It also happened when the leader of Wira Wacana-Sumba Christian University issued a regulation regarding with smoking prohibition and disposing betel nut spit carelesssly in campus area. The regulation itself has been effective since the beginning of new periode 2018/2019. The rector announced the regulation in the prayer & worship of civitas academica Unkriswina attended by all lecturers, staffs and students.
The regulation made by campus and announced by the rector surprised all students, even some were rather shocked and then asked why such rules should be made, while some others gave opinion about smoking ban was not needed to be implemented by considering that all in campuss are mature and not high school students anymore. The parties who agreed with it, said that campus should be smoking-free area in order to avoid disease. Actually the regulation itself was related with problem of campus cleanliness.
The involvement of student is part of democracy
The existence of pro and con parties towards new regulations made by campus, could be understood by the writer, the writer didn’t disagree with the regulation as it related with health and campus cleanliness. However what the writer regretted was campus did not involve students to make the regulation and there was no regulation publication to students but it must be followed by all campus stakeholders.
Student involvement to make campus regulation showed that campus respected democracy. In this case, campus should invite student organizations to discuss first, because they were some representatives of  students.
Campus should provide specific space for students who eat betel nut and smoke, also realizes that there are many students eating betel nut, even smoking. In order to accommodate everyone to be happy in campus, campus should provide a space for those who eat betel nut and smoke.
In conclusion, the writes did not reject the regulation because it was a good will, considering students were not aware of maintaining cleanliness when smoking and throwing away betel nut spit. The writer just needed to criticize the campus which did not involve student organizations to have discussions about it first. The regulation should be obeyed by all campus stakoholders, such as lecturers, staffs and students. The regulation should be obeyed by all stakeholders without exception. It reflects that  democracy  works well. ***

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Vocational School Graduates Dominate Unemployment in Indonesia Solfina Lika Lija, Theology, STT Terpadu

Wednesday, 24 April 2019
by adminstube
Indonesia is a country that rich in natural resources, both at sea and on land. However, the unemployment rate is quite high. One of the contributors to the unemployment rate, according to data in August 2018, came from graduates of Vocational Schools (SMK) which reached 11%. Online media (11/11/2018) posted news entitled "The Unemployment in Indonesia is Mostly Graduates of Vocational Schools, Jokowi Said"
The vocational school slogan ‘ready to work’ infact is not proportional to real condition, because data showed many vocational school graduates who have not worked yet. The government program has been very supportive by making Vocational Schools directly focusing on a job by training students continuously at school, and being ready to work after graduated. Unfortunately, the intention and good start to prepare the nation's cadres who are ready to work is not comparable to availability of job opportunity provided by the government.
There are still companies that are not sure to vocational school graduates, even some companies hired foreign workers. It is ironic that we lose competitiveness with foreign workers. In this case the government should act decisively, giving warning to private sector which employ less of Indonesian workers. Further, responding to this, government should take action quickly by providing jobs for vocational school graduates. I observe that vocational graduates actually have high and good working spirit.
At last, I invited all young people, besides wishing for the government's responsibility in providing jobs, we have to improve our soft skills (communication skills, hard work, honesty etc.) so that we become qualified young Indonesians who are ready to face global competition that is full of competitors. ***

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Livestocks Theft In Sumba Island Rambu Melani Konga, Husbandry, Unkriswina

Saturday, 20 April 2019
by adminstube
Sumba Island is well-known for producing livestocks, its nature with savannas is modal and motivation for the community to raise animals such as cattle, horses, buffaloes and pigs. Livestock is very beneficial for the community, in addition to financial benefits, livestocks is needed to fulfill custom needs. Nearly in every house has one of them. (5/07/2012) released an article ‘sumba island, livestock potency of the savanna". "Livestock in East Sumba has good potency. This is supported by geographical conditions that are indeed very suitable. Savanna is an excellent natural means for livestock on Sumba Island. The availability of natural food sources for livestock make savanna very feasible location for livestock development, However, in the past few years, the Sumbanese have been troubled by cases of livestock theft, which is certainly harming them., one of online medias in East Sumba (02/20/2016) put the headline "The rise of livestock theft in East Sumba",  Another news gathered by the writer from online media, (9/02/2019) reported that "East Sumba Regional Police Revealed Theft of 19 Cows", These news revealed condition of Sumba which is prone to cases of livestock theft. Our question is what should be done so that such cases  can be vanished from this Marapu island?
Livestocks theft should be completely handled by police. The cases have occured for years. They are increasing and causing anxiety among people, as livestocks are main income that support economic needs. During investigation, the police should not focus only on the perpetrators who were found stealing livestocks, but also the syndicate. The absence of in-depth investigation will make the theft more widespread. It is important to involve all stakeholders in fighting livestock theft. This is the responsibility of all members of the community, not only the police. It is time to reactivate night watch and every livestock is given an identity stamp and identity card. The stamp will make easier for the owner to identify the livestocks well, while the identity card informs clear and legal data of the livestock.
Finally, the writer invites all elements of society to join hands in hands eradicating livestock theft cases, while the police really thoroughly investigates the case to its root, in order to get rid the cry of people who lost their cattle. ***

