‘Pas Sudah!’ Yes, it is a brand of hot chili sauce initiated by Kresensia Risna Efrieno, one of the Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta activists. She started a culinary-based entrepreneur after going through a long process, not only with enthusiasm but also knowledge of food and entrepreneurship that she got from a series of activities at Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta that she participated in, including Digital Technology, Local Food Initiatives, Social Entrepreneurship, and Marine Economy.
The choice to plunge into the hot chili sauce business is because chili sauce has become an additional menu, or it can be said that chili sauce has become a mandatory menu for spicy fans. Apart from that, she can 'mix' ingredients into a special spicy chili sauce that makes people addicted. In making this spicy chili sauce, she uses selected ingredients from cayenne pepper, curly red chilies, tomatoes, and sea-fish. Other ingredients are onion, garlic, pepper, salt and sugar.
It must be admitted that chilies are a 'challenging' food ingredient because they are a food commodity susceptible to price fluctuations. It can even change in days. Therefore, the supply of chilies for this chili sauce comes directly from farmers, so they are still freshly picked and are profitable for farmers. The use of fresh chilies and tomatoes picked from farmers is an added value to this product.
Serve the spicy chili sauce Pas Sudah! in a red-capped bottle with a net of 150 grams, making it practical to carry. This product is sold at IDR 20.000 per bottle. With pre-orders and direct sales, currently, the marketing of Spicy Sambal products 'Pas Sudah!' is reaching Yogyakarta and its surroundings with various consumers from students, families, young professionals, and the general public, for personal consumption, delivery goods, and some as souvenirs to take to other cities.
Some consumers of the spicy chili sauce ‘Pas Sudah!’ also gave testimonials, such as "The chili sauce is awesome, it's just the right amount of spicy, it makes you addicted too, there was also my friend who couldn't stand the spicy taste, but she wanted more. (Mensiana, student in Yogyakarta), "The taste is just right on the tongue, just use this chili sauce to eat and finish the rice. Thanks, always successful, GBU" (Santi Ratri, housewife in Sleman), "Overall, for the Sambal Pedas 'Pas Sudah!' the taste is just right, the spiciness is just right (friendly), the sweetness is not too dominant, the price is cheap" (Elisabeth Frida, teacher in Palembang), "The spiciness is great, immediately melts, the sweet and salty is cool, slow on the tongue, the 'pindang' fish also kicks, the taste is more complete." (Eko Madyo Asih, midwife in Semarang).
In the future, Kresensia, the pioneer, will continue to improve product quality from the best ingredients, consistency of taste, and appearance. She also has a dream of spicy chili sauce ‘Pas Sudah!’ has become an alternative product for spicy chili sauce lovers and has become a gift from Yogyakarta which is consumed by people in various cities of Indonesia. Thank you Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta, for being a home of inspiration for students.***