Stube HEMAT Garden: Integrated Learning Site

Saturday, 30 March 2024
by Trustha Rembaka



The initiation of a garden and learning site in Gunungkidul is one of Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta's steps to apply theory and practice from its programs, such as food diversity, water use, integrated agriculture, and social entrepreneurship. Students and whoever can learn while doing practise here according to the topic of interest.



Some of the learning platforms include integrated agriculture, such as diversity of food crops by planting crops based on the harvest, such as harvesting roots in the form of cassava and spices; harvesting stalks such as sugar cane; harvesting leaves such as mustard greens, spinach, cassava leaves, kale, and katuk; harvesting flowers such as papaya and kecombrang; harvesting fruit, such as eggplant, tomatoes, chilies, long beans, and loofah.






Another learning facility is a tarpaulin pond for raising fish as a source of food and protein, while the water can be used to water plants. Why use tarpaulin? It addresses the challenges of soil conditions in Gunungkidul which tend to be chalky and has high porosity, so it needs appropriate tools to prevent water from seeping quickly. Another challenge in farming activities is watering that’s more suitable using drip watering because it is calculated to be more efficient in energy and water need than the drip and puddle method. Here, students can learn various watering techniques and assemble installations, so they can choose and implement a system that is suitable with the soil condition of the place where they live.




Oyster mushrooms are cultivated in the mushroom greenhouse complementing the food diversity in this garden with the production of fresh oyster mushrooms. 100 grams of Oyster mushrooms contain nutrients of 30 kcal energy, 1.90 g protein, 0.10 g carbohydrates, 5.50 vitamins B1, B2 and dietary fiber ( /472/nutritional-value-of-fresh-oyster-mushrooms). Students and whoever interested can explore oyster mushroom cultivation, and learn to process oyster mushrooms into crispy mushrooms, mushroom chips, mushroom powder, and mushroom floss.

As a supporting medium for learning in this garden, students can also explore the use of rainwater which is processed through rainwater processing installations as an electrolysis process. Also, several spots for camping grounds complement the Stube HEMAT garden.


Learning is 'lifelong learning' process that a person can continue to learn happily and sustainably to have self- development and it lasts throughout life. Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta is here as a learning space for all.***

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