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Can Indonesia Be Free From Corruption? Tamu Ina Rambu Hudang, Management, Unkriswina  

Wednesday, 17 April 2019
by adminstube
Corruption cases in Indonesia is now at an alarming rate. Almost every month we see news of corruption in the media. As if corruption has already ingrained, which cannot be separated from government officials, even officials of Ministry of Religion. The ministry that’s supposed to teach ethics and morality isn’t free from corruption and position trading.
Vice chairman of KPK (2015-2019) Saut Situmorang said that many corruption cases came from the country’s national budget (APBN), which in 2019 values more than two thousand trillion. If 20% of it is corrupted, it means that the country lost around 200 trillion each year. Of course, this number is huge. If the country’s budget is truly spent for public interests, especially those who live on the poverty line, there will be no more cries from them because of hunger or difficulties to sustain their livings. High level of corruption is also the cause of the increase of poverty in Indonesia, and the increase of students who are drop out school due to lack of funds. Therefore, the government must be more assertive on eradicating corruption. My little heart asked me whether Indonesia can be free from corruption.
To answer the aforementioned questions, we must start from our current steps in eradicating corruption, which will affect the future course of the nation. If we are still in doubted to combat corruption and still selfish, corruption will not go away. Anti-corruption culture must be taught since childhood. Family, the smallest institution has a major role on teaching the nation’s future generation. Family must teach the value that taking something that is not their belongings is wrong. School also plays a great role on teaching the nation’s future generation. School is expected not only to focus on the children’s knowledge but also ethics and morality must be taught too. Leaders must be good examples, so that, they must be free from issues of corruption, collusion, and nepotism (KKN). Leaders must be aware that he works for people and paid by the people and not only for his own or a certain group’s interest.
National institutions, in this case, Corruption Watch Commission (KPK), judiciary, police and other institutions that handle corruption issue must be really assertive to give sentences to the corruptors with fair justice. If every stakeholder plays their role precisely, then our nation’s hope to be free of corruption could be a reality. Let us teach honesty since childhood and keep working together against corruption. ***

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Preparing Earnest Writer

Wednesday, 10 April 2019
by adminstube
“The writing ability of East Sumba youth is still minimum, either writing opinion or report style. Further, writing is important skill to master by youth and moreover by college students. In this global era, youth is required to develop many skills, covering writing, as it can be used to voice aspiration, justice for marginalized people and so on. There are many more usage of writing mastery”, Yulius Anawaru one of Stube HEMAT Sumba team said when he was interviewed at the secretary, on Monday, April 8, 2019.
Next, Yulius told, “We expect that through journalism training, youth of East Sumba will have good writing ability, critical attitude and social care on the surrounding issues. Besides, we also expect that their writings as the result of the training will be worthy for local or national mass media”.
Apriyanto Hangga, onother Stube HEMAT Sumba team members said, ”This training is under coordination with Stube Hemat Yogyakarta and there are two locations of the training, that is, in Waingapu and Lewa. The participants are students studying in some colleges in Waingapu and students studying in Theological Institute in Lewa. Total participants in two locations are 20 students. The training will be held for 10 meetings in the period of 2 months”.
Rudyolof Imanuel Malo Pinda, S.Sos, became the training facilitator and first he shared some tips how a writing is worthy for mass media, “In writing either opinion or report, one should be diligent to read and up dated with new information. He/she should write actual themes or themes that will be actual among people’s life. Interesting and actual theme is much worthy for mass media”. 
“I’m happy and so grateful to both Stube HEMAT Sumba and Jogja having such training. I hope that it will make my writing ability better. I love writing articles related to social problems in my surroundings, mainly in my village”, Solfina Lika Lija, a student of Christian University of Wira Wacana, one of journalism participants said.*** (SLL, Theologi, STT Terpadu-Waingapu)

